3.0,Sevan So now it becomes painfully obvious that this traitor has sold off centuries of labor and trust, for what, for a myth? Will the destruction of our world the wholesale eradication of our race be worth the discovery of these hairly little primitives, Enorym? 3.0,Enorym: Have you not seen what these humans are capable of? The Seekers are killing them because they are terrified of the powers they possess. 3.0,Sevan If these humans are so amazingly powerful, wise Enorym then why are they practically extinct? 3.0,Enorym: This debate is pointless, Sevan. None of us here belong to the old faith. The few members of the council who did, left when the coup began. We're not here to validate the diety of these humans. Let us get this sentencing overwith and move on. 3.0,Aurelian 2 Yes, what has been the Seeker response to the coup? 3.0,Aurelian 1 Has anything been done to placate them? There is precedence of a patron race destroying a client's homeworld. 3.0,Sevan The Seekers vow that their response will be measured as long as we deliver the rest… 3.0,Gideon: The rest? 3.0,Sevan We have already delivered one of your Exhalted Ones into their hands, the other will be there shortly. 3.0,Sevan You, the troglodyte dares intrude upon our deliberations! 3.0,Banath It appears that a blow to the head was not enough to teach you proper etiquette, human. Perhaps something more direct is required.