3.0,Aurelian 1 Commander, the target is operational. I repeat, the target is operational. 3.0,Gideon: Our data indicated that it would be another day until the Ansible was functional. 3.0,Aurelian 1 The Ansible is fully recovered from our earlier attack and is currently charging for a new mission. Agent 2 reports that Ambassador Kotchell is in route from Auralt. 3.0,Gideon: This message must not be sent. 3.0,Aurelian 1 Yes, Commander. Hold on! I'm receiving multiple incoming…no! 3.0,Enorym Akao, report. Akao, what is your status? 3.0,Enorym Sir our plans have changed. The Ansible must be taken down or all the wrath of the Encoll Armada will descend upon our world. The Seeker artillery must be in our hands before the fleet arrives. I will take Sarkin with me into the tower. Danos, you will lead the remainder of the squad to the temple annex. 3.0,Felidic Warrior There are several new patrols caught in the entrance to the temple. We must take these patrols quickly and leave no survivors to warn the base. Our goal is at the other end of this valley.