//Do not edit this file directly! // Edit the copy in game_data instead!! // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // List of available monsters // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // E means that the monster can be unlocked in Easy difficulty // M means that the monster can be unlocked in Medium difficulty // H means that the monster can be unlocked in Hard difficulty // B means that the monster is the boss character [Monsters] godzilla90s unlocked anguirus unlocked megalon unlocked baragon unlocked gigan unlocked godzilla2k locked EMH ghidorah locked EMH rodan locked EMH mghidorah locked EMH destoroyah locked EMH mechazilla locked EMHB orga hidden EMH mystery invalid [Monsters_x] // xbox version godzilla90s unlocked anguirus unlocked megalon unlocked gigan unlocked godzilla2k locked EMH ghidorah locked EMH rodan locked EMH mghidorah locked EMH destoroyah locked EMH mechazilla locked EMHB mechazilla2k hidden MH orga hidden EMH mystery invalid ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Monsters for attract mode (remove when all monsters work) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Attract_Monsters] godzilla90s anguirus megalon gigan godzilla2k ghidorah rodan mghidorah destoroyah mechazilla ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Properties on a Monster by Monster basis // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [godzilla2k] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "godzilla2k" HIGHLIGHT "godzilla2khlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "GODZILLA2K_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "GODZILLA2K_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "GODZILLA2K_Title_Roar.pwk GODZILLA2K ROAR" ONTAUNT "GODZILLA2K_Taunt_02.pwk GODZILLA2K GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [mechazilla] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "mechazilla" HIGHLIGHT "mechazillahlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "MECHAZILLA_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "MECHAZILLA_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "MECHAZILLA_Title_Roar.pwk MECHAZILLA ROAR" ONTAUNT "MECHAZILLA_Taunt02.pwk MECHAZILLA GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [mechazilla2k] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "mechazilla2k" HIGHLIGHT "mechazilla2khlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "MECHAZILLA2K_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "MECHAZILLA2K_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "MECHAZILLA2K_Title_Roar.pwk MZ2K ROAR SOFT" ONTAUNT "MECHAZILLA2K_Taunt.pwk MECHAZILLA GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [gigan] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "gigan" HIGHLIGHT "giganhlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "GIGAN_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "GIGAN_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "GIGAN_Title_Roar.pwk GIGAN ROAR" ONTAUNT "GIGAN_Taunt_02.pwk GIGAN GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [ghidorah] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "ghidorah" HIGHLIGHT "ghidorahhlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "GHIDORAH_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "GHIDORAH_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "GHIDORAH_Title_Roar.pwk GHIDORAH ROAR" ONTAUNT "GHIDORAH_Title_Roar.pwk GHIDORAH GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [mghidorah] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "mghidorah" HIGHLIGHT "mghidorahhlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "MGHIDORAH_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "MGHIDORAH_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "MGHIDORAH_Title_Roar.pwk GHIDORAH ROAR" ONTAUNT "MGHIDORAH_Title_Roar.pwk GHIDORAH GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [godzilla90s] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "godzilla90" HIGHLIGHT "godzilla90hlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "GODZILLA90_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "GODZILLA90_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "GODZILLA90_Title_Roar.pwk GODZILLA90 ROAR" ONTAUNT "GODZILLA90_Taunt_02.pwk GODZILLA90 GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [anguirus] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "anguirus" HIGHLIGHT "anguirushlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "ANGUIRUS_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "ANGUIRUS_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "ANGUIRUS_Title_Roar.pwk ANGUIRUS ROAR" ONTAUNT "ANGUIRUS_Taunt.pwk ANGUIRUS GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [megalon] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "megalon" HIGHLIGHT "megalonhlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "Megalon_Title_idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "Megalon_Title_idle.pwk" ONSELECT "Megalon_Title_Roar.pwk MEGALON ROAR" ONTAUNT "Megalon_Taunt1.pwk MEGALON GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [destoroyah] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "destoroyah" HIGHLIGHT "destoroyahhlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "Destoroyah_Title_idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "Destoroyah_Title_idle.pwk" ONSELECT "Destoroyah_Title_Roar.pwk DESTROYAH ROAR" ONTAUNT "Destoroyah_Taunt.pwk DESTROYAH GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [orga] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "orga" HIGHLIGHT "orgahlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "Orga_Title_idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "Orga_Title_idle.pwk" ONSELECT "Orga_Title_roar.pwk ORGA ROAR" ONTAUNT "Orga_taunt.pwk ORGA GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [rodan] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "rodan" HIGHLIGHT "rodanhlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "RODAN_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "RODAN_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "RODAN_Title_Roar.pwk RODAN ROAR" ONTAUNT "RODAN_Title_Taunt.pwk RODAN GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [baragon] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "baragon" HIGHLIGHT "baragonhlite_a" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "BARAGON_Title_Idle.pwk" ONHIGHLIGHT "BARAGON_Title_Idle.pwk" ONSELECT "BARAGON_Title_Roar.pwk BARAGON ROAR" ONTAUNT "BARAGON_Taunt.pwk BARAGON GROWL" END_PROP_TABLE [mystery] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE PORTRAIT "questionmark" HIGHLIGHT "questionmarkhlite" PORTRAITX -13 PORTRAITY -10 ONNEUTRAL "" ONHIGHLIGHT "" ONSELECT "" ONTAUNT "" END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Properties on a Monster by Player basis // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [godzilla2k0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Godzilla2k_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Godzilla2ktext" BUNDLE "godzilla2kMS_0" SKELETON "godzilla2k_skeleton.pwk" MESH "godzilla2k_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-50,140) (0,210,0) 0 LSM0 (-10.0,45.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-45,-50,130) (0,220,0) 0 LSM1 (-10.0,45.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-45,150) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-25.0,45.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGodzilla2k_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [godzilla2k1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Godzilla2k_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Godzilla2ktext" BUNDLE "godzilla2kMS_0" SKELETON "godzilla2k_skeleton.pwk" MESH "godzilla2k_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,-50,130) (0,140,0) 1 LSM1 (-10.0,45.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-45,140) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-20.0,45.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGodzilla2k_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [godzilla2k2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Godzilla2k_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Godzilla2ktext" BUNDLE "godzilla2kMS_0" SKELETON "godzilla2k_skeleton.pwk" MESH "godzilla2k_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-45,150) (0,140,0) 1 LSM2 (-25.0,45.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGodzilla2k_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [godzilla2k3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Godzilla2k_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Godzilla2ktext" BUNDLE "godzilla2kMS_0" SKELETON "godzilla2k_skeleton.pwk" MESH "godzilla2k_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGodzilla2k_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [mechazilla0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mechazilla_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Mechazillatext" BUNDLE "mechazillaMS_0" SKELETON "mechazilla_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mechazilla_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-55,140) (0,210,0) 0 LSM0 (-15.0,50.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-45,-50,150) (0,220,0) 0 LSM1 (-20.0,50.0) (150.0,280.0,0.90) (150,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-50,-50,150) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,45.0) (125.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (110.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMechazilla_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mechazilla1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mechazilla_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Mechazillatext" BUNDLE "mechazillaMS_0" SKELETON "mechazilla_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mechazilla_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,-50,150) (0,140,0) 1 LSM1 (-20.0,50.0) (490.0,280.0,0.90) (490.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-60,130) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,57.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMechazilla_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mechazilla2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mechazilla_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Mechazillatext" BUNDLE "mechazillaMS_0" SKELETON "mechazilla_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mechazilla_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(50,-50,150) (0,160,0) 0 LSM2 (-20.0,48.0) (515.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMechazilla_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mechazilla3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mechazilla_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Mechazillatext" BUNDLE "mechazillaMS_0" SKELETON "mechazilla_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mechazilla_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMechazilla_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [mechazilla2k0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mechazilla2k_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Mechazilla2ktext" BUNDLE "mechazilla2kMS_0" SKELETON "mechazilla2k_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mechazilla2k_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-55,140) (0,210,0) 0 LSM0 (-15.0,50.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-45,-50,150) (0,220,0) 0 LSM1 (-20.0,50.0) (150.0,280.0,0.90) (150,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-50,-50,150) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,45.0) (125.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (110.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMechazilla2k_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mechazilla2k1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mechazilla2k_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Mechazilla2ktext" BUNDLE "mechazilla2kMS_0" SKELETON "mechazilla2k_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mechazilla2k_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,-50,150) (0,140,0) 1 LSM1 (-20.0,50.0) (490.0,280.0,0.90) (490.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-60,130) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,57.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMechazilla2k_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mechazilla2k2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mechazilla2k_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Mechazilla2ktext" BUNDLE "mechazilla2kMS_0" SKELETON "mechazilla2k_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mechazilla2k_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(50,-50,150) (0,160,0) 0 LSM2 (-20.0,48.0) (515.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMechazilla2k_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mechazilla2k3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mechazilla2k_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Mechazilla2ktext" BUNDLE "mechazilla2kMS_0" SKELETON "mechazilla2k_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mechazilla2k_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMechazilla2k_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [gigan0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Gigan_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Gigantext" BUNDLE "giganMS_0" SKELETON "gigan_skeleton.pwk" MESH "gigan_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-55,130) (0,210,0) 0 LSM0 (-10.0,50.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-45,-47,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM1 (-15.0,40.0) (160.0,280.0,0.90) (160.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-50,155) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-10.0,40.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGigan_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [gigan1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Gigan_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Gigantext" BUNDLE "giganMS_0" SKELETON "gigan_skeleton.pwk" MESH "gigan_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,-47,160) (0,140,0) 1 LSM1 (-15.0,40.0) (480.0,280.0,0.90) (480.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-50,140) (0,200,0) 0 LSM2 (-10.0,43.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGigan_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [gigan2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Gigan_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Gigantext" BUNDLE "giganMS_0" SKELETON "gigan_skeleton.pwk" MESH "gigan_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-50,155) (0,140,0) 1 LSM2 (-25.0,50.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGigan_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [gigan3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Gigan_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Gigantext" BUNDLE "giganMS_0" SKELETON "gigan_skeleton.pwk" MESH "gigan_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGigan_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ghidorah0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Ghidorah_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Ghidorahtext" BUNDLE "ghidorahMS_0" SKELETON "ghidorah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "ghidorah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-45,130,0.70) (0,200,0) 0 LSM0 (-10.0,35.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-45,-40,130,0.70) (0,210,0) 0 LSM1 (-10.0,32.0) (150.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-50,-40,130,0.70) (0,210,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,35.0) (130.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160,0.85) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (110.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGhidorah_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [ghidorah1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Ghidorah_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Ghidorahtext" BUNDLE "ghidorahMS_0" SKELETON "ghidorah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "ghidorah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,-40,130,0.70) (0,140,0) 1 LSM1 (-10.0,32.0) (490.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-45,170,0.85) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,35.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200,0.85) (0,190,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGhidorah_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [ghidorah2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Ghidorah_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Ghidorahtext" BUNDLE "ghidorahMS_0" SKELETON "ghidorah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "ghidorah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(50,-40,130,0.70) (0,150,0) 1 LSM2 (-15.0,35.0) (510.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,130,0.70) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGhidorah_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [ghidorah3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Ghidorah_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Ghidorahtext" BUNDLE "ghidorahMS_0" SKELETON "ghidorah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "ghidorah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200,0.85) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGhidorah_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [mghidorah0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "MGhidorah_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "MGhidorahtext" BUNDLE "mghidorahMS_0" SKELETON "mghidorah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mghidorah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-40,130,0.70) (0,200,0) 0 LSM0 (-10.0,30.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-45,-40,130,0.70) (0,210,0) 0 LSM1 (-10.0,32.0) (160.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-50,-40,130,0.70) (0,210,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,36.0) (135.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160,0.85) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (115.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMGhidorah_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mghidorah1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "MGhidorah_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "MGhidorahtext" BUNDLE "mghidorahMS_0" SKELETON "mghidorah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mghidorah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,-40,130,0.70) (0,140,0) 1 LSM1 (-10.0,32.0) (485.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-45,170,0.85) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-13.0,35.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200,0.85) (0,190,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMGhidorah_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mghidorah2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "MGhidorah_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "MGhidorahtext" BUNDLE "mghidorahMS_0" SKELETON "mghidorah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mghidorah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(50,-40,130,0.70) (0,150,0) 1 LSM2 (-15.0,36.0) (510.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,140,0.75) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMGhidorah_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [mghidorah3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "MGhidorah_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "MGhidorahtext" BUNDLE "mghidorahMS_0" SKELETON "mghidorah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "mghidorah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200,0.85) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (535.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMGhidorah_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [godzilla90s0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Godzilla90s_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Godzilla90text" BUNDLE "godzilla90MS_0" SKELETON "godzilla90_skeleton.pwk" MESH "godzilla90_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-50,140) (0,210,0) 0 LSM0 (-10.0,45.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-45,-45,140) (0,220,0) 0 LSM1 (-25.0,45.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-45,150) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-25.0,45.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGodzilla90s_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [godzilla90s1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Godzilla90s_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Godzilla90text" BUNDLE "godzilla90MS_0" SKELETON "godzilla90_skeleton.pwk" MESH "godzilla90_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,-45,140) (0,140,0) 1 LSM1 (-25.0,45.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-45,140) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-20.0,45.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGodzilla90s_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [godzilla90s2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Godzilla90s_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Godzilla90text" BUNDLE "godzilla90MS_0" SKELETON "godzilla90_skeleton.pwk" MESH "godzilla90_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-45,150) (0,140,0) 1 LSM2 (-25.0,45.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGodzilla90s_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [godzilla90s3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Godzilla90s_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Godzilla90text" BUNDLE "godzilla90MS_0" SKELETON "godzilla90_skeleton.pwk" MESH "godzilla90_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroGodzilla90s_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [anguirus0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Anguirus_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Anguirustext" BUNDLE "anguirusMS_0" SKELETON "anguirus_skeleton.pwk" MESH "anguirus_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-42,145) (0,210,0) 0 LSM0 (-10.0,35.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-45,-45,130) (0,225,0) 0 LSM1 (-25.0,45.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-40,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-25.0,40.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroAnguirus_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [anguirus1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Anguirus_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Anguirustext" BUNDLE "anguirusMS_0" SKELETON "anguirus_skeleton.pwk" MESH "anguirus_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,-45,130) (0,150,0) 1 LSM1 (-25.0,45.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-45,140) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,42.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroAnguirus_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [anguirus2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Anguirus_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Anguirustext" BUNDLE "anguirusMS_0" SKELETON "anguirus_skeleton.pwk" MESH "anguirus_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-40,160) (0,140,0) 1 LSM2 (-25.0,40.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroAnguirus_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [anguirus3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Anguirus_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Anguirustext" BUNDLE "anguirusMS_0" SKELETON "anguirus_skeleton.pwk" MESH "anguirus_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroAnguirus_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [megalon0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Megalon_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Megalontext" BUNDLE "megalonMS_0" SKELETON "megalon_skeleton.pwk" MESH "megalon_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-45,140) (0,210,0) 0 LSM0 (-10.0,40.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-48,-45,140) (0,225,0) 0 LSM1 (-10.0,38.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-40,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-25.0,40.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMegalon_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [megalon1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Megalon_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Megalontext" BUNDLE "megalonMS_0" SKELETON "megalon_skeleton.pwk" MESH "megalon_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(48,-45,140) (0,135,0) 1 LSM1 (-10.0,38.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-45,140) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,42.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMegalon_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [megalon2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Megalon_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Megalontext" BUNDLE "megalonMS_0" SKELETON "megalon_skeleton.pwk" MESH "megalon_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-40,160) (0,140,0) 1 LSM2 (-25.0,40.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMegalon_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [megalon3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Megalon_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Megalontext" BUNDLE "megalonMS_0" SKELETON "megalon_skeleton.pwk" MESH "megalon_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroMegalon_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [destoroyah0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Destoroyah_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Destoroyahtext" BUNDLE "destoroyahMS_0" SKELETON "destoroyah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "destoroyah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-55,160) (0,200,0) 0 LSM0 (-25.0,55.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-55,-45,180) (0,225,0) 0 LSM1 (-25.0,45.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-55,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-25.0,55.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-50,-45,120,0.80) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-15.0,42.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroDestoroyah_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [destoroyah1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Destoroyah_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Destoroyahtext" BUNDLE "destoroyahMS_0" SKELETON "destoroyah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "destoroyah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(55,-45,180) (0,150,0) 1 LSM1 (-25.0,45.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-30,100,.60) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-5.0,23.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroDestoroyah_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [destoroyah2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Destoroyah_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Destoroyahtext" BUNDLE "destoroyahMS_0" SKELETON "destoroyah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "destoroyah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-55,160) (0,140,0) 1 LSM2 (-25.0,55.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(18.0,-35,120,0.70) (0,170,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,35.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroDestoroyah_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [destoroyah3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Destoroyah_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Destoroyahtext" BUNDLE "destoroyahMS_0" SKELETON "destoroyah_skeleton.pwk" MESH "destoroyah_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(80,-40,200,1.0) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroDestoroyah_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [orga0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Orga_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Orgatext" BUNDLE "orgaMS_0" SKELETON "orga_skeleton.pwk" MESH "orga_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-40,160,.90) (0,210,0) 0 LSM0 (-10.0,35.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-65,-35,180,.90) (0,225,0) 0 LSM1 (-25.0,35.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-25,170,.80) (0,210,0) 0 LSM2 (-25.0,25.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-30,150,.75) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-20.0,30.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroOrga_0" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [orga1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Orga_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Orgatext" BUNDLE "orgaMS_0" SKELETON "orga_skeleton.pwk" MESH "orga_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(65,-35,180,.90) (0,135,0) 1 LSM1 (-25.0,35.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-20,100,.50) (0,185,0) 0 LSM2 (-5.0,15.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-30,230,.90) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,30.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroOrga_1" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [orga2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Orga_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Orgatext" BUNDLE "orgaMS_0" SKELETON "orga_skeleton.pwk" MESH "orga_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-25,160,.70) (0,150,0) 1 LSM2 (-25.0,25.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-30,150,.70) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-15.0,25.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroOrga_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [orga3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Orga_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Orgatext" BUNDLE "orgaMS_0" SKELETON "orga_skeleton.pwk" MESH "orga_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-30,200,.85) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,30.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroOrga_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [rodan0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Rodan_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Rodantext" BUNDLE "rodanMS_0" SKELETON "rodan_skeleton.pwk" MESH "rodan_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-40,140) (0,200,0) 0 LSM0 (-15.0,40.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-48,-40,140) (0,225,0) 0 LSM1 (-15.0,40.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-40,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,35.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-45,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,45.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroRodan_0" START_LOC_SET 1 END_PROP_TABLE [rodan1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Rodan_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Rodantext" BUNDLE "rodanMS_0" SKELETON "rodan_skeleton.pwk" MESH "rodan_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(48,-40,140) (0,135,0) 1 LSM1 (-15.0,40.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-35,100,0.75) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-5.0,30.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-40,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroRodan_1" START_LOC_SET 1 END_PROP_TABLE [rodan2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Rodan_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Rodantext" BUNDLE "rodanMS_0" SKELETON "rodan_skeleton.pwk" MESH "rodan_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-40,160) (0,140,0) 1 LSM2 (-15.0,35.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-15.0,40.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroRodan_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [rodan3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Rodan_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Rodantext" BUNDLE "rodanMS_0" SKELETON "rodan_skeleton.pwk" MESH "rodan_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,35.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroRodan_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [baragon0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Baragon_0" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "Baragontext" BUNDLE "baragonMS_0" SKELETON "baragon_skeleton.pwk" MESH "baragon_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(-15,-35,140) (0,200,0) 0 LSM0 (-15.0,35.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280.0,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-48,-35,140) (0,225,0) 0 LSM1 (-15.0,35.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-60,-35,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM2 (-15.0,35.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120.0,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-65,-35,160) (0,220,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,35.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroBaragon_0" START_LOC_SET 1 END_PROP_TABLE [baragon1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Baragon_1" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "Baragontext" BUNDLE "baragonMS_0" SKELETON "baragon_skeleton.pwk" MESH "baragon_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(48,-35,140) (0,135,0) 1 LSM1 (-15.0,35.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500.0,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,-35,100,0.75) (0,180,0) 0 LSM2 (-5.0,35.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,-35,200) (0,200,0) 0 LSM3 (-25.0,35.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroBaragon_1" START_LOC_SET 1 END_PROP_TABLE [baragon2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Baragon_2" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "Baragontext" BUNDLE "baragonMS_0" SKELETON "baragon_skeleton.pwk" MESH "baragon_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,-40,160) (0,140,0) 1 LSM2 (-15.0,35.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,-45,160) (0,160,0) 1 LSM3 (-15.0,40.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400.0,265,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroBaragon_2" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE [baragon3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Baragon_3" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "Baragontext" BUNDLE "baragonMS_0" SKELETON "baragon_skeleton.pwk" MESH "baragon_mesh.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,-40,200) (0,150,0) 1 LSM3 (-25.0,35.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540.0,285,0.65)" MICRO_FILE "MicroBaragon_3" START_LOC_SET 0 END_PROP_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [mystery0] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mystery" COLOR "2,98,204,255" TEXT "mystery" BUNDLE "" SKELETON "" MESH "question.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "(0,15,150) (0,0,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,-10.0) (280.0,280.0,0.90) (280,255,0.75)" POS2 "(-35,15,140) (0,0,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,-10.0) (140.0,280.0,0.90) (140,255,0.75)" POS3 "(-50,15,150) (0,0,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,45.0) (120.0,285.0,0.75) (120,260,0.70)" POS4 "(-62,15,160) (0,30,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,45.0) (100.0,285.0,0.60) (100,265,0.65)" END_PROP_TABLE [mystery1] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mystery" COLOR "0,200,0,255" TEXT "mystery" BUNDLE "" SKELETON "" MESH "question.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "(45,15,140) (0,0,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,-10.0) (500.0,280.0,0.90) (500,255,0.75)" POS3 "(0,15,120,0.80) (0,0,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,45.0) (320.0,260.0,0.75) (320,285,0.70)" POS4 "(-21.66,15,200) (0,20,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,40.0) (255.0,265.0,0.60) (255,285,0.65)" END_PROP_TABLE [mystery2] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mystery" COLOR "255,212,0,255" TEXT "mystery" BUNDLE "" SKELETON "" MESH "question.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "(60,15,150) (0,0,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,45.0) (520.0,285.0,0.75) (520,260,0.70)" POS4 "(21.66,15,160) (0,-20,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,45.0) (400.0,285.0,0.60) (400,265,0.65)" END_PROP_TABLE [mystery3] BEGIN_PROP_TABLE FILE "Mystery" COLOR "210,21,19,255" TEXT "mystery" BUNDLE "" SKELETON "" MESH "question.pwk" // Positions for player X in each of the 4 configurations // Position Rotate Mirror Lights ZFade Text Indicator POS1 "" POS2 "" POS3 "" POS4 "(85,15,200) (0,-30,0) 0 LightSetQuestion (-25.0,40.0) (540.0,265.0,0.60) (540,285,0.65)" END_PROP_TABLE [Configurations] Adventure Versus1 Versus2 TeamBattle1 TeamBattle2 TeamBattle3 TeamBattle4 Melee1 Melee2 Melee3 Melee4 Survival Destruction1 Destruction2 Destruction3 Destruction4 [Adventure] // Adventure Mode - 1 player only BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "adventure" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 1 MONSTERS 1 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Survival] // Survival Mode - 1 player only BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "survival" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 1 MONSTERS 1 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Versus1] // Versus Mode - P1 Vs CPU BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "versus" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 1 MONSTERS 2 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Versus2] // Versus Mode - P1 Vs P2 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "versus" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 2 MONSTERS 2 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Melee1] // Melee Mode - P1 Vs CPU BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "melee" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 1 MONSTERS 4 MINMONSTERS 2 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 1 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Melee2] // Melee Mode - P1 Vs P2 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "melee" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 2 MONSTERS 4 MINMONSTERS 2 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 1 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Melee3] // Melee Mode - P1 Vs P2 Vs P3 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "melee" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 3 MONSTERS 4 MINMONSTERS 3 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 1 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Melee4] // Melee Mode - P1 Vs P2 Vs P3 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "melee" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 4 MONSTERS 4 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [TeamBattle1] // TeamBattle Mode - P1 Vs P2 Vs P3 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "teambattle" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 1 MONSTERS 4 MINMONSTERS 3 TEAM 1 ALLOWBOTS 1 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [TeamBattle2] // TeamBattle Mode - P1 Vs P2 Vs P3 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "teambattle" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 2 MONSTERS 4 MINMONSTERS 3 TEAM 1 ALLOWBOTS 1 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [TeamBattle3] // TeamBattle Mode - P1 Vs P2 Vs P3 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "teambattle" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 3 MONSTERS 4 MINMONSTERS 3 TEAM 1 ALLOWBOTS 1 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [TeamBattle4] // TeamBattle Mode - P1 Vs P2 Vs P3 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "teambattle" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 4 MONSTERS 4 TEAM 1 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Destruction1] // Destruction Mode - P1 Vs P2 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "destruction" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 1 MONSTERS 1 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Destruction2] // Destruction Mode - P1 Vs P2 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "destruction" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 2 MONSTERS 2 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Destruction3] // Destruction Mode - P1 Vs P2 Vs P3 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "destruction" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 3 MONSTERS 3 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Destruction4] // Destruction Mode - P1 Vs P2 Vs P3 Vs P4 BEGIN_PROP_TABLE CAMERA 0 BACKGROUND "MonsterSelect" MODE "destruction" MODEPOS "(15,0.0,1.0)" PLAYERS 4 MONSTERS 4 TEAM 0 ALLOWBOTS 0 SONG "title_theme" END_PROP_TABLE [Lights] LSM0 (0.15,0.15,0.15) LSM1 (0.15,0.15,0.15) LSM2 (0.15,0.15,0.15) LSM3 (0.15,0.15,0.15) LightSetQuestion (0.20,0.20,0.20) EyeVector (0.1,0.1,0.1) [EyeVector] // This light set is always used for bump map lighting LowerLight UpperLight [LSM0] LowerLight UpperLight [LSM1] LowerLight UpperLight [LSM2] LowerLight UpperLight [LSM3] LowerLight UpperLight [LightSetQuestion] LowerLightQ UpperLightQ [LowerLight] BEGIN_LIGHT LIGHT_TYPE DIRECTIONAL DIFFUSE_R 0.88 DIFFUSE_G 0.78 DIFFUSE_B 0.4 SPECULAR_R 0.1 SPECULAR_G 0.086 SPECULAR_B 0.02 AMBIENT_R 0.0 AMBIENT_G 0.0 AMBIENT_B 0.0 DIRECTION_X 0.0 DIRECTION_Y 0.4944272 DIRECTION_Z 0.4122136 RANGE 10000.0 FALLOFF 0.0 ATTENUATION_0 0.0 ATTENUATION_1 0.0 ATTENUATION_2 0.0 THETA 0.0 PHI 0.0 END_LIGHT [UpperLight] BEGIN_LIGHT LIGHT_TYPE DIRECTIONAL DIFFUSE_R 0.85 DIFFUSE_G 0.85 DIFFUSE_B 0.85 SPECULAR_R 0.5 SPECULAR_G 0.5 SPECULAR_B 0.5 AMBIENT_R 0.0 AMBIENT_G 0.0 AMBIENT_B 0.0 DIRECTION_X 0.0 DIRECTION_Y 0.0 DIRECTION_Z -1.0 RANGE 10000.0 FALLOFF 0.0 ATTENUATION_0 0.0 ATTENUATION_1 0.0 ATTENUATION_2 0.0 THETA 0.0 PHI 0.0 END_LIGHT [LowerLightQ] BEGIN_LIGHT LIGHT_TYPE DIRECTIONAL DIFFUSE_R 0.75 DIFFUSE_G 0.75 DIFFUSE_B 0.75 SPECULAR_R 0.1 SPECULAR_G 0.086 SPECULAR_B 0.02 AMBIENT_R 0.0 AMBIENT_G 0.0 AMBIENT_B 0.0 DIRECTION_X 0.0 DIRECTION_Y 0.8944272 DIRECTION_Z 0.4122136 RANGE 10000.0 FALLOFF 0.0 ATTENUATION_0 0.0 ATTENUATION_1 0.0 ATTENUATION_2 0.0 THETA 0.0 PHI 0.0 END_LIGHT [UpperLightQ] BEGIN_LIGHT LIGHT_TYPE DIRECTIONAL DIFFUSE_R 0.85 DIFFUSE_G 0.85 DIFFUSE_B 0.85 SPECULAR_R 0.5 SPECULAR_G 0.5 SPECULAR_B 0.5 AMBIENT_R 0.0 AMBIENT_G 0.0 AMBIENT_B 0.0 DIRECTION_X 0.0 DIRECTION_Y 0.0 DIRECTION_Z -1.0 RANGE 10000.0 FALLOFF 0.0 ATTENUATION_0 0.0 ATTENUATION_1 0.0 ATTENUATION_2 0.0 THETA 0.0 PHI 0.0 END_LIGHT