//\tab "FOG: " //\tab\tab density = float value for how dense. Values between 0.0 and 1.0 // red, green, blue = fog colour. Values between 0 and 255 for each. // //\tab "CAR_HEADLIGHT_STRENGTH: " //\tab\tab strength = float value for strength of car headlight effect - between 0.0 and 1.0 // // "TRACK_WETNESS: " // wet value = float value for wetness of the track, between 0.0 (dry) and 1.0 (wet) // // "SUN_FLARE_SIZE: " // size = size of sun flare, expressed as a proportion of screen size (at 1.0 the flare would be the same width as the screen) FOG: 0.09 255 182 147 CAR_HEADLIGHT_STRENGTH: 1.00 TRACK_WETNESS: 0.00 SUN_FLARE_SIZE: 0.20 HEAT_HAZE_STRENGTH: 0.12 SNOW_DENSITY: 1 SNOW_DENSITY: 0