// vim: ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 et ft=cpp COLLISION 164 64 64 // No-Climb COLLISION 20 88 0 // Grass COLLISION 3255 207 55 // Gravel COLLISION 565 42 9 // Wood (Rough) - half of Wood (Polished) COLLISION 6130 83 18 // Wood (Polished) COLLISION 725 97 216 // Stone COLLISION 100 0 179 // Metal (Solid) COLLISION 110 0 89 // Metal (Hollow) - half of Metal (Solid) COLLISION 120 255 255 // Glass NAME XBOXPROJECT // Name of game WAD 99_99 // First WAD to read START_LEVEL 10_01 // WAD to load for "New Game" LOAD_TO_START_LEVEL OFF // run straight to the start level bypassing the UI LANGUAGE ENGLISH // Territory or language STRATDBGPATH D:\StratBin\ PAL OFF // PAL or NTSC DEBUG_CHEATS OFF // Are debug cheats on/off DEBUG_TEXT OFF // Display debug text/gfx DEBUG_FLY OFF // Fly-through mode on/off LEVEL_SELECT OFF // Level select on/off DEMO_LEVEL_SELECT OFF // Only show * levels in level select SOUND ON // Sound on/off DEBUG_SOUND OFF // Debug Sound info HEAPSIZE 18.5 // Size of game heap in MB GEOMSTRATS 0 // Number of geometry strats PARTICLES 8192 // Number of particles SCREENPRINT_YPOS -220 // ASL screenprint start y position ASSERT_YPOS -100 // ASL assert start y position KEYCODE BA // Region Code from Xbox PRODUCT_NUMBER XBOX-12345 // Product Code from Xbox VIDEO_ALLOC_METHOD STRAT PSP ON DISABLE_PSP OFF // xbox mode ARGONAUT_LOGO ON DEMO_BUILD OFF MUSIC_TOGGLE OFF VIEWER_APPROVAL OFF // for character or animation viewer approval access SAVE_NAME FAMILY GUY