3.4,Olivia: Gideon Wyeth...What are you doing? 3.8,Gideon: Olivia, I'm a, a helping some marines with their combat training. 2.3,Olivia: You're getting your uniform all dirty. 3.0,Gideon: These guys keep rubbing their blood all over it. 4.0,Olivia: This has gone on long enough, now their getting my clothes dirty! 0.6, 4.8,Bud: Excuse me mam, but I can't kill him if you're in the way. 3.0,Olivia: Excuse me then, I'll move. 4.0,Olivia: You see, Gideon, you just have to know how to talk to them 13.8, 1.0,Gideon: Ow!!!! 2.6,Olivia: Oh huh huh, did I hurt you? Good! 5.2,Olivia: You're both so stupid, getting into a fight when you're on the verge of the most important mission in history. 2.6,Olivia: You're due for pre-flight breifing in ten minutes. 5.8,Olivia: But were you coming to look for your fiance'? No, you were making kissy, kissy with a bunch of Marines. 3.0,Gideon: That doesn't mean I love you any less, Olivia. 1.6,Ethan: Yeah, well he did it for you. 2.0,Olivia: Oh what? One of them insulted me? 3.0,Ethan: They didn't mention you. Naturally, he had to beat them up. 5.6,Olivia: I'm still mad at you. When you finish your briefing I'll be in my lab. 1.0, 4.7,Ethan: I've got a couple of things to do before the briefing, I'll meet you at mission prep.