//#include "Cutscene31a_dlg.h" #include "cutscene_common.cs" // global variables int ce01, ce04, ce11, player; void main() { PlayMovie("l00_kai"); WaitMovieUntil(); LoadScene("se01"); //fade in Fade(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); //show movie border ShowMovieBorder("movie", 120); // spawn chara and set initial position ce01= SpawnMale(14.8, 13.6, 2.5); SetCharaWeapon(ce01, 0); ce04= SpawnFemale(-11.5, 13.6, 2.5); SetCharaWeapon(ce04, 0); ce11= SpawnChara("CE11", 0.5, 84, 2.5); SetCharaWeapon(ce11, 0); // Set chara initial direction SetEntityDir(ce01, 0, 1, 0);//0.5, 0.9, 0); SetEntityDir(ce04, 0, 1, 0);//0.5, 0.8, 0); SetEntityDir(ce11, 0, -1, 0); // get player and hide acZaras player = GetPlayerChara(); ShowEntity(ce01, 1); ShowEntity(ce04, 1); ShowEntity(ce11, 1); // delete acZaras and resZarae player after end cutscene ActorList(ce01); ActorList(ce04); ActorList(ce11); SetCharaStyle(ce11, 1); //--------------------// SetCamPos(98, 14.2, 72); SetCamDir(148, 350, 0); //QIGO turn and walk to the mountain----------------- PlayPose(ce11, 1096, 0.7); Sleep(0.7); CharaRunPath(ce11, -317, 98, 10, -319, 411.2, 10.5); /* SetCamPos(335.5, 343.2, 306); SetCamDir(214.8, 330.8, 0); MoveCamLineTo(466.8, 601.3, 306, 14, 0); RotateCamTo(148.2, 359, 0, 14); */ Sleep(6); //WaitCharaUntil(ce11); SetCamPos(-332, 868.1, 60); SetCamDir(269,349, 0); Sleep(5); Fade(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1); Sleep(2); //fade out //end TheEnd(); }