[NOTE: Text strings are currently limited to 100 characters in the game] [HOW TO FORMAT TEXT] [ SIGNIFIES WHICH FONT TO USE (as specified in fontlistENG.txt)] [ SIGNIFIES ALIGNMENT, as follows left alignment = 0 right alignment = 1 x center alignment = 2 y center alignment = 4 [==============================================] [SPEECH OVERLAY] [BACKGROUND] 0,359 [FORMAT: , ] [FRAME] 52, 367 [FORMAT: , ] [PORTRAIT] 53, 368 [FORMAT: , ] [TEXT] 0 0 141,370 255,255,255,255 20 [FORMAT: , ,,, ] [==============================================] [OBJECTIVES OVERLAY] [Do not remove comments - they are to ensure order is correct for other languages Do not replace %d, %f or %s with other values, they are used for formatting in code MAXIMUM OBJECTIVE STRING LENGTH: 50 - lengths of 25-30 will be split into double lines ] [SCENEGOAL] "Scena Completata" [Scene goal completed] [OBJECTIVE1] "Finisci con %d secondi residui" [Finish with %d seconds Left] [OBJECTIVE2] "Colpisci i %d indicatori" [Hit all %d markers] [Object types (must be PLURAL!!)] [SMASHOBJ1] "cabine telefoniche" [Telephone Booths] [SMASHOBJ2] "pali del telefono" [Telephone Poles] [SMASHOBJ3] "idrante" [Fire Hydrants] [SMASHOBJ4] "pali della luce" [Lamp Posts] [SMASHOBJ5] "balle di fieno" [Haybales] [SMASHOBJ6] "scooters" [Scooters] [SMASHOBJ7] "cespugli" [Bushes] [SMASHOBJ8] "tabelle" [Tables] [SMASHOBJ9] "cabine telefoniche" [Telephone Booths] [SMASHOBJ10] "manichini" [Mannequins] [SMASHOBJ11] "carrelli della spesa" [Shopping Carts] [SMASHOBJ12] "vecchie auto" [Old Cars] [SMASHOBJ13] "scheletri" [Skeletons] [SMASHOBJ14] "barili tossici" [Toxic Barrels] [SMASHOBJ15] "scatole" [Boxes] [SMASHOBJ16] "gabbie per polli" [Chicken Cages] [SMASHOBJ17] "torri di guardia" [Guard Towers] [SMASHOBJ18] "bancarelle" [NOT USED IN GAME NOT TRANSLATED] [SMASHOBJ19] "barricade Booths" [NOT USED IN GAME NOT TRANSLATED] [OBJECTIVE3] "Distruggi %s %s" [Destroy %s objects of type %s] [OBJECTIVE4] "Distruggi %s %s" [Destroy %s objects of type %s] [OBJECTIVE5] "Distruggi %d veicoli"[Destroy %d vehicles] [OBJECTIVE6] "Distruggi %d componenti del tuo veicolo" [Break %d pieces off your vehicle] [OBJECTIVE7] "Slitta per %4.2f metri" [Make %f Meters of Skid Marks] [OBJECTIVE8] "Guida su due ruote per %4.2f metri" [Drive on Two Wheels for %f Meters] [OBJECTIVE9] "Impenna per %4.2f metri" [Wheelie for %f Meters] [OBJECTIVE10] "Esegui %d avvitamenti" [Perform %d Barrel Rolls] [OBJECTIVE11] "Esegui %d salti" [Perform %d Flips] [OBJECTIVE12] "Esegui %d rotazioni" [Perform %d Spins] [OBJECTIVE13] "Effettua un salto di %4.2f metri" [Jump %f Meters In The Air] [OBJECTIVE14] "Non scendere sotto %d%s per %d secondi" [Dont drop below a speed of %fmph/kph for more than %f seconds] [OBJECTIVE15] "Supera %d%s per %d secondi" [Go Above Speed of %dmph/kph For %d Consecutive Seconds] [OBJECTIVE16] "Urta %d volte il veicolo in fuga" [Finish scene in specified time %d] [OBJECTIVE17] "Colpisci i indicatori" [Hit all markers] [MISCLABEL1] "OBIETTIVI" [Objectives] [MISCLABEL2] "PARTITA IN PAUSA" [Game Paused] [MISCLABEL3] "TOTALE" [Total] [MISCLABEL4] " - Indietro" [ - Back] [MISCLABEL5] " - Menu" [ - Menu] [MISCLABEL6] " - Continua" [ - Continue] [==============================================] [PAUSE MENU] [Do not remove comments - they are to ensure order is correct for other languages] [TITLE1] "PARTITA IN PAUSA" [GAME PAUSED (Game pause menu title - must be capitalised)] [TITLE2] "REPLAY IN PAUSA" [REPLAY PAUSED (Replay pause menu title - must be capitalised)] [TITLE3] "SEI SICURO?" [ARE YOU SURE? (Confirmation dialog title - must be capitalised)] [TITLE4] "IL REPLAY ANDRÀ PERSO, \n SEI SICURO?" [REPLAY WILL BE LOST, ARE YOU SURE? (Confirmation dialog title - must be capitalised)] [TITLE5] "OPZIONI" [OPTIONS (options dialog title - must be capitalised)] [TITLE6] " - Applica" [ - Apply] [TITLE7] " - Annulla" [ - Cancel] [OPTION1] "Continua Partita" [Continue Game] [OPTION2] "Continua Replay" [Continue Replay] [OPTION3] "Controller" [Controller] [OPTION4] "Continua" [Continue] [OPTION5] "Riprova Scena" [Retry Scene] [OPTION6] "Riprova" [OPTION7] "Al Menu" [Return (to Menu) in all other lang] [OPTION8] "Obiettivo Scena" [Scene Objectives] [OPTION9] "Visualizza Replay" [View Replay] [OPTION10] "Salva Replay" [Save Replay] [OPTION11] "Sì" [Yes] [OPTION12] "No" [No] [OPTION13] "On" [On] [OPTION14] "Off" [Off] [OPTION15] "Volume musica" [Music Volume] [OPTION16] "Volume effetti sonori" [SFX Volume] [OPTION17] "Volume commento" [Voiceover Volume] [OPTION18] "Cuffie" [Head Phones] [OPTION19] "Vibrazione " [Vibration] [OPTION20] "Sottotitoli" [Voice Captions] [OPTION21] "Velocità" [Speed] [OPTION22] "Opzioni" [Options] [OPTION23] "Debug" [Debug - clear, MUST be last, update number accordingly]