// ^A^ A_Button // ^B^ B_Button // ^X^ X_Button // ^Y^ Y_Button // ^W^ White_Button // ^K^ Black_Button // ^L^ Left_Trigger // ^R^ Right_Trigger // ^D^ D_Pad // ^C^ Click_Left_Thumbstick // ^T^ Click_Right_Thumbstick // ^F^ Flick_Target [AdventHUD_TextWindow] LstrHelpHintStr_Activate=" to activate" //LstrHelpHintStr_Hold="Hold" //LstrHelpHintStr_LeftHand=" for L" //LstrHelpHintStr_RightHand=" for R" LstrHelpHintStr_LeftHand=" For L hand hold " LstrHelpHintStr_RightHand=" For R hand hold " LstrHelpHintStr_SaveProgress="Saving Progress..." LstrHelpHintStr_CheckSaved="Checkpoint..." LstrHelpHintStr_CheckRestored="Restoring Checkpoint..." LstrHelpHintStr_NewObjective="New Objective:" LstrHelpHintStr_NewMove="New Special Moves Availible" LstrHelpHintStr_WeaponLevelUp=" Mastery level " LstrHelpHintStr_ObjectiveCompleted="Objective Completed" LstrHelpHintStr_Error="Checkpoint Restored" LstrHelpHintStr_PowerMeter="Power Meter up level " LstrHelpHintStr_Stamina="Melee Mastery level " LstrHelpHintStr_Jumping="Jumping Mastery level " LstrHelpHintStr_ToContinue="Continue" LstrHINT_NONE="Default string" LstrHINT_Targeting_Y=" 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 |" LstrHINT_Targeting_Z="123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345" LstrHINT_Targeting_A="Target the light by flicking ^F^|your right thumbstick towards it.|Click the right thumbstick|to re-center the camera." LstrHINT_Targeting_B="While targeted on an enemy,|flick ^F^ the right thumbstick|to cycle between enemies." LstrHINT_Targeting_C="To reload weapons, press ^Y^.|For melee attacks, press ^B^.|To execute a jump, Press ^A^.|For a quick dodge, press ^X^|and move the Left Thumbstick|in the direction you want to dodge." LstrHINT_Targeting_D="To dodge, press ^X^ and move the left thumbstick in the direction you want to dodge." LstrHINT_Movement_A="'Right thumbstick' = Look. ^A^ = jump. ^A^ + ^X^ + left thumbstick = Long jump. While targeted ^X^ + ^A^ = Dodge. ^B^ = Melee. ^X^ = Crouch." LstrHINT_Movement_B="Move with the left thumbstick" LstrHINT_Movement_C="Move the right thumbstick to look around, ^F^ the right thumbstick to target enemies." LstrHINT_Movement_D="You have the Surge power. Use it to knock objects out of your way." LstrHINT_Movement_E="You have the Negate power. Use it to generate an energy shield." LstrHINT_Jumping_A="Press ^A^ to jump; hold it down to jump higher." LstrHINT_Jumping_B="When jumping into a wall or object, quickly tapping ^A^ will caWhite Button you to jump again." LstrHINT_Jumping_C="While moving, pressing ^X^ and ^A^ simultaneously will perform a long jump." LstrHINT_Jumping_D="Holding down the ^X^ and ^A^ simultaneously will charge up a high-jump. Releasing the buttons executes the jump." LstrHINT_Jumping_E="You have the Aeon Pulse. Use it to fire energy bolts from your hands." LstrHINT_Jumping_F="You have the Timeshift power. Use it for high speed attacks." LstrHINT_Dodging_A="While targeted on an enemy, pressing ^X^ and ^A^ simultaneously will perform a slow-motion dodge." LstrHINT_Dodging_B="Pressing ^X^ will perform a real-time dodge." LstrHINT_Dodging_C="Try dodging forward, back, left and right." LstrHINT_Dodging_D="You have the Shatter power. Use it to fire ice shards from your hands." LstrHINT_Dodging_E="unused" LstrHINT_Melee_A="Use your Directional pad to highlight a power/weapon, press right or left trigger to select. Press ^Y^ to switch your right weapon to alternate fire. Double press ^Y^ to switch your left weapon to alternate fire." LstrHINT_Melee_B="Perform melee combos by tapping ^B^ repeatedly." LstrHINT_Melee_C="Try combining jumps, high-jumps, and long-jumps with a melee attack." LstrHINT_Melee_D="Defeat the Marines.|Target an enemy by flicking ^F^|your right thumbstick towards him.|Attack by pressing ^B^." LstrHINT_Melee_E="unused" LstrHINT_PowersWeapons_A="Use the ^D^ to highlight a power or weapon, and then press ^R^ or ^L^ to assign it to Gideon's right or left hand." LstrHINT_PowersWeapons_B="To throw a weapon, hold down ^W^ and then tap the corresponding R or L Trigger." LstrHINT_PowersWeapons_C="To move an object you are levitating, rotate the camera with the right thumbstick." LstrHINT_PowersWeapons_D="To fling an object you are levitating, ^F^ flick your right thumbstick in the direction you want to throw." LstrHINT_ALTFire_A="Tap ^Y^ to switch your right-hand weapon to its alternate fire. Hit it again to switch back." LstrHINT_ALTFire_B="Double-tap ^Y^ to switch your left-hand weapon to its alternate fire. Double-tap it again to switch back." LstrHINT_ALTFire_D="You have the Lift power. Use it to levitate and throw objects." LstrHINT_ALTFire_E="unused" LstrHINT_Use_A="Target certain enemies and press ^W^ to steal their weapon. Target a weapon press ^W^ to pick it up." LstrHINT_Use_B="Target certain enemies and press ^W^ to steal their weapon." LstrHINT_Use_C="Target a weapon and press ^W^ to pull it to you." LstrHINT_Use_D="If you run over a weapon, press ^W^ to pick it up." LstrHINT_Use_E="Press ^W^ to throw a grenade." LstrHINT_Use_F="Click ^C^ to enter and exit crouch mode.|When crouched, your accuracy increases.|To throw a grenade, press ^W^.|To switch to alternate fire,|hold ^K^ and press the ^L^ or ^R^ trigger." LstrHINT_VEHICLE_A="Press ^X^ to use a vehicle. ^R^ Right_Trigger = Accelerate. ^L^ Left_Trigger = Fire. ^A^ = boost. ^X^ = brake. ^W^ and ^B^ will exit vehicle." LstrHINT_VEHICLE_B="^A^ boost" LstrHINT_VEHICLE_C="^X^ brake" LstrHINT_VEHICLE_D="^W^ and ^B^ will exit the vehicle." LstrHINT_VEHICLE_E="Tap ^Y^ to switch your vehicles weapon to its alternate fire, tap it again to switch back." LstrHINT_VEHICLE_F="Aim the camera in the direction you wish to fly by using the right thumbstick.|The shuttle moves at a constant rate, using the ^R^ Right_Trigger will accelerate slightly." LstrHINT_VEHICLE_G="Press ^X^ to use a Scythe. Use the Right Thumbstick to aim the camera in the direction you wish to drive.|The Left Thumbstick controls the forward and reverse speed.|^R^ = Boost. ^L^ = Brake.|Press ^X^ again to exit." LstrHINT_WALLLEAN_A="Pressing into a wall will allow you to do a wall-lean." LstrHINT_WALLLEAN_B="Pressing left or right while doing a wall lean will caWhite Button Gideon to lean around a corner." LstrHINT_WALLLEAN_C="Try wall-leaning against the alternate Negate power." LstrHINT_WALLLEAN_D="unused" LstrHINT_WALLLEAN_E="You have the Lift power. Use it to levitate and throw objects." LstrHINT_MISC_A="A locked door? Open it with your fist." LstrHINT_MISC_B="To Use tanks press ^W^ button" LstrHINT_MISC_C="Decisions, decisions. A frontal assault to the right, or a stealthy assault to the left?" LstrHINT_MISC_D="When poised to throw the rock, unleash a fully charged Surge blast." LstrHINT_MISC_E="Press and hold ^X^ to operate the lift control panel." LstrHINT_MISC_F="Use the ^D^ to highlight the levitation power, assign it to a button and pick up objects by using that button." LstrHINT_CONTROLLER_RECONNECT1="Please reconnect the controller" LstrHINT_CONTROLLER_RECONNECT2="to controller port " LstrHINT_CONTROLLER_RECONNECT3="and press START to continue" //New in game level up strings LstrBasePower="Base Power" LstrDamageAndAccuracy="Increased damage and accuracy" LstrDamageAndAccuracyBoth="Increased damage for both modes" LstrEnergyBlast2="Increased damage" LstrEnergyBlast3="Radial flare mode unlocked" LstrEnergyBlast4="Increased flare damage and radius" LstrEnergyBlast5="Maximum damage and radius" LstrLevitation2="Less energy drain" LstrLevitation3="Multi-lift mode unlocked" LstrLevitation4="Multi-lift increase" LstrLevitation5="Maximum damage and lift" LstrEnergyPush2="Increased damage and radius" LstrEnergyPush3="Weapon Steal unlocked" LstrEnergyPush4="Increased damage and radius" LstrEnergyPush5="Maximum damage and radius" LstrShatter2="Increased damage" LstrShatter3="Freeze Mode unlocked" LstrShatter4="Increased damage and freeze radius" LstrShatter5="Maximum damage and freeze radius" LstrShield1="Can place one shield" LstrShield2="Can place two shields" LstrShield3="Can place three shields and sphere unlocked" LstrShield4="Less energy drain" LstrShield5="Can place four shields and sustained sphere" LstrSpeed2="Less energy drain" LstrSpeed3="Time-damp Mode unlocked" LstrSpeed4="Less energy drain" LstrSpeed5="Sustained time-damp" //LstrhmnBlaster2=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrhmnBlaster3="Grenade alt fire mode enabled" LstrhmnBlaster4="Increased grenade explosive power" //LstrhmnBlaster5=LstrDamageAndAccuracyBoth //LstrhmnPistol2=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrhmnPistol3="Burst alt fire mode enabled" LstrhmnPistol4="Increased burst damage and accuracy" //LstrhmnPistol5=LstrDamageAndAccuracyBoth //LstrhmnXJ92=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrhmnXJ93="Grenade launcher enabled" LstrhmnXJ94="Increased grenade damage" //LstrhmnXJ95=LstrDamageAndAccuracyBoth //LstrhmnLauncher2=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrhmnLauncher3="Rocket tracks to original target" //LstrhmnLauncher4=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrhmnLauncher5="Increased damage and guidance enabled" //LstrskrPistol2=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrskrPistol3="Ricochet alt fire mode enabled" LstrskrPistol4="Increased ricochet damage + one bounce" LstrskrPistol5="Increased damage + one bounce" //LstrskrPulse2=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrskrPulse3="Energy ball alt fire mode enabled" LstrskrPulse4="Increased damage for energy ball" //LstrskrPulse5=LstrDamageAndAccuracyBoth //LstrskrXJ92=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrskrXJ93="Grenade launcher enabled" LstrskrXJ94="Increased grenade damage" //LstrskrXJ95=LstrDamageAndAccuracyBoth LstrskrMicrowave2="Increased damage and range" LstrskrMicrowave3="Full-radius alt fire mode enabled" LstrskrMicrowave4="Increased radius damage and range" LstrskrMicrowave5="Increased damage and range for both" //LstrskrAssault2=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrskrAssault3="Energy-burst alt fire mode enabled" LstrskrAssault4="Increased burst damage and accuracy" //LstrskrAssault5=LstrDamageAndAccuracyBoth //LstrskrLauncher2=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrskrLauncher3="Rocket tracking enabled" //LstrskrLauncher4=LstrDamageAndAccuracy LstrskrLauncher5="Increased damage and guidance enabled" LstrskrPhoton2="Increased damage" LstrskrPhoton3="Zoom upgraded to 20X" LstrskrPhoton4="Zoom upgraded to 30x" LstrskrPhoton5="Increased damage" LstrMelee1="Base melee and punching" LstrMelee2="Power up and kicking" LstrMelee3="Power up and punch fatalities" LstrMelee4="Power up and kick fatalities" LstrMelee5="Seismic pound and stealth fatality" LstrJumping1="Base jumping" LstrJumping2="Slowmo dodging and charge jump unlocked" LstrJumping3="Cartwheel dodging unlocked" LstrJumping4="Ledge dodging unlocked" LstrJumping5="flip dodging unlocked" [Advent_CreditsTextWindow] LstrCREDIT_Majesco="Majesco Presents" LstrCREDIT_Glyphx="A Glyphx Games Production" LstrCREDIT_Advent="Advent Rising" [AdventHUD_Select] LstrExit=" To Exit"