[LEFT BLOCKS - Music on XBox] 327, 1339, 490, 1474 [Top Texture Position] 327, 1474, 490, 1578 [Bottom Texture Position] 68, 0 [Top Screen Position] 68, 376 [Bottom Screen Position] [RIGHT BLOCK - Play list] 490, 1339, 654, 1478 [Top Texture Position] 490, 1474, 654, 1578 [Bottom Texture Position] 412, 0 [Top Screen Position] 412, 376 [Bottom Screen Position] [SCROLLBAR] 0, 1257, 6, 1276 [Texture Position] 200, 136 [TOP LEFT coord on LEFT BLOCK] 570, 136 [TOP RIGHT coord on RIGHT BLOCK] 136, 360 [MIN and MAX HEIGHTS, left block] 136, 360 [MIN and MAX HEIGHTS, rights block] [DIRECTORY INDICATORS] 6, 1257, 14, 1265 [OPENED - Texture Position (Down arrow)] 6, 1265, 14, 1273 [CLOSED - Texture Position (Right arrow)] 14, 1257, 20, 1280 [TOP FILE - Texture Position (Tree structure for all but bottom)] 14, 1280, 20, 1303 [BOTTOM FILE - Texture Position (Tree structure for bottom)] 131, 1257, 248, 1279 [HIGHLIGHT - Texture Position] 131, 1279, 248, 1303 [TICKED - Texture Position] [LISTS] 76, 136 [Top left position on LEFT BLOCK] 423, 136 [Top left position on RIGHT BLOCK] [CD's] 327, 1190, 412, 1274 [Empty playlist - Texture Position] 327, 1022, 412, 1106 [1 Song] 412, 1022, 497, 1106 [2 Songs] 497, 1022, 582, 1106 [3 Songs] 582, 1022, 667, 1106 [4 songs] 667, 1022, 752, 1106 [5 songs] 752, 1022, 837, 1106 [6 songs] 837, 1022, 922, 1106 [7 songs] 922, 1022, 1006, 1106 [8 songs] 327, 1106, 412, 1190 [9 songs] 412, 1106, 497, 1190 [10 songs] 497, 1106, 581, 1190 [11 Songs] 582, 1106, 667, 1190 [12 songs] 667, 1106, 752, 1190 [13 songs] 752, 1106, 837, 1190 [14 songs] 837, 1106, 922, 1190 [15 songs] 922, 1106, 1007, 1190 [16 Songs] 274, 196 [Screen Position]