3.0,Gideon: Has Marin gotten word of what happened. She'll want to hear about the ridiculously flawless victory we pulled off without her. 3.0,Enorym The Exhalted One will delight in relaying his heroism, it would appear. 3.0,Gideon: Come on Enorym. Is is wrong for me to be excited about overcoming incredible odds and defeating an enemy whose not only evil but annoyingly smug. 3.0,Enorym Well no, Exhalted One but… 3.0,Gideon: And doing it with such style! 3.0,Enorym Now I suspect that it is my translator that is malfunctioning. Banath, my friend, can you connect me to the Council. Our next steps will need to be taken swiftly. 3.0,Felidic Warrior Commander, I'm getting word from the Capital. There has been a coup! 3.0,Gideon: A coup! But who would do this. I thought we had routed out all of the opposition. Did Sevan have any other admirers? He seemed like the type that would surround himself with the type... 3.0,Banath With true Aurelians who don't want the blood of our people shed in vain. This pains me more than you can know Commander. But I will not see our milennial debt spurned and wasted. Both of you. On your knees. 3.0,Enorym Banath, you do not know what you do. If we fail to move quickly on the Seeker forces scattered around the planet they will be able to organize and keep us off balance until their off world fleets arrive. You are condemning our world to anihilation. 3.0,Banath No Commander, you did that by willfully challenging our rightful patrons with your embarrassing accusations. You have forced our hand Commander and we can only hope to pull something from the ashes by giving you and your conspirators to the Seekers, with our deepest apologies. 3.0,Gideon: And you really think that your loving patrons will let this go with a slap on the wrist? I've seen what these bastards do to worlds they don't like. They erase them. 3.0,Banath That will be enough from you! I always found the old religion to be tiresome. 3.0,Enorym Banath, thus you seal your doom!