//#include "SHORTCUTT_4a_dlg.h" #include "cutscene_common.cs" // global variables int ce01, ce04, ce11, player; void main() { LoadScene("se01"); //fade in Fade(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); //show movie border ShowMovieBorder("movie", 120); // spawn chara and set initial position ce01= SpawnMale(-1300, 2348, 480.2); SetCharaWeapon(ce01, 0); ce04= SpawnFemale(-1430.1, 2387.4, 487); SetCharaWeapon(ce04, 0); ce11= SpawnChara("CE11", -1416.2, 2361, 490);//515.2); SetCharaWeapon(ce11, 0); // Set chara initial direction SetEntityDir(ce01, -1, 0.2, 0); SetEntityDir(ce04, 0.9, -0.4, 0); SetEntityDir(ce11, 0.9, -0.2, 0); // get player and hide acZaras player = GetPlayerChara(); ShowEntity(ce01, 1); ShowEntity(ce04, 1); ShowEntity(ce11, 1); // delete acZaras and resZarae player after end cutscene ActorList(ce01); ActorList(ce04); ActorList(ce11); LookChara(ce04, ce01); LookChara(ce01, ce11); LookChara(ce11, ce01); SetCharaStyle(ce04, 1); SetCharaStyle(ce11, 1); //mia walk enter camera SetCharaStyle(ce01, 1); CharaWalkTo(ce01, -1347.7, 2355.3, 480.2);//-1343.7, 2355.3, 480.2 //Set Cam initial SetCamPos(-1331.5, 2332.3, 501.1);//-1322.8, 2369.7, 502.1); SetCamDir(142.8, 19.8, 0);//193.3, 6.3, 0); WaitCharaUntil(ce01); SetCharaStyle(ce01, 0); PlayPose(ce01, 0156, 1); Sleep(3); //Q1 I can see I taught you well. BeginFadeImg("cs_ce11", 30, 30, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q1, 210, 60, 1.5); PlayVoice("T-4_qi_001"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q1, 0.5); EndFadeImg("cs_ce11", 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //------------------ /* SetCamPos(-1358.9, 2345.7, 501.3); SetCamDir(37.8, 27.9, 0); Sleep(0.5); */ //K2a I was bestowed great talent upon my birth... //K2b along with good looks and charm. BeginFadeImg(PhotoMale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_K2a, 210, 505, 1.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_K2b, 210, 525, 1.5); PlayVoice("T-4_kai_004b"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_K2a, 0.5); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_K2b, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoMale, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //M3a Oh please! All you were bestowed with was //M3b big mouth! BeginFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_M3a, 210, 505, 1.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_M3b, 210, 525, 1.5); PlayVoice("t-4_mia_005"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_M3a, 0.5); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_M3b, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); /* delete //Q2 Much easier than looking for a bridge, eh? BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q2, 210, 60, 1.5); PlayVoice("T-6_qi_001"); Sleep(3.8); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q2, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); */ //Q4a No matter how strong you are, there are some //Q4b places where your double jump will not reach. BeginFadeImg("cs_ce11", 30, 30, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q4a, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q4b, 210, 70, 1.5); PlayVoice("t-6_qi_001"); Sleep(6.3); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q4a, 0.5); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q4b, 0.5); Sleep(0.3); //----------------------------------- SetCamPos(-1401.2, 2347.6, 509.5); SetCamDir(135.6, 24.3, 0); Sleep(0.3); //Q4c For those times, use the advanced Cloudtread //Q4d technique. BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q4c, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q4d, 210, 70, 1.5); Sleep(4); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q4c, 0.5); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q4d, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q5a Start by pressing and holding B to Lightstep. BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q5a, 210, 60, 1.5); Sleep(3); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q5a, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q5b When you want to jump, release B and //Q5c immediately press A to perform the //Q5d Cloudtread BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q5b, 210, 40, 1.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q5c, 210, 60, 1.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q5d, 210, 80, 1.5); Sleep(6.2); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q5b, 0.5); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q5c, 0.5); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q5d, 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //Q6a I will be waiting for you up top. Use your //Q6b skills to reach me. BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q6a, 210, 50, 1.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q6b, 210, 70, 1.5); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q6a, 0.5); EndText(SHORTCUTT_4a_Q6b, 0.5); EndFadeImg("cs_ce11", 0.5); Sleep(0.5); Fade(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1); Sleep(2); //fade out //end TheEnd(); }