Competitiom Help Page V0.3 2004/12/13 Rough limits guideline: Width = 43 chars, Lines = 13 < TOPIC START Topic Page Content <1. Team Leaders can only create or sign up for one competition at a time. A Team Leader cannot create another competition until the current one has been completed or cancelled. 2. A Team Leader has a limit of creating up to 9 competitions over a 3 day period. Completed or cancelled competitions will automatically be deleted 3 days after completion or cancellation. (There is no limit to sign up.)> <3. A Team Leader can withdraw his//her team from a competition at anytime before it starts without penalty. 4. Once a competition starts there is a four minute check in period for Team Leaders before each round starts. Leaders must be checked in before this period ends or they will risk forfeit. 5. If a Team Leader drops out of a competition round, no matter the reason, their team will risk forfeiting the competition.> <6. If a Team Member drops out in the middle of a round the points they gained will be lost. 7. One slot will always be reserved for the Team Leader as it is required that he//she participate. 8. Team Members can only join competitions that their Team Leader has signed up for.> <9. Team Members can still join a competition after it starts. However, this is not recommended as it may give your opponents the upper hand. 10. If a new recruit joins a team after the round has started, he will not be able to participate in the competition until the next round.> > TOPIC END. < Topic Page 1 Page 2 <Ņ - Competition Start Icon - This icon will appear when the Competition has started. Check in to the Competition in order to participate. Ņ30 - Round Warning Icon - There will be a countdown accompanying this icon reminding Team Members of their check in deadline. Ň - Round Ready Icon - If you see this then the round has been created and is almost ready to begin.> > END TOPIC. < Topic Page Content <1. Choose "Competition List" to sign up for an existing Competition or "Create Competition" to start a new one. Upon sign up or creation, a Competition Notification Icon will be seen by all Team Members that are signed in to Xbox Live. Team Members will find their Competition in the "My Competition" menu. Take note of when the Competition will start.> <2. When the Competition starts, you'll see the Competition Start Icon. Go to the "My Competition" menu and you'll see that your Competition has become "Active". Select it and check in before the first round starts.> <3. After you've checked in, please wait a moment. You will receive a notification to either host or join a session. Press the Ā Button to confirm and begin character and weapon selection. Once this stage is reached do not leave the game. Leaving the game will result in a forfeit for your team.> <4. Now you're in the game lobby. The scoreboard will display the countdown clock and other players as they join the session. Here you can view the map using the thumbsticks or use your Xbox Communicator headset to talk with other players that are already in the lobby.> > TOPIC END < Topic Page Content <1. When you see the Competition Notification Icon, this means your Team Leader has created or signed up for a Competition. Proceed to the "My Competition" menu, where you'll find an "Open" Competition for you to choose from. Here you can view your Competition's status and related information.> <2. When the Competition starts, you'll see the Competition Start Icon. Go to the "My Competition" menu and you'll see your Competition has become "Active". Select it and check in before the first round starts.> <3. When the round is about to start, a Round Start Icon will appear wherever you are in the game. This icon informs you to enter the game lobby and start the fight.> <4. After choosing your character and weapon, you will be sent to the game lobby. The scoreboard will display the countdown clock and other players as they join the session. Here you can view the map using the thumbsticks or use your Xbox Communicator headset to talk with other players that already in the lobby.> > (topic end.)