SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1a One of the most important abilities when SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1b facing danger is concentration. SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1c During battle, you must be able to focus SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1d on your opponent, no matter what else is SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1e going on around you. SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1f Now we will practice locking onto an SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1g opponent. SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1h For this exercise, you will use me as SHORTCUTT_9a_Q1i your target. SHORTCUTT_9a_Q2a When facing an enemy, click the RIGHT SHORTCUTT_9a_Q2b THUMBSTICK to lock onto that opponent. SHORTCUTT_9a_Q2c Click it again to unlock. SHORTCUTT_9a_Q3a If you and your opponent move far enough SHORTCUTT_9a_Q3b away from one another, the lock will SHORTCUTT_9a_Q3c automatically be cancelled. SHORTCUTT_9a_Q4 Now face me, and try it yourself!