3.0,Enorym Greetings Exhalted Ones. Our supply of translation implants was lost aboard the mothership so we pray gesture will suffice. 3.0,Gideon: Ah, Sir. I was on the diplomatic shuttle and was able to get one before all hell broke loose. 3.0,Enorym Interesting. Our joy in this association can only be overshadowed by the monstrous tragedy you have suffered. 3.0,Enorym The Encull, the beings who savaged your world, they prefer the benevolent title of Seeker. It is a term which the civilized universe has never been able to see past until now. 3.0,Enorym When the galactic senate hears of this, that our long held suspicions are true… 3.0,Khelem Patience my friend, we will deal with further strategies when we reach Aurelia. Until then, we have honored guests hungry for comfort and truth. 3.0,Khelem I imagined you would eventually find me here. 3.0,Gideon: Earlier you mentioned something…something about hidden powers? 3.0,Khelem I am a remnant of the ancient religion, human. All of the civilized races have individuals with the seeds of this power. Our prophecies say that the humans are the originators and the masters and that through them our own shall blossom. 3.0,Gideon: Do you have this gift? 3.0,Khelem I do, human. It is my hope that with it I can kindle something inside of you. 3.0,Gideon: Well I've never been any good at magic tricks. 3.0,Khelem Oh no, human. This is something far greater than any trick. This is your purpose and it courses through every cell of your body. 3.0,Gideon: Okay, so what can you do, with this power I mean? 3.0,Khelem Gideon, this is the sum total of a being's undeniable confidence. A power which. If harnessed can bend all the energy of the stars to your disposal. 3.0,Gideon: So this power is a weapon. 3.0,Khelem Interesting that you would infer that. So the human would have me teach him. 3.0,Gideon: Hold on, I'm not a believer yet. 3.0,Khelem Very well. See the shell here on the table in front of you? 3.0,Gideon: The red one? 3.0,Khelem Watch! I have never been able to sustain it for so long. Are the sayings true? 3.0,Gideon: Sayings? 3.0,Khelem And through their presence shall all be made strong.