3.0,Driver You two were the only ones in that pod? 3.0,Gideon: Yes Sir. We were with Ambassador Landwell. 3.0,Driver You two were the pilots, Ethan and Gideon Wyeth? 3.0,Gideon: Yeah. 3.0,Driver That definitely takes precedence over my mission. Get these toys turned around. We're getting these two heroes on board. 3.0,Gideon: Ethan needs medical attention. 3.0,Ethan: I'm fine. 3.0,Gideon: As you can see, he's delirious. 3.0,Driver All right, get the casualty into that scythe and get him to the medic at the base. 3.0,Ethan: I'm not going to go to some med center while Gideon gets all the glory. 3.0,Gideon: No body in government wants you to bleed all over their fancy office carpet. Now shut up and get some treatment so you're actually good for something when it's time to fight again. 3.0,Ethan: Well, when you explain it calmly and reasonably…