BEGIN ;start script ; Scene CLASSNAME: BsVehicle NAME_ID: 704 DESCRIPTION_ID: 705 GRAPHIC_FILE: TerryMcMillen SIM_FILE: TerryMcMillen SOUND_BANK: motor1 SOUND_CUE_BANK: motor1 ; General FRICTION_EQUALIZER: 0.5 TORQUE_YAW_FACTOR: 0.35 TORQUE_PITCH_FACTOR: 0.5 TORQUE_ROLL_FACTOR: 0.25 EXTRA_TORQUE_FACTOR: -0.5 CHASSIS_UNIT_INERTIA_YAW: 1.0 CHASSIS_UNIT_INERTIA_PITCH: 1.0 CHASSIS_UNIT_INERTIA_ROLL: 0.40 ; Aerodynamics AIR_DENSITY: 1.3 ;The density of the air that sorrounds the vehicle, usually, 1.3 kg/m3 FRONTAL_AREA: 1.0 ;The frontal area, in m2, of the car DRAG_COEFFICIENT: 0.7 ;The drag coefficient of the car. Values around 0.3 are realistic. LIFT_COEFFICIENT: -0.3 ;Values between 0.5 and -0.5 are usually good EXTRA_GRAVITY: 0.0, 0.0, -5.0 ; Adding this force has the effect of accelerating the subjective time of the driver (m/s2) ; Angular Velocity Damping NORMAL_SPIN_DAMPING: 1.0 COLLISION_SPIN_DAMPING: 0.5 COLLISION_THRESHOLD: 4.0 ; Brake WHEELS_MIN_TIME_TO_BLOCK: 4.0 ; The time (in secs) after which, if the user applies enough brake input, the wheels will block ; Chassis CHASSIS_MASS: 2400 ;(lbs). ; Cockpit COCKPIT_FILE: FunnyCarCockpit ; Engine TORQUE: 5000.0 ; The maximum gross torque the engine can supply at the optimal RPM MIN_RPM: 2000.0 ; Minimum RPM of the engine OPT_RPM: 9500.0 ; This is where the gross torque of the engine is optimal MAX_RPM: 12000.0 ; Maximum RPM of the engine TORQUE_FACTOR_AT_MIN_RPM: 0.80 ; This defines the gross torque at the minium RPM as a factor to the torque at the optimal RPM TORQUE_FACTOR_AT_MAX_RPM: 0.80 ; This defines the gross torque at the maximum RPM as a factor to the torque at the optimal RPM RESISTANCE_FACTOR_AT_MIN_RPM: 0.05 ; This defines the engine resistence torque at the minimum RPM as a factor of the torque at the optimal RPM RESISTANCE_FACTOR_AT_OPT_RPM: 0.10 ; This defines the engine resistence torque at the optimum RPM as a factor of the torque at the optimal RPM RESISTANCE_FACTOR_AT_MAX_RPM: 0.30 ; This defines the engine resistence torque at the maximum RPM as a factor of the torque at the optimal RPM ; Motor sound NUM_MOTOR_SOUNDS: 1 MOTOR_SOUND: 1 MOTOR_SOUND_CUE: motor1 ; Skidmarks NUM_SKIDMARK_POINTS: 512 MIN_SKIDMARK_ENERGY: 100.0 MAX_SKIDMARK_ENERGY: 1000.0 ; Steering MAX_STEERING_ANGLE: 12.0 ; The maximum reachable steering angle (dgs) MAX_SPEED_FULL_STEERING_ANGLE: 130.0 ; The maximum speed for the maximum steering angle (mph) ; Transmission DOWNSHIFT_RPM: 5500.0 ; The RPM at which the transmission shifts down a gear UPSHIFT_RPM: 9250 ; The RPM at which the transmission shifts up a gear PRIMARY_TRANSMISSION_RATIO: 5.50 ; The transmission ratio regardless of gear. It is an extra factor for the total transmission ratio. CLUTCH_DELAY_TIME: 0.00 ; The time needed (in seconds) to shift a gear. REVERSE_GEAR_RATIO: 1.00 ; The gear ratio for the revese gear. NUM_TRANSMISSION_GEARS: 6 GEAR: 1 GEAR_RATIO: 2.00 GEAR: 2 GEAR_RATIO: 1.50 GEAR: 3 GEAR_RATIO: 1.00 GEAR: 4 GEAR_RATIO: 0.75 GEAR: 5 GEAR_RATIO: 0.50 GEAR: 6 GEAR_RATIO: 0.25 ; Wheels NUMWHEELS: 4 WHEEL: 1 AXLE: 1 WHEEL_FILE: wheel7 WHEEL_MASS: 26.0 ;(lbs) WHEEL_RADIUS: 10.68 ;(in) WHEEL_WIDTH: 6.55 ;(in) WHEEL_FRICTION: 1.25 WHEEL_VISCOSITY_FRICTION: 0.05 WHEEL_TORQUE_RATIO: 0.5 ; Ratio of main torque distributed to the wheel SUSP_LENGTH: 0.0 ;(in) SUSP_STRENGTH: 50.0 ;(N/m) Values 10-100 are usually good SUSP_COMPRESSION_DAMPING: 3.0 ;(N/(m/sec)) Values 5-50 are usually good SUSP_RELAXATION_DAMPING: 3.0 ;(N/(m/sec)) Values 5-50 are usually good SUSP_HARDPOINT: 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;x,y,z coordinates in chassis space SUSP_DIRECTION: 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;x,y,z direction in chassis space WHEEL_CAN_STEER: YES MAX_BRAKE_TORQUE: 1500.0 PEDAL_INPUT_TO_BLOCK: 0.9 ;The minimum amount of braking from the driver that could cause the wheel to block (range [0..1] CONNECTED_TO_HANDBRAKE: NO WHEEL: 2 AXLE: 1 WHEEL_FILE: wheel7 WHEEL_MASS: 26.0 ;(lbs) WHEEL_RADIUS: 10.68 ;(in) WHEEL_WIDTH: 6.55 ;(in) WHEEL_FRICTION: 1.25 WHEEL_VISCOSITY_FRICTION: 0.05 WHEEL_TORQUE_RATIO: 0.5 ; Ratio of main torque distributed to the wheel SUSP_LENGTH: 0.0 ;(in) SUSP_STRENGTH: 50.0 ;(N/m) Values 10-100 are usually good SUSP_COMPRESSION_DAMPING: 3.0 ;(N/(m/sec)) Values 5-50 are usually good SUSP_RELAXATION_DAMPING: 3.0 ;(N/(m/sec)) Values 5-50 are usually good SUSP_HARDPOINT: 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;x,y,z coordinates in chassis space SUSP_DIRECTION: 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;x,y,z direction in chassis space WHEEL_CAN_STEER: YES MAX_BRAKE_TORQUE: 1500.0 PEDAL_INPUT_TO_BLOCK: 0.9 ;The minimum amount of braking from the driver that could cause the wheel to block (range [0..1] CONNECTED_TO_HANDBRAKE: NO WHEEL: 3 AXLE: 2 WHEEL_FILE: wheel8 WHEEL_MASS: 26.0 ;(lbs) WHEEL_RADIUS: 16.59 ;(in) WHEEL_WIDTH: 22.48 ;(in) WHEEL_FRICTION: 1.27 WHEEL_VISCOSITY_FRICTION: 0.05 WHEEL_TORQUE_RATIO: 0.5 ; Ratio of main torque distributed to the wheel SUSP_LENGTH: 0.0 ;(in) SUSP_STRENGTH: 100.0 ;(N/m) Values 10-100 are usually good SUSP_COMPRESSION_DAMPING: 3.0 ;(N/(m/sec)) Values 5-50 are usually good SUSP_RELAXATION_DAMPING: 3.0 ;(N/(m/sec)) Values 5-50 are usually good SUSP_HARDPOINT: 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;x,y,z coordinates in chassis space SUSP_DIRECTION: 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;x,y,z direction in chassis space WHEEL_CAN_STEER: NO MAX_BRAKE_TORQUE: 1500.0 PEDAL_INPUT_TO_BLOCK: 0.9 ;The minimum amount of braking from the driver that could cause the wheel to block (range [0..1] CONNECTED_TO_HANDBRAKE: YES WHEEL: 4 AXLE: 2 WHEEL_FILE: wheel8 WHEEL_MASS: 26.0 ;(lbs) WHEEL_RADIUS: 16.59 ;(in) WHEEL_WIDTH: 22.48 ;(in) WHEEL_FRICTION: 1.27 WHEEL_VISCOSITY_FRICTION: 0.05 WHEEL_TORQUE_RATIO: 0.5 ; Ratio of main torque distributed to the wheel SUSP_LENGTH: 0.0 ;(in) SUSP_STRENGTH: 100.0 ;(N/m) Values 10-100 are usually good SUSP_COMPRESSION_DAMPING: 3.0 ;(N/(m/sec)) Values 5-50 are usually good SUSP_RELAXATION_DAMPING: 3.0 ;(N/(m/sec)) Values 5-50 are usually good SUSP_HARDPOINT: 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;x,y,z coordinates in chassis space SUSP_DIRECTION: 0.0,0.0,0.0 ;x,y,z direction in chassis space WHEEL_CAN_STEER: NO MAX_BRAKE_TORQUE: 1500.0 PEDAL_INPUT_TO_BLOCK: 0.9 ;The minimum amount of braking from the driver that could cause the wheel to block (range [0..1] CONNECTED_TO_HANDBRAKE: YES END ;end script