Chat Log/Sept 12 (0:23-0:36) Ï%> Hear anything new on ±2?\n  %> I heard the plants are holding out\n 00pretty good. \n Ï%> No kidding!\n  %> And rumor has it that there's\n 00plenty of water on the planet...\n Ï%> Sounds like colonization is going to be\n 00a breeze.\n  %> As I said, it's only a rumor.\n Ï%> Yeah. But I'd like to think it's true.\n  %> I know what you mean.\n Ï%> Hard to believe we're almost there!\n  %> Yeah. It's been a looooooong trip! Ï%> I think I'll hit the sack and dream about\n 00±2.\n  %> Sounds good to me!\n Ï%> Sweet dreams, buddy!\n