3.0,Instructor Everybody drop your weapons. Nobody go anywhere. The MP's are on their way. 3.0,Marine 1 Hey, thanks for not offing him. He gets crazy sometimes but he's not a bad guy. 3.0,Marine 1 We won't let him try anything again. 3.0,Ethan If he does, I'll kill him. 3.0,Spec Ops 1 We've seen the vid on this. Clear case of assault. This boy's going to the brig for a few years, and he's never gonna go into space again. 3.0,Gideon: Good marine, stupid guy. 3.0,Ethan: The only stupid guy here is my brother. 3.0,Gideon: Look, I thought I could stop him without killing him. It was my call and I was right. 3.0,Ethan: Yeah, this time.