3.0,Marin: Where do you think you're going? 3.0,Gideon: Hey, hey, hey, hey, we need to get out of here. 3.0,Marin: Who doesn't? Ask him if we have any room. 3.0,Gideon: You don't understand. We were on the alien contact ship. We have information that may be crucial to the survival of… 3.0,Marin: How do I know you're not lying to try and grab my ship like these jerks. 3.0,Gideon: Listen we… 3.0,Ethan: Let me handle this, Gid. I'm Ethan Wyeth flight commander of the… 3.0,Marin: Uh, I know who you are. 3.0,Ethan OK and this is my brother Gideon. Please Captain… 3.0,Marin: Steele. Captain Marin Steel. You should have said something earlier Mr. Wyeth. With all the flak coming down I could use some men who can handle dorsal cannons in a dogfight. 3.0,Gideon: I'd imagine you'd like some help prepping for take off. 3.0,Marin: Oh sure. Do you think you can handle keeping our boarding ramp free from any more uninvited visitors. 3.0,Marin: The engine's hot. Let’s move! Hang on, it’s gonna get rough. OK, let's punch a hole through this mess. Now what, enemy fighters headed this way. Take the guns! 3.0,Gideon: I'm on it. 3.0,Marin: Whoa! That was close! 3.0,Marin: Are you ready yet, Wyeth. Let's see if you can give me enough open space to get outta here in one piece. 3.0,Marin: There's two more headed back our way. 3.0,Gideon: I'm on it, I'm on it. These things are fast. 3.0,Gideon: Let move! 3.0,Marin: Not too bad, Wyeth! Maybe I'll keep you around. OK, I think we're good. Where's everyone…where's everyone else? Stat Com do you read? Come in Stat Com. I'll try military channels. 3.0,Radio Chatter Be advised we are tracking something different. This thing is huge. It's coming in even faster than the others. Report to evacuation points immediately. 3.0,Marin: What the…Ugh…Wyeth get up here! 3.0,Marin: Can't be..Okay, okay we need to get in touch with any other ships that made it past. Can we do that? Is anyone there? Can someone hear me? What's going on? Is our com unit busted. I wonder if the shock from the… 3.0,Gideon: Hold on, hold on. Go back. I think I can tell what they're saying. 3.0,Marin: What? 3.0,Ethan: My brother got an alien party favor stuck in his ear while we were on their ship. Helps him understand their weird language. What are they saying, Gid? 3.0,Gideon: It's a call, a plea for any surviving human ships. They offer assistance and they want a… 3.0,Marin: Assistance, you can’t be serious. Those bastards blow our world to hell and then offer us a bandaid. 3.0,Gideon: No, no, no. These are the first beings that we met with. They're friendly, almost too friendly. We were welcomed onto their ship like gods. I think they were trying to warn us of the attack. 3.0,Marin: So I'm supposed to believe that there are not only one but two advanced alien species out there with a simultaneous interest in little old Edumea. I mean millions of years go by without so much as a Hello there from the great beyond and for some reason they both pick today to come out of the closet. 3.0,Gideon: The Aurelians, our first contacts, were trying to get here first to warn us. 3.0,Marin: Nice timing. 3.0,Gideon: And now they may be our only chance of surviving. How many days worth of 02 does this ship hold? Do you think we have enough fuel to find another planet in the next star system over? 3.0,Marin: You're asking me to trust an impression you got from a handshake. 3.0,Ethan: Captain, listen to the com. The rest of the bands are silent. There's no one else out there. 3.0,Marin: Call your friends Gideon.