//#include "SHORTCUTT_6b_dlg.h" #include "cutscene_common.cs" // global variables int ce01, ce04, ce11, player; void main() { LoadScene("se01"); //fade in Fade(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); //show movie border ShowMovieBorder("movie", 120); // spawn chara and set initial position ce01= SpawnMale(-1277.4, 4119, 730.6); SetCharaWeapon(ce01, 0); ce04= SpawnFemale(-1347.6, 4153.9, 727.2); SetCharaWeapon(ce04, 0); ce11= SpawnChara("CE11", -1300.3, 4105, 728.5);//-1278, 4123, 765); SetCharaWeapon(ce11, 0); // Set chara initial direction SetEntityDir(ce01, -0.8, 0.6, 0); SetEntityDir(ce04, 0.6, -0.8, 0); SetEntityDir(ce11, -0.5, 0.8, 0); // get player and hide acZaras player = GetPlayerChara(); ShowEntity(ce01, 1); ShowEntity(ce04, 1); ShowEntity(ce11, 1); // delete acZaras and resZarae player after end cutscene ActorList(ce01); ActorList(ce04); ActorList(ce11); SetCharaStyle(ce11, 1); SetCharaStyle(ce01, 1); LookChara(ce01, ce04); LookChara(ce04, ce11); LookChara(ce11, ce04); //Set Cam initial----------------------- //SetCamPos(-1349.2, 4174.5, 735.3); //SetCamDir(299.9, 18.7, 0); SetCamPos(-1368.9, 4154.4, 738.3); SetCamDir(336.1, 16.6, 0); Sleep(0.5); //Q1 I am pleased. You have been practicing! BeginFadeImg("cs_ce11", 30, 30, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_6b_Q1a, 210, 60, 1.5); PlayVoice("T-8_qi_001"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(SHORTCUTT_6b_Q1a, 0.5); EndFadeImg("cs_ce11", 0.5); Sleep(0.5); //------------------------------------ SetCamPos(-1289, 4070.5, 776.5); SetCamDir(103.6, 341.2, 0); Sleep(0.5); PlayPose(ce04, 0158, 1.5); //m1b Thank you, Master. I always do. BeginFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 30, 485, 180, 90, 1, 1, 0.5); BeginText(SHORTCUTT_6b_M1b, 210, 515, 1.5); PlayVoice("t-8_mia_002"); WaitVoiceUntil(); EndText(SHORTCUTT_6b_M1b, 0.5); EndFadeImg(PhotoFemale, 0.5); //fade out Fade(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1); Sleep(2); //end TheEnd(); }