3.0,Commander Torn: Yes. 3.0,Gideon: Sir, Captain Gideon Wyeth reporting 3.0,Commander Torn: Gideon Wyeth. I thought we had his brother. I must say I'm fairly surprised to see you here in one piece. Sounds like you've had an interesting trip through high orbit to get here. We'll have to discuss that sometime. 3.0,Gideon: Yes Sir. 3.0,Commander Torn: For now who these bastards are and what they want. The few reports I was able to pick up from Lurium before she fell are sketchy at best. They've hit every major population center, every military base, I, sigh, we've never seen this kind of military power before. You were on the Ambassadorial Shuttle, right Captain. 3.0,Gideon: Yes sir. The species we met with seemed to be… 3.0,Commander Torn: Species? So the reports of this being an entirely different group of buggers are true. 3.0,Gideon: Yes sir. This new element seems to be concerned with some sort of scanning of the human brain. It appears that they are searching for something. I witnessed multiple targets, both military and civilian, summarily executed following the scanning. 3.0,Commander Torn: Searching for something, sigh, some of my advisors have put that idea forward as well. Have you seen them take any prisoners? 3.0,Marine 4 General, Sir. Priority line from deep four wide band coded urgent, Sir. 3.0,Commander Torn: Thanks, private. This is Torn. Yes, that would explain the withdrawal sir. But what about our ballistic…all gone? Sigh, yes sir, thank you. 3.0,Commander Torn: I suggest you find a way off planet as soon as you can, son. 3.0,Gideon: Sir? 3.0,Commander Torn: I'm telling you now before the panic starts. Find a ship. The sirens will be starting shortly. 3.0,Gideon: But what about you sir? Can I... 3.0,Commander Torn: I'll be staying here Captain. This is going to be something to see…really something.