# High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 Tuning File # Changes to this file are not officially supported base injury chance: 0.013 human trade min: 0.0 print careers: 0 debug text: 1 use 0: don't show, 1: show limited season game summaries: 0 0: game summaries generated for all season games if "save box scores" on; 1: only human-teamed games ambient light level day: 150 Was 130 ambient light level night: 120 Was 130 park effects: 0 use 0: Real life 1: Coors 2: Neutral 3: Dodger guess pitch bonus: 0.300 guess pitch penalty: -0.350 wild pitch zone width: 3.000 wild pitch zone y low: 0.500 wild pitch zone y high: 4.500 wild pitch percent: 0.0500 passed ball zone width: 1.000 passed ball zone y low: 2.500 passed ball zone y high: 4.000 passed ball percent: 0.0015 game pace cc pitcher time slowest: 3.7500 game pace cc pitcher time slow: 2.6000 game pace cc pitcher time normal: 1.1000 game pace cc pitcher time fast: 0.7000 game pace cc pitcher time fastest: 0.4000 balks on pickoff percent: 0.003311 argue on close play pct: 0.05 ejection on argument pct: 0.05 ball scale pitch: 1.10 Scale of the ball, where 1.0 is real life, 2.0 is 2x size, etc. ball scale throw: 1.10 ball scale batted: 1.10 ball shadow scale factor: 0.058 Scale of the ball shadow, relative to the current ball scale. NOTE: The art is too big, so I'm scaling it down; used to be 1.6667 ball landing marker scale: 2.50 0.0 = none 1.0 = normal size field marker spin rate: 3.00 radians per second; formerly 6.25 active fielder marker scale: 1.50 0.0 = none 1.0 = normal size use alt uniform 2on2: 0.90 use alt uniform exhib: 0.35 use alt uniform default: 0.05 hitting camera low x: -10.25 hitting camera low y: 3.00 hitting camera low z: -10.25 hitting camera low pan: 45.0 hitting camera low tilt: 88.0 hitting camera low fov: 40.0 hitting camera medium x: -9.925 hitting camera medium y: 5.00 hitting camera medium z: -9.925 hitting camera medium pan: 45.0 hitting camera medium tilt: 95.0 hitting camera medium fov: 45.0 hitting camera high x: -9.60 hitting camera high y: 7.00 hitting camera high z: -9.60 hitting camera high pan: 45.0 hitting camera high tilt: 102.0 hitting camera high fov: 50.0 hitting camera low zoomed x: -18.66 hitting camera low zoomed y: 2.25 hitting camera low zoomed z: -18.66 hitting camera low zoomed pan: 45.0 hitting camera low zoomed tilt: 88.0 hitting camera low zoomed fov: 19.9 hitting camera side x: -20.23 (For right-handed batter; flipped for lefties) hitting camera side y: 2.25 hitting camera side z: -17.71 hitting camera side pan: 49.00 hitting camera side tilt: 88.00 hitting camera side fov: 19.9 hitting camera pitcher x: 153.98 hitting camera pitcher y: 16.22 hitting camera pitcher z: 123.63 hitting camera pitcher pan: 232.25 hitting camera pitcher tilt: 94.34 hitting camera pitcher fov: 6.42 hitting camera blimp x: -70.0 alt blimp x -37.0 hitting camera blimp y: 80.0 alt blimp y 74.0 hitting camera blimp z: -70.0 alt blimp z -37.0 hitting camera blimp pan: 45.0 KEEP THIS VALUE AT 45.0 FOR BLIMP hitting camera blimp tilt: 115.0 alt blimp tilt 122.0 hitting camera blimp fov: 50.0 alt blimp fov 50.0 PC ONLY: menu timers: 1 ball distance scale max factor: 4.0 See code ball distance scale start distance: 60.0 The camera has to be this far away from the ball and then the ball is enlarged CONSOLE ONLY: ball distance scale max factor: 3.0 See code ball distance scale start distance: 60.0 ALL PLATFORMS: rain percentage: 1.0 first baseman shallow depth: 80.40 first baseman normal depth: 95.35 first baseman back depth: 100.34 second baseman shallow depth: 105.50 second baseman normal depth: 124.25 second baseman back depth: 135.38 third baseman shallow depth: 81.40 third baseman normal depth: 96.35 third baseman back depth: 101.17 short stop shallow depth: 105.50 short stop normal depth: 124.25 short stop back depth: 135.38 debug stadium walls: 0 0 or 1; when 1, stadium wall collision lines are shown debug dugout boundaries: 0 0 or 1; when 1, dugout boundary lines are shown batting practice announcer: 1 0 or 1; when 1, announcer says what pitch was thrown if more than one pitch selected multiplayer stealing slowdown manual throwing: 0.770 Percentage of actual runner speed for multiplayer stealing when throwing is manual (1.00 = no change) multiplayer stealing slowdown auto throwing: 0.810 Percentage of actual runner speed for multiplayer stealing when throwing is automatic (1.00 = no change) delay out of batters box: 0.375 Time before batter starts running (from ball hitting bat) batted ball bounce multiplier grass: 0.480 Increase this value for a higher bounce of batted balls on grass batted ball bounce multiplier turf: 0.500 Increase this value for a higher bounce of batted balls on artificial turf batted ball field friction factor grass: 0.780 Increase this value for slower rolling batted balls on grass batted ball field friction factor turf: 0.755 Increase this value for slower rolling batted balls on artificial turf thrown ball bounce vertical slowdown pct: 0.600 Increase this value for a higher bounce of thrown balls thrown ball bounce horizontal slowdown pct: 0.650 Increase this value for thrown balls to lose less velocity on bounces thrown ball minimum rolling speed: 23.0 Long throws can never go slower than this speed (feet per second); don't set too low! custom controls: 0 0 or 1; when 1, the following buttons are controls (does not apply to keyboard) # In the following controls, the numbers are button numbers as reported by Windows. # The button number can be from 1 to 19; a zero means the command is inactive pitching pitch type select: 3 pitching infield alignment: 8 pitching outfield alignment: 7 pitching pitch legend: 5 batting pitch legend: 5 manage only force pitch select: 2 batting guess pitch select: 2 manage only defense menu on: 3 manage only offense menu on: 3 batting swing: 3 batting bunt: 6 baserunning advance: 1 baserunning retreat: 2 baserunning advance all: 1 baserunning retreat all: 2 baserunning stop: 6 baserunning lead: 7 baserunning retreat lead: 8 pitching pitch strike: 3 pitching pitch ball: 2 pitching pitchout: 0 pitching bean ball: 6 pitching pickoff: 1 fielding jump: 3 fielding dive: 3 fielding change active fielder: 2 throwing throw: 3 throwing run to base: 2 throwing run to runner: 1 alternate throwing throw to 1st: 2 alternate throwing throw to 2nd: 5 alternate throwing throw to 3rd: 4 alternate throwing throw to home: 1 alternate throwing throw to relay: 3 alternate throwing run to base: 7 alternate throwing run to runner: 8 view stadium exit: 9 view stadium accelerate: 1 This is a "shift" button view stadium forward: 3 view stadium backward: 2 view stadium strafe: 5 This is a "shift" button; use in combination with direction view stadium zoom in: 7 view stadium zoom out: 8 vcr controls exit: 9 vcr controls play pause: 3 vcr controls step forward: 2 vcr controls step backward: 1 vcr controls fast forward: 5 vcr controls fast backward: 4 vcr controls release camera: 6 pitch speed ratio fastball: 0.6801 pitch speed ratio curve: 0.5920 pitch speed ratio slider: 0.6267 pitch speed ratio changeup: 0.5663 pitch speed ratio knuckle: 0.5742 pitch speed ratio split: 0.6494 pitch speed ratio sinker: 0.6197 pitch speed ratio screwball: 0.5564 pitch speed ratio cutter: 0.6750 pitch speed ratio rising fastball: 0.6801 pitch speed ratio moving fastball: 0.6801 pitch speed ratio tailing fastball: 0.6801 pitch speed ratio two seam fastball: 0.6801 pitch speed ratio riding sinker: 0.6197 pitch speed ratio slow hook: 0.5920 pitch speed ratio power curve: 0.5920 pitch speed ratio knucklecurve: 0.5920 pitch speed ratio slurve: 0.6093 pitch speed ratio power slider: 0.6267 pitch speed ratio sweeping slider: 0.6267 pitch speed ratio fosh: 0.5663 pitch speed ratio circle change: 0.5663 pitch speed ratio palmball: 0.5663 pitch speed ratio power split: 0.6494 pitch speed ratio slow split: 0.6494 pitch speed ratio forkball: 0.6494 pitch speed ratio el droppo: 0.6494 # Physics for controlling the pitched rotation of the ball # see page 29, "Physics of Baseball" # these are combined with the orientation derived from delivery style # defaults pitch angle default: 0.0 angle in degrees, 0 -> 360 pitch angle variance default: 0.0 variance of angle in degrees, 0 -> 360 pitch angle speed default: 0.0 speed of rotation in rps -100 -> 100 pitch angle speed variance default: 0.0 variance of speed in rps, -100 -> 100 # PITCH_TYPE_FASTBALL, pitch angle fastball: 0.0 pitch angle variance fastball: 0.0 pitch angle speed fastball: -167.5 pitch angle speed variance fastball: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_RISING_FASTBALL, pitch angle rising fastball: 0.0 pitch angle variance rising fastball: 0.0 pitch angle speed rising fastball: -167.5 pitch angle speed variance rising fastball: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_MOVING_FASTBALL, pitch angle moving fastball: 0.0 pitch angle variance moving fastball: 0.0 pitch angle speed moving fastball: -167.5 pitch angle speed variance moving fastball: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_TAILING_FASTBALL, pitch angle tailing fastball: 0.0 pitch angle variance tailing fastball: 0.0 pitch angle speed tailing fastball: -167.5 pitch angle speed variance tailing fastball: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_2_SEAM_FASTBALL, pitch angle 2 seam fastball: 0.0 pitch angle variance 2 seam fastball: 0.0 pitch angle speed 2 seam fastball: -134.0 pitch angle speed variance 2 seam fastball: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_SPLIT_FINGER, pitch angle split finger: 0.0 pitch angle variance split finger: 0.0 pitch angle speed split finger: -134.0 pitch angle speed variance split finger: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_POWER_SPLIT, pitch angle power split: 0.0 pitch angle variance power split: 0.0 pitch angle speed power split: -167.5 pitch angle speed variance power split: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_SLOW_SPLIT, pitch angle slow split: 0.0 pitch angle variance slow split: 0.0 pitch angle speed slow split: -134.0 pitch angle speed variance slow split: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_CURVE, pitch angle curve: 0.0 pitch angle variance curve: 0.0 pitch angle speed curve: 150.0 pitch angle speed variance curve: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_POWER_CURVE, pitch angle power curve: 0.0 pitch angle variance power curve: 0.0 pitch angle speed power curve: 150.0 pitch angle speed variance power curve: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_KNUCKLE_CURVE, pitch angle knuckle curve: 0.0 pitch angle variance knuckle curve: 0.0 pitch angle speed knuckle curve: 150.0 pitch angle speed variance knuckle curve: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_SLURVE, pitch angle slurve: 0.0 pitch angle variance slurve: 0.0 pitch angle speed slurve: 150.0 pitch angle speed variance slurve: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_SLIDER, pitch angle slider: 0.0 pitch angle variance slider: 0.0 pitch angle speed slider: 15.0 pitch angle speed variance slider: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_POWER_SLIDER, pitch angle power slider: -15.0 pitch angle variance power slider: 1.0 pitch angle speed power slider: 150.0 pitch angle speed variance power slider: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_SWEEPING_SLIDER, pitch angle sweeping slider: -15.0 pitch angle variance sweeping slider: 0.0 pitch angle speed sweeping slider: 150.0 pitch angle speed variance sweeping slider: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_CHANGEUP, pitch angle changeup: 0.0 pitch angle variance changeup: 0.0 pitch angle speed changeup: -134.0 pitch angle speed variance changeup: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_SINKER, pitch angle sinker: 0.0 pitch angle variance sinker: 0.0 pitch angle speed sinker: -134.0 pitch angle speed variance sinker: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_RIDING_SINKER, pitch angle riding sinker: 0.0 pitch angle variance riding sinker: 0.0 pitch angle speed riding sinker: -134.0 pitch angle speed variance riding sinker: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_KNUCKLEBALL, pitch angle knuckleball: 0 pitch angle variance knuckleball: 180 pitch angle speed knuckleball: 0.0 pitch angle speed variance knuckleball: 5.0 # PITCH_TYPE_SCREWBALL, pitch angle screwball: 10.0 pitch angle variance screwball: 1.0 pitch angle speed screwball: 150.0 pitch angle speed variance screwball: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_CUTTER, pitch angle cutter: 0.0 pitch angle variance cutter: 0.0 pitch angle speed cutter: 0.0 pitch angle speed variance cutter: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_SLOW_HOOK, pitch angle slow hook: 0.0 pitch angle variance slow hook: 0.0 pitch angle speed slow hook: 0.0 pitch angle speed variance slow hook: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_FOSH, pitch angle fosh: 0.0 pitch angle variance fosh: 0.0 pitch angle speed fosh: 0.0 pitch angle speed variance fosh: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_CIRCLE_CHANGE, pitch angle circle change: 0.0 pitch angle variance circle change: 0.0 pitch angle speed circle change: 0.0 pitch angle speed variance circle change: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_PALMBALL, pitch angle palmball: 0.0 pitch angle variance palmball: 0.0 pitch angle speed palmball: 0.0 pitch angle speed variance palmball: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_FORKBALL, pitch angle forkball: 0.0 pitch angle variance forkball: 0.0 pitch angle speed forkball: 0.0 pitch angle speed variance forkball: 0.0 # PITCH_TYPE_EPHIS, pitch angle ephis: 0.0 pitch angle variance ephis: 0.0 pitch angle speed ephis: 0.0 pitch angle speed variance ephis: 0.0 ROOKIE catch radius: 5.0 human slowest runner speed: 24 Speeds are in feet per second human fastest runner speed: 28.3 computer slowest runner speed: 24 computer fastest runner speed: 28.3 human slowest fielder speed: 24 human fastest fielder speed: 28.5 computer slowest fielder speed: 24 computer fastest fielder speed: 28.5 human min throw velocity: 65 human max throw velocity: 76 computer min throw velocity: 65 computer max throw velocity: 76 human team runner fuzzy time low: 0.000 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) human team runner fuzzy time high: 0.000 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) computer runner fuzzy time low: 0.000 computer runner fuzzy time high: 0.000 computer pitcher control: 0.890 human pitcher control: 0.91 catcher throw pct computer: 0.940 Throw modifier for computer-controlled catcher (for steals) catcher throw pct human: 0.940 Throw modifier for human-controlled catcher (for steals) pickoff caught leaning pct: 0.0030 Percentage of times runner gets "caught leaning" on a pickoff attempt fielding error factor multiplier: 1.1750 Increase this number for more fielding errors throwing error factor multiplier: 0.5500 Increase this number for more throwing errors (wild throws) catching error factor multiplier: 0.3500 Increase this number for more catching errors PRO catch radius: 5.0 human slowest runner speed: 24 Speeds are in feet per second human fastest runner speed: 28.3 computer slowest runner speed: 24 computer fastest runner speed: 28.3 human slowest fielder speed: 24 human fastest fielder speed: 28.5 computer slowest fielder speed: 24 computer fastest fielder speed: 28.5 human min throw velocity: 65 human max throw velocity: 76 computer min throw velocity: 65 computer max throw velocity: 76 human team runner fuzzy time low: -1.175 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) human team runner fuzzy time high: -0.027 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) computer runner fuzzy time low: -1.175 computer runner fuzzy time high: -0.027 computer pitcher control: 0.870 human pitcher control: 0.900 catcher throw pct computer: 0.940 Throw modifier for computer-controlled catcher (for steals) catcher throw pct human: 0.940 Throw modifier for human-controlled catcher (for steals) pickoff caught leaning pct: 0.0030 Percentage of times runner gets "caught leaning" on a pickoff attempt fielding error factor multiplier: 1.1750 Increase this number for more fielding errors throwing error factor multiplier: 0.5500 Increase this number for more throwing errors (wild throws) catching error factor multiplier: 0.3500 Increase this number for more catching errors ALLSTAR catch radius: 5.0 human slowest runner speed: 24 Speeds are in feet per second human fastest runner speed: 28.3 computer slowest runner speed: 24 computer fastest runner speed: 28.3 human slowest fielder speed: 24 human fastest fielder speed: 28.5 computer slowest fielder speed: 24 computer fastest fielder speed: 28.5 human min throw velocity: 65 human max throw velocity: 76 computer min throw velocity: 65 computer max throw velocity: 76 human team runner fuzzy time low: -1.175 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) human team runner fuzzy time high: -0.027 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) computer runner fuzzy time low: -1.175 computer runner fuzzy time high: -0.027 computer pitcher control: 0.820 human pitcher control: 0.890 catcher throw pct computer: 0.940 Throw modifier for computer-controlled catcher (for steals) catcher throw pct human: 0.940 Throw modifier for human-controlled catcher (for steals) pickoff caught leaning pct: 0.0030 Percentage of times runner gets "caught leaning" on a pickoff attempt fielding error factor multiplier: 1.1750 Increase this number for more fielding errors throwing error factor multiplier: 0.5500 Increase this number for more throwing errors (wild throws) catching error factor multiplier: 0.3500 Increase this number for more catching errors MVP catch radius: 5.0 human slowest runner speed: 24 Speeds are in feet per second human fastest runner speed: 28.3 computer slowest runner speed: 24 computer fastest runner speed: 28.3 human slowest fielder speed: 24 human fastest fielder speed: 28.5 computer slowest fielder speed: 24 computer fastest fielder speed: 28.5 human min throw velocity: 65 human max throw velocity: 76 computer min throw velocity: 65 computer max throw velocity: 76 human team runner fuzzy time low: -1.175 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) human team runner fuzzy time high: -0.027 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) computer runner fuzzy time low: -1.175 computer runner fuzzy time high: -0.027 computer pitcher control: 0.820 human pitcher control: 0.80 catcher throw pct computer: 0.940 Throw modifier for computer-controlled catcher (for steals) catcher throw pct human: 0.940 Throw modifier for human-controlled catcher (for steals) pickoff caught leaning pct: 0.0030 Percentage of times runner gets "caught leaning" on a pickoff attempt fielding error factor multiplier: 1.1750 Increase this number for more fielding errors throwing error factor multiplier: 0.5500 Increase this number for more throwing errors (wild throws) catching error factor multiplier: 0.3500 Increase this number for more catching errors HALLOFFAMER catch radius: 5.0 human slowest runner speed: 24 Speeds are in feet per second human fastest runner speed: 28.3 computer slowest runner speed: 24 computer fastest runner speed: 28.3 human slowest fielder speed: 24 human fastest fielder speed: 28.5 computer slowest fielder speed: 24 computer fastest fielder speed: 28.5 human min throw velocity: 65 human max throw velocity: 76 computer min throw velocity: 65 computer max throw velocity: 76 human team runner fuzzy time low: -1.175 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) human team runner fuzzy time high: -0.027 (For auto baserunning, or manage-only) computer runner fuzzy time low: -1.175 computer runner fuzzy time high: -0.027 computer pitcher control: 0.820 human pitcher control: 0.800 catcher throw pct computer: 0.940 Throw modifier for computer-controlled catcher (for steals) catcher throw pct human: 0.940 Throw modifier for human-controlled catcher (for steals) pickoff caught leaning pct: 0.0030 Percentage of times runner gets "caught leaning" on a pickoff attempt fielding error factor multiplier: 1.1750 Increase this number for more fielding errors throwing error factor multiplier: 0.5500 Increase this number for more throwing errors (wild throws) catching error factor multiplier: 0.3500 Increase this number for more catching errors