3.0,Marin: Good timing. Looks like were about to come out of hyperspace. 3.0,Enorym You see before you my home world Exhalted Ones. The famed beauty of the undying seas await us. 3.0,Aurelian 1 Commander, Seeker Destroyer off starboard. They're charging weapons. 3.0,Aurelian 1 They're firing on us. 3.0,Enorym We'll never stand a chance against that kind of fire power. 3.0,Enorym Seran, bring us inside their firing radius. Get me close enough to smell the dirty beasts. 3.0,Aurelian 1 But Commander, their shields will tear us apart. 3.0,Enorym Then I guess we better find another ship. 3.0,Enorym This is your Commander. All crew are ordered to don their vacuum gear and abandon ship. You will board the enemy destroyer and nuetralize any Seekers you encounter. Follow me to the armory, Exhalted Ones. Move quickly. The Seekers will not be suspecting so brash a move. 3.0,Enorym Our foe has gone unchallenged and unbeaten for centuries. It is my hope that this assault will find them overconfident and unprepared.