--[[ Camera.lua - this file contains all the tweakable parameters for cameras in Evil Dead 3. Since this is a lua file, the order doesn't matter. Comments begin with '--', and multi-line comments begin with '--[[' and end with ']]', obviously nestable. ]] -- These are the default parameters. DEFAULT = { eCTP_ViewX = 0.7; -- view window X eCTP_ViewY = 0.525; -- view window Y (X view window) / (4/3) <;---aspect ratio eCTP_ViewOffsetX = 0; -- view offset X eCTP_ViewOffsetY = 0; -- view offset Y eCTP_NearClip = 0.5; -- near clip eCTP_FarClip = 65.0; -- far clip eCTP_FogDistance = 100.0; -- fog distance (equal to far clip to disable) eCTP_CamRigDamping = 0.2; -- camera constraint damping (.9 breaks this) eCTP_CamRigStrength = 3; -- camera constraint strength (1.5 starting value) eCTP_CamRigDisabled = 0; -- camera constraint disabled (1 turns off springy-ness) eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.45; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_CamBoomCollideEnable = 1; -- camera boom collision enabled eCTP_CollisionTurnCheck = 0.3; -- collision turn check (the angle off of the boom to check for pending collisions) eCTP_CollisionTurnRate = 0.05; -- collision turn rate (the angle to turn to avoid pending collisions) eCTP_CamCollideSphereRadius = 0.35; -- camera collision sphere radius eCTP_CamBoomMinLength = 1.0; -- camera boom length minimum when colliding (length before attempting to wall climb) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.4; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomPitchAdjust = 1; -- boom pitch adjust on/off eCTP_CamBoomPitchMin = 0.3; -- boom pitch min eCTP_CamBoomPitchMax = 1.95; -- boom pitch max eCTP_CamBoomPitchSpeed = 1.2; -- boom pitch speed eCTP_CamBoomLength = 5.0; -- boom length default eCTP_CamBoomHeading = 3.14; -- boom heading default (Angle of camera at reset, PI is behind Ash) eCTP_CamBoomHeadingSpeed = 2.4; -- boom rotation speed eCTP_WVaneOnMoveOnly = 1; -- weathervane only on target moving (1=true, 0=false) eCTP_WVaneBlendFactor = 0.4; -- weathervane blend factor (0 = all target facing angle, 1.0 = all target speed, 0.5 = split evenly between them) eCTP_WVaneMinFacingAngle = 175; -- weathervane min facing angle (Smaller makes weathervaning not kick in when running at cam) eCTP_WVaneMaxFacingAngle = 100; -- weathervane max facing angle eCTP_WVaneEndFacingAngle = 15; -- weathervade end facing angle (where weathervaning tapers off behind the target) eCTP_WVaneMinTargetSpeed = 1.0; -- weathervane min target speed (speed at which max weathervaning occurs) eCTP_WVaneMaxTargetSpeed = 5.0; -- weathervane max target speed (speed at which min weathervaning occurs) eCTP_WVaneMinSpeed = 0.0; -- min weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.3; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_WVaneClamp = 0.0; -- weathervane clamp tolerance eCTP_PitchAdjustSpeed = 50.0; -- vertical weathervane speed eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement eCTP_FocalRigDamping = 0.2; -- focal constraint damping eCTP_FocalRigStrength = 3.0; -- focal constraint strength eCTP_FocalRigDisabled = 0; -- focal constraint disabled (1 turns off springy-ness) eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.2; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.75; -- focal point raised length eCTP_TargetLockToleranceSticky = 8.0; -- Target lock view cone angle (camera moves to within this angle of straight at the target) eCTP_TargetLockToleranceZoneSticky = 181.0; -- Target lock snap-to angle (camera will move to look straight at target if beyond this angle) eCTP_TargetLockToleranceManual = 5.0; -- Target lock view cone angle (camera moves to within this angle of straight at the target) eCTP_TargetLockToleranceZoneManual = 181.0; -- Target lock snap-to angle (camera will move to look straight at target if beyond this angle) eCTP_AutoMoveTimeout = 0.0; -- seconds to wait after user input to resume auto-pitch & weathervaning eCTP_AutoMoveWaitForPlayer = 1; -- wait for player movement before starting timout. (0/1) eCTP_JumpScale = 0.0; -- The percent (0.0 - 1.0) of the jump height to track. eCTP_MaxYDiscrepency = 1.45; -- Keeps Ash in frame when falling off high objects. } -- These are the parameters used when controlling Sam instead of Ash. sam = { eCTP_ViewX = 1.2; -- view window X eCTP_ViewY = 0.9; -- view window Y (X view window) / (4/3) <;---aspect ratio eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.3; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 2.4; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.0; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.45; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.40; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement eCTP_CamCollideSphereRadius = 0.5; -- camera collision sphere radius } -- These are the parameters used during a spirit_run spirit_run = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.3; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.2; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 6.2; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.2; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.65; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.4; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- These are the parameters when the player dies death = { eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 0.9; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 3.5; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 1.0; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 0.25; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.10; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.05; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = -0.05; -- automatic vertical boom movement eCTP_CamBoomPitchMin = 0.9; -- boom pitch min eCTP_CamBoomPitchMax = 1.5; -- boom pitch max } -- These are the parameters used in outdoor or wide open spaces. outdoor = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.4; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.3; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 5.0; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.2; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.75; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.45; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- These are the parameters used in tight or indoor spaces. indoor = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.4; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 4.1; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.25; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.65; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.6; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- These are the parameters used during finishing moves. finishing = { eCTP_CamBoomLength = 2.5; -- boom length default eCTP_CamBoomPitchMin = 1.5; -- boom pitch min eCTP_CamBoomPitchMax = 1.5; -- boom pitch max eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.0; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 0.75; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.3; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_CamBoomHeading = 1.52; -- boom heading default (Angle of camera at reset, PI is behind Ash) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.8; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- These are the parameters used during finishing moves. wire = { eCTP_ViewX = 1.2; -- view window X eCTP_ViewY = 0.9; -- view window Y (X view window) / (4/3) <;---aspect ratio eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.3; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 2.4; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.0; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = -0.513;-- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.40; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- These are the parameters used during Ride Deadite ride = { eCTP_NearClip = 0.5; -- near clip eCTP_CamBoomMinLength = 0.0; -- camera boom length minimum when colliding (length before attempting to wall climb) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 0.9; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomPitchAdjust = 1; -- boom pitch adjust on/off eCTP_CamBoomPitchMin = 0.3; -- boom pitch min eCTP_CamBoomPitchMax = 1.95; -- boom pitch max eCTP_CamBoomPitchSpeed = 1.2; -- boom pitch speed eCTP_CamBoomLength = 4.0; -- boom length default eCTP_CamBoomHeading = 3.14; -- boom heading default (Angle of camera at reset, PI is behind Ash) eCTP_CamBoomHeadingSpeed = 0; -- boom rotation speed eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 2.45; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_CamBoomCollideEnable = 1; -- camera boom collision enabled eCTP_WVaneOnMoveOnly = 0; -- weathervane only on target moving (1=true, 0=false) eCTP_WVaneBlendFactor = 0.0; -- weathervane blend factor (0 = all target facing angle, 1.0 = all target speed, 0.5 = split evenly between them) eCTP_WVaneMinFacingAngle = 180; -- weathervane min facing angle (Smaller makes weathervaning not kick in when running at cam) eCTP_WVaneMaxFacingAngle = 10; -- weathervane max facing angle eCTP_WVaneEndFacingAngle = 10; -- weathervade end facing angle (where weathervaning tapers off behind the target) eCTP_WVaneMinTargetSpeed = 1.0; -- weathervane min target speed (speed at which max weathervaning occurs) eCTP_WVaneMaxTargetSpeed = 5.0; -- weathervane max target speed (speed at which min weathervaning occurs) eCTP_WVaneMinSpeed = 0.0; -- min weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 4; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_WVaneClamp = 0.0; -- weathervane clamp tolerance eCTP_PitchAdjustSpeed = 50.0; -- vertical weathervane speed eCTP_FocalRigDamping = 0.2; -- focal constraint damping eCTP_FocalRigStrength = 3.0; -- focal constraint strength eCTP_FocalRigDisabled = 0; -- focal constraint disabled (1 turns off springy-ness) eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 2.2; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 2.5; -- focal point raised length } -- Evil Cam 10mm (121 AOV) evil = { eCTP_NearClip = 0.5; -- near clip eCTP_ViewX = 1.778; -- view window X bigger # is wider angle eCTP_ViewY = 1.3335; -- view window Y (X view window) / (4/3) <;---aspect ratio x *.75 or x/1.3333333333 } -- Not So Evil Cam 25mm (71.51 AOV) Twentyfive = { eCTP_NearClip = 0.5; -- near clip eCTP_ViewX = 0.7112; -- view window X bigger # is wider angle eCTP_ViewY = 0.5334; -- view window Y (X view window) / (4/3) <;---aspect ratio x *.75 or x/1.3333333333 } -- Not So Evil Cam 2 20mm (83.97 AOV) Twenty = { eCTP_NearClip = 0.5; -- near clip eCTP_ViewX = 0.889; -- view window X bigger # is wider angle eCTP_ViewY = 0.66675; -- view window Y (X view window) / (4/3) <;---aspect ratio x *.75 or x/1.3333333333 } -- Cinema camera used for in-game cinematics 40mm (48 AOV) cinema = { eCTP_NearClip = 0.5; -- near clip eCTP_ViewX = 0.4445; -- view window X bigger # is wider angle eCTP_ViewY = 0.333375; -- view window Y (X view window) / (4/3) <;---aspect ratio x *.75 or x/1.3333333333 } -- These are the parameters used in the Papa Jaws boss battle papajaws = { eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.0; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 8.0; -- boom length default } -- These are the parameters used in outdoor or wide open spaces. necroqueen = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.5; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 5.5; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.25; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.65; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.6; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- This is a special cam for Sam's Hand over hand. It has a lower focal point. samhoh = { eCTP_ViewX = 1.2; -- view window X eCTP_ViewY = 0.9; -- view window Y (X view window) / (4/3) <;---aspect ratio eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.3; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 2.4; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.0; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 0.0; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.40; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- Not quite as low as the low cam. midcam = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.5; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 4; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.25; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.65; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.6; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- Use this cam when you want the camera to look higher than Ash. lowcam = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.6; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 5; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.25; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.6; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.6; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- A crane cam designed to show flanking enemies. highcam = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.2; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 6; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.25; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.65; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.6; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- Gets closer to ash, and expands the FOV. Good for long or tight hallways. nearcam = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.4; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 3.0; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.25; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.65; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.6; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- Use this cam when you want to look down. downcam = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.0; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 5; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.25; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.6; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.6; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement } -- Like indoor, but closer. Very tight on Ash, and high enough to see what's in front of you. nearcam2 = { eCTP_WVaneMaxSpeed = 1.6; -- max weathervaning speed (actual rotation speed of the weathervaning) eCTP_CamBoomPitch = 1.4; -- boom pitch default (less moves the camera up) eCTP_CamBoomLength = 3.5; -- boom length default eCTP_FocalLeadDistance = 0.25; -- focal lead distance eCTP_FocalRaisedDistance = 1.65; -- focal point raised length eCTP_CamBoomOffsetY = 1.6; -- camera boom start offset along Y axis (0=use tracked object's exact position) eCTP_ControllerOverrideX = 0.0; -- automatic horizontal boom movement eCTP_ControllerOverrideY = 0.0; -- automatic vertical boom movement }