Date: September 6, 2248\n Radiation emanating from the ± System has been causing irregular surges in the ship's energy distribution. To assess if there's been any serious damage, Engineering will be inspecting the ship's #1Power Station#0 equipment.\n The inspection will require temporary disconnection of the main conduit in the Deck Sector's #1Power Station#0. This procedure is expected to drastically reduce the sector's power supply capacity, affecting the following: 1) Together with the shutdown of local gravity control, the #1Power Station#0's conduit control terminal will be rendered inoperable while the Deck Sector is engaged. 2) The formation-change terminal in the #1Substation/Portside#0 will be inoperable while the conduit is disconnected.\n 3) During the inspection, access will be restricted at the following points: - #1Front Deck/Portside#0\n - #1Hangar Deck accessway/Portside#0\n - #1Hazardous Waste Storage/Entrance#0 Access to these points will require a password issued at the formation-change terminal in the Substation area. The inspection is scheduled for a September 12 completion date. For further details and dates regarding the Deck Sector disengagement, see MTHR's formation-change registration log.