3.0,Spec Ops 1 Attention! You can come in now Ambassador Landwell. 3.0,Amb. Landwell Thank you major. 3.0,Spec Ops 1 My men will have this under control, but we don't know what to expect. I want you properly armed. This is the Haze Blaster. It's still in prototype but these have been tested and they work. If things go wrong, our assignment, is to protect the Ambassador. Your assignment is to return to the ship and get it ready for takeoff. 3.0,Ethan: Here, you put it in your ear, you're expendable. 3.0,Gideon: Thanks. 3.0,Ethan: Gideon used to put shiny things in his ear when he was a baby too. 3.0,Gideon: Ow, ow, okay that doesn't feel good. It's taking root. 3.0,Aurelian Woman Now do you understand me? 3.0,Gideon: Yes, I do. 3.0,Amb. Landwell What's she saying? 3.0,Gideon: It’s the universal translator, it's painless. 3.0,Kehlem Sisters and Brothers, prepare yourselves. What we have searched for so long we now will see. Please, beg the Glorius Human visitors to enter. 3.0,Kehlem We've searched a long time. Many lifetimes our people have looked for you, Glorius Humans, Survivors. 3.0,Enorym Kehlem, you are proven right, though I doubt it. These appear to be humans. 3.0,Amb. Landwell Please don't kneel to us, it's wrong. 3.0,Khelem We came in hope to save you from the Seekers but we failed. 3.0,Amb. Landwell The Seekers? 3.0,Khelem Those who destroyed your ancient homeworld. 3.0,Kehlem We thought our voyage was secret but as soon as we received your broadcast signals someone on our ship sent a message capsule, now they will come and this time they will leave no survivors. 3.0,Amb. Landwell How long do we have? 3.0,Khelem Maybe two days, probably less. 3.0,Gideon Two days!? What can we do in two days. 3.0,Khelem This is a great tradgedy. You will all be killed. 3.0,Spec Ops 1 What kind of weapons will they be using. 3.0,Kehlem They throw rocks. 3.0,Ethan Rocks, they throw Rocks!? 3.0,Khelem Asteroids. 3.0,Gideon: If there's nothing we can do, then why did you come? 3.0,Ethan: Gideon, you are not the Ambassador! 3.0,Amb. Landwell If there's nothing we can do, then why did you come? 3.0,Kehlem The Aurelian people are ashamed to have brought such calamity upon Glorius Humans. We pray to all the gods that some of you survive. 3.0,Amb. Landwell How? How will we survive? 3.0,Kehlem I promise all that we can do to help human survivors, we will do. 3.0,Gideon: On the whole, I'd say that went pretty well. Apart from finding out that the human race is doomed. Everybody was polite and they were really apologetic about getting us all wiped out. 3.0,Spec Ops 1 We're not wiped out yet. 3.0,Ethan We've never had a war in space. We're aren't equipped for it. 3.0,Spec Ops 1 We have weapons. 3.0,Ethan Our ships have the power to blast small asteroids out of the way. 3.0,Gideon That's better than nothing. 3.0,Ethan It is nothing. 3.0,Spec Ops 1 Look, we're not going down without a fight. 3.0,Enorym May all your enemies lose their way. 3.0,Kehlem: It will be a great victory if any humans survive. 3.0,Gideon: What the… 3.0,Ethan: So much for two days… 3.0,Ethan: Time to abandon ship. 3.0,Gideon: No way, they're blowing up the escape capsules anyway. So we might as well just stick with the ship. 3.0,Ethan: We're a big fat target and half the manuevering rockets aren't responding. 3.0,Gideon: So it will be an ugly landing. 3.0,Ethan: You're the expert on ugly landings, you take us in.