3.0,Gideon: Where is Marin? 3.0,Sevan Your female is safe. We had to make a trade for the survival of our world. The Seekers would accept nothing else. 3.0,Enorym Exhalted One, we must go. I know where the Encoll will be holding Marin. If you wish to live long enough to save her, we must go now. 3.0,Felidic Warrior Commander, my apologies for our late arrival sir. 3.0,Enorym Status report. 3.0,Felidic Warrior We just secured the main ports and transit points of upper Arniss. The Eastern rebels defenses are crumbling and their Seeker support is falling back to the islands. We've won Commander. 3.0,Enorym This victory will not be complete until every last Seeker claw is torn from our world. We have much to do.