//#include "Cutscene32_dlg.h" #include "cutscene_common.cs" // global variables int ce01, ce04, ce11, player; void main() { LoadScene("se01"); //fade in Fade(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); //show movie border ShowMovieBorder("movie", 120); // spawn chara and set initial position ce01= SpawnMale(14, 131.6, 2.5); SetCharaWeapon(ce01, 30); ce04= SpawnFemale(-12.7, 114.4, 2.5); SetCharaWeapon(ce04, 20); ce11= SpawnChara("CE11", 1.5, 238, 2.5);//Âਭ¦ì²¾1.5, 248, 2.5 SetCharaWeapon(ce11, 0); // Set chara initial direction SetEntityDir(ce01, 0, 1, 0); SetEntityDir(ce04, 0, 1, 0); SetEntityDir(ce11, 0, -1, 0); // get player and hide acZaras player = GetPlayerChara(); ShowEntity(ce01, 1); ShowEntity(ce04, 1); ShowEntity(ce11, 1); // delete acZaras and resZarae player after end cutscene ActorList(ce01); ActorList(ce04); ActorList(ce11); SetCharaStyle(ce11, 1); UnLook(ce11); //two walk to Qi LookChara(ce01, ce11); LookChara(ce04, ce11); SetCharaStyle(ce01, 1); SetCharaStyle(ce04, 1); CharaWalkTo(ce01, 13, 200.3, 2.5);//13, 196.3, 2.5//0.2,1,0 Sleep(0.5); CharaWalkTo(ce04, -7.7, 200.4, 2.5);//-7.7, 196.4, 2.5//0.5,0.8,0 WaitCamUntil(); //Set Cam initial SetCamPos(32.86, 263.6, 41.3); SetCamDir(240.4, 347.5, 0); WaitCharaUntil(ce01); SetCharaStyle(ce01, 0); PlayPose(ce01, 0156, 1); WaitCharaUntil(ce04); SetCharaStyle(ce04, 0); PlayPose(ce04, 0158, 1.2); Sleep(2); //------------------------// //SetCamPos(10.2, 207.8, 39.8); //SetCamDir(120.3, 358.5, 0); //CharaFaceTo(ce11, 0, -1, 0); //PlayPose(ce11, 1097, 1.5); //WaitCharaUntil(ce11); //Sleep(1); //---------------------------- //SetCamPos(35.35, 184.5, 28.5); //SetCamDir(149.6, 4.7, 0); SetCamPos(36.8, 187, 32.6); SetCamDir(142.3, 357.3, 0); Sleep(0.5); //Q1a One final thing, my students BeginFadeImg("cs_ce11", 30, 30, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q1a, 210, 60, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_qi_032_1"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q1a, 0.5); EndFadeImg("cs_ce11", 0.5); Sleep(0.5); LookChara(ce11, ce04); Sleep(0.5); SetCharaStyle(ce11, 0); //CharaMoveTo(ce11, -6.3, 213.4, 2.6, 0.2);//-6.3, 217.4, 2.6//-0.1,-0.9,0 CharaWalkTo(ce11, -6.3, 213.4, 2.6); WaitCharaUntil(ce11); SetCharaStyle(ce11, 1); Sleep(1); //Q1b Take this. BeginFadeImg("cs_ce11", 30, 30, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q1b, 210, 60, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_qi_032_2"); Sleep(0.3); PlayPose(ce11, 1099, 2.2); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q1b, 0.5); EndFadeImg("cs_ce11", 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //-------------// //SetCamPos(2.2, 198.4, 27); //SetCamDir(205.3, 19.8, 0); PlayPose(ce04, 1100, 2.5); Sleep(1); //M2 A map? BeginFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_M2, 210, 510, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_mia_033"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_M2, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 0.5); WaitCharaUntil(ce04); Sleep(1); //--------------------// SetCamPos(14.2, 176.7, 18.9); SetCamDir(120.1, 14.9, 0); Sleep(0.5); //Q3a These past years I have been deep in study and //Q3b meditation. BeginFadeImg("cs_ce11", 30, 30, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3a, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3b, 210, 70, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_qi_034"); Sleep(4); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3a, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3b, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q3c I have searched for information on warriors //Q3d who are skilled enough to wield the Phoenix //Q3e weapons. BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3c, 210, 40, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3d, 210, 60, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3e, 210, 80, 1.5); Sleep(5.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3c, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3d, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3e, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //------------------------- SetCamPos(5.9, 200.9, 18.9); SetCamDir(125.7, 39.4, 0); Sleep(0.5); //Q3f I have marked the locations of where these //Q3g warriors may be found. BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3f, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3g, 210, 70, 1.5); Sleep(4); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3f, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3g, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q3h I hope you find them in possession of the //Q3i weapons. BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3h, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q3i, 210, 70, 1.5); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3h, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q3i, 0.5); EndFadeImg("cs_ce11", 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //-------------------// SetCamPos(0.4, 206.3, 27.9); SetCamDir(225.6, 19, 0); CharaFaceTo(ce11, 0.12, -0.9, 0); Sleep(0.5); //M4 We will follow the map faithfully. BeginFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_M4, 210, 510, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_mia_035"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_M4, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //--------------------// SetCamPos(9.13, 205.6, 30); SetCamDir(142.5, 18.7, 0); CharaFaceTo(ce01, -0.3, 0.9, 0); CharaFaceTo(ce04, 0.5, 0.8, 0); Sleep(0.5); //Q5a Remember to return here immediately after //Q5b collecting the remaining weapons. BeginFadeImg("cs_ce11", 30, 30, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q5a, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q5b, 210, 70, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_qi_036"); Sleep(4.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q5a, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q5b, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q5c I fear that if the others searching for the //Q5d weapons discover your quest, they will hunt BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q5c, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q5d, 210, 70, 1.5); Sleep(5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q5c, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q5d, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q5e you down for them. BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q5e, 210, 60, 1.5); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q5e, 0.5); EndFadeImg("cs_ce11", 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //----------------------// //SetCamPos(12.14, 228.5, 52.6); //SetCamDir(246.6, 321.9, 0); SetCamPos(11, 230.2, 32.8); SetCamDir(251.8, 4.4, 0); //K6 Don't worry, I'm always ready for a fight. BeginFadeImg(PhotoMale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_K6, 210, 510, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_kai_037"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_K6, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoMale, 0.5); LookChara(ce04, ce01); Sleep(0.5); //M7 We know. BeginFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_M7, 210, 510, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_mia_038"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_M7, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); LookChara(ce04, ce11); //-----------------// SetCamPos(20.2, 174.7, 41.3); SetCamDir(120.9, 342.4, 0); //MoveCamLineTo(37.8, 164.8, 67.5, 12, 0); LookChara(ce11, ce04); //Q8 You two are to me as my own children. BeginFadeImg("cs_ce11", 30, 30, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q8, 210, 60, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_qi_039"); //------------ Sleep(1); LookChara(ce11, ce01); //-------------- Sleep(3.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q8, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q9a Stay together and aid each other if you //Q9b want to succeed. BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q9a, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q9b, 210, 70, 1.5); LookChara(ce11, ce04); Sleep(4); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q9a, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q9b, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q10a And remember, the Phoenix Weapons twist men's //Q10b minds. BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q10a, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q10b, 210, 70, 1.5); Sleep(4.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q10a, 0.5); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q10b, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q10c Do not trust anyone you meet along the way. BeginText(CUTSCENE32_Q10c, 210, 60, 1.5); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_Q10c, 0.5); EndFadeImg("cs_ce11", 0.5); WaitCamUntil(); //Sleep(0.5); //-------------------// //SetCamPos(63.6, 216, 117); //SetCamDir(206.6, 303.7, 0); UnLook(ce11); //CharaFaceTo(ce01, -0.2, 0.9, 0); //CharaFaceTo(ce04, 0.3, 0.9, 0); SetCamPos(22.3, 246.6, 31.4); SetCamDir(246.9, 356.2, 0); //K11 Don't worry, Master-I'll keep my eyes open. BeginFadeImg(PhotoMale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_K11, 210, 510, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_kai_040a"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_K11, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoMale, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //M12 We will not fail you, Master. BeginFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(CUTSCENE32_M12, 210, 510, 1.5); PlayVoice("32_mia_041"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(CUTSCENE32_M12, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //--------------------------- PlayPose(ce04, 0158, -1); Sleep(0.5); PlayPose(ce01, 0156, -1); WaitCharaUntil(ce01); Sleep(1.2); PlayPose(ce04, 1708, 0.8); Sleep(0.3); PlayPose(ce01, 1097, 0.8); WaitCharaUntil(ce04); SetCharaStyle(ce04, 1); UnLook(ce04); CharaWalkTo(ce04, -19.7, -75.6, 2.5); WaitCharaUntil(ce01); SetCharaStyle(ce01, 1); UnLook(ce01); CharaWalkTo(ce01, 13.8, -72.6, 2.5); //two walk away Sleep(1.5); Fade(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1); Sleep(2); //fade out //end TheEnd(); }