CUTSCENE32_Q1a One final thing, my students. CUTSCENE32_Q1b Take this. CUTSCENE32_M2 A map? CUTSCENE32_Q3a These past years I have been deep in study CUTSCENE32_Q3b and meditation. CUTSCENE32_Q3c I have searched for information on warriors CUTSCENE32_Q3d who are skilled enough to wield the Phoenix CUTSCENE32_Q3e Weapons. CUTSCENE32_Q3f I have marked the locations of where these CUTSCENE32_Q3g warriors may be found. CUTSCENE32_Q3h I hope you find them in possession of the CUTSCENE32_Q3i weapons. CUTSCENE32_M4 We'll follow the map faithfully. CUTSCENE32_Q5a Remember to return here immediately after CUTSCENE32_Q5b collecting the remaining weapons. CUTSCENE32_Q5c I fear that if the others searching for the CUTSCENE32_Q5d weapons discover your quest, they will hunt CUTSCENE32_Q5e you down for them. CUTSCENE32_K6 Don't worry, I'm always ready for a fight. CUTSCENE32_M7 We know. CUTSCENE32_Q8 You two are to me as my own children. CUTSCENE32_Q9a Stay together and aid each other if you CUTSCENE32_Q9b want to succeed. CUTSCENE32_Q10a And remember, the Phoenix Weapons twist CUTSCENE32_Q10b men's minds. CUTSCENE32_Q10c Do not trust anyone you meet along the way. CUTSCENE32_K11 Don't worry, Master. I'll keep my eyes open. CUTSCENE32_M12 We will not fail you, Master.