3.0,Gideon: What is this? 3.0,Felidic Warrior This is the hope of Aurelia, human. All that we see is noble and good and pure. All that we aspire to is held in that symbol. It is held in you. 3.0,Gideon: I, I never understood. 3.0,Felidic Warrior It is a heavy weight you carry, human. Apox of history, the tides of war, the blood of nations, all this is laid at your feet. 3.0,Gideon: But, I, I, how can I be possibly held to…I mean it's not… 3.0,Felidic Warrior It is not easy being God. 3.0,Felidic Warrior Human, what are you doing? 3.0,Felidic Warrior What,what has just happened. 3.0,Gideon: That room, it was waiting for me. Has been waiting for me…waiting for so, so long. 3.0,Felidic Warrior We must move now before the Seekers circle around the bridge. 3.0,Gideon: Yes, yes. Let's go.