3.0,Enorym We will be inserted into a valley south of the Ansible. From there we will move through the tunnels until we reach the temple annex. This plan depends on our stealth and speed to be successful. The Aurelian fleet should be over our head shortly after we have the cannons in our possession. We will be outnumbered and out-gunned, my brethren. Charge your weapons and ready your blades. 3.0,Marin: What's wrong? Forget where the trigger is? 3.0,Gideon: You know it just occurred to me that this is the only thing I have left from home. 3.0,Gideon: You can't come on this mission, Marin. 3.0,Marin: The hell I can't! 3.0,Gideon: Shut up and let me explain. There's nothing left of our world. Nothing left of humanity. To venture out on a ridiculously dangerous mission with both of us…I don't know what I was thinking…If I lost you, I mean if either of us were lost. 3.0,Marin: Gideon, I don't, wait…why should you get to stay. I'm a better shot and I've got way more experience than you. 3.0,Gideon: If things go bad here, one of us needs to find a way to get past the Seeker Armada and stand before the Galactic Senate. The Seekers need to be unmasked. Humanity's voice must be heard. If I fail, if we can't shut down this, this ansible then you, you're humanity's last hope. 3.0,Marin: OK, you've made your point. 3.0,Enorym What is the delay, Exhalted Ones. 3.0,Marin: Dad grounded me. 3.0,Gideon: What she means to say is that after some consideration Marin will return to Arniss with the drop ship. 3.0,Marin: And go to my room? 3.0,Gideon: And remain under protection until our mission is complete. 3.0,Enorym I am relieved by the wisdom displayed by the Exhalted. 3.0,Banath Commander, the enemy sentries are swinging back towards our location, we must move now. 3.0,Enorym There has been a change of plan, Banath. You are to take two of your Felidic Guard and escort this Exhalted One back to Arniss. There you will keep her under close guard until this mission is fulfilled. 3.0,Banath But, but, Commander, this mission is already a long shot but to cripple ourselves from the onset by losing three of our best. 3.0,Enorym I have given you a command, Banath. This outburst is beneath your discipline. Call your Guard and move on my orders now! 3.0,Enorym He is my fiercest warrior and most able Captain. Forgive his passion Exhalted Ones for therein lies his greatest strength. 3.0,Enorym Our troops are prepared. Now we must move. Farewell Exhalted One.