3.0,Enorym: My son, my son. This is not easy Exhalted One and I fear we are not through with such tragedies until our goal is met but our firey entry into Aurelia's skies did not go unnoticed and this beach will soon be crawling with Seekers. We must put aside our grief for a moment and focus on survival. 3.0,Khelem Can we not give them a moment, Enorym? They have lost so much. 3.0,Enorym: I can only dare imagine their pain, Wise One. But my duty is to preserve their lives. We must get off this beach and out of site before their scouts arrive. 3.0,Gideon: I know I'm not the only one who suffered loss today. Enorym, where can we go until we figure out what to do next? 3.0,Enorym The city of Arniss lies on the other side of this canyon, Exhalted One. There we will find protection and brave allies. The Seeker racers could be overhead at any moment. 3.0,Enorym Move now! I hear racers approaching. 3.0,Olivia Gideon, wait. 3.0,Enorym Human, you are unarmed. 3.0,Gideon: I'm sick of people dying for me. This ends now!