STR_COPYRIGHT STR_PRESS_START_BUTTON Press START STR_TRAINING Training STR_SINGLE_PLAYER Single Player STR_SYSTEM_LINK System Link STR_PLAY_LIVE Play Xbox Live STR_SETTINGS Settings STR_EXIT Exit STR_STORY_MODE Story Mode STR_PLAY_OFFLINE Play Offline STR_CHARACTER_SELECT Character Select STR_WEAPON_SELECT Weapon Select STR_TEAM_SELECT Team Select STR_MISSION_SELECT Mission Select STR_MAP_SELECT Map Select STR_SESSION_LIST2 Session List STR_GAME_MODE Game Mode STR_CREATE_GAME_OPTION Match Settings BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_BACK Ā Confirm ƎƏ Scroll ā Back BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_BACK2 Ā Confirm ƎƏ Scroll ā Back BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_BACK3 Ā Confirm ƌƍ Change ā Back BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_BACK4 Ā Confirm Ł Scroll ā Back BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_STYLE_BACK Ā Confirm Ł Scroll Ă Style ā Back BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH Ā Confirm ƎƏ Scroll BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_STYLE Ā Confirm Ł Scroll Ă Style BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_REFRESH_BACK Ā Confirm ƎƏ Scroll ă Refresh ā Back BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_OPTION_BACK Ā Confirm ƎƏ Scroll Ă Match Settings ā Back BUT_CONFIRM_SWITCH_OPTION_BACK2 Ā Confirm Ă Options ā Back BUT_PLAYBACK_SWITCH_BACK Ā Playback Ł Scroll ā Back BUT_PLAYBACK_SWITCH_BACK2 Ā Playback ƎƏ Scroll ā Back BUT_PREV_NEXT_BACK ƌ Previous ƍ Next ā Back BUT_SWITCH_CHANGE_BACK ƎƏ Scroll ƌƍ Change ā Back BUT_SWITCH_CHANGE_DEFAULT_BACK ƎƏ Scroll ƌƍ Change ă Default ā Back BUT_SWITCH_CHANGE_MODE_DEFAULT_BACK ƎƏScroll ƌƍChange ĂMode ăDefault āBack BUT_SWITCH_CHANGE_BACK2 ƎƏ Scroll ƌƍ Change ā Back BUT_SWITCH_CHANGE_DEFAULT_BACK2 ƎƏScroll ƌƍChange ăDefault āBack BUT_SWITCH_BACK Ł Scroll ā Back BUT_SWITCH_BACK2 ƎƏ Scroll ā Back BUT_SPECTATOR_TEAM_SV ƌƍ Select team Ā Ready Ą ScoreboardĿă Next player Ă Free camera Ćć Up/down camera BUT_SPECTATOR_TEAM_CL ƌƍ Select team Ą ScoreboardĿă Next player Ă Free camera Ćć Up/down camera BUT_SPECTATOR_TEAM_FIGHT ƌƍ Select team Ā Fight Ą ScoreboardĿă Next player Ă Free camera Ćć Up/down camera BUT_SPECTATOR_SV Ā Ready Ą ScoreboardĿă Next player Ă Free camera Ćć Up/down camera BUT_SPECTATOR_SV_1ON1 Ā Ready Ą Scoreboard ă Next player BUT_SPECTATOR_CL Ą ScoreboardĿă Next player Ă Free camera Ćć Up/down camera BUT_SPECTATOR_CL_1ON1 Ą Scoreboard ă Next player BUT_SPECTATOR_FIGHT Ā Fight Ą ScoreboardĿă Next player Ă Free camera Ćć Up/down camera BUT_SPECTATOR_FIGHT_1ON1 Ā Fight Ą Scoreboard ă Next player BUT_DEDICATED_SERVER Ą ScoreboardĿă Next player Ă Free camera Ćć Up/down camera BUT_FOLLOW_MENU ă Next player Ą Scoreboard BUT_TRAINING_MENU1 Ă Restart Ā Next ā Back to menu BUT_TRAINING_MENU2 Ă Restart Ā Next ā Begin scenario BUT_SKIP Ā Skip BUT_BACK ā Back BUT_YES_NO Ā Yes ā No BUT_A_YES ĀYes BUT_B_NO āNo BUT_RETURN_TO_MENU Ā Return to menu BUT_RETURN_TO_MENU_DASHBOARD Ā Return to menu ā Exit to Dashboard BUT_LEAVE_GAME ā Leave Game BUT_CONFIRM Ā Confirm BUT_CONFIRM_MAINMENU Ā Confirm ā Main Menu BUT_SAVE_SWITCH_NEXT Ā Save ƎƏ Scroll ā Next Mission BUT_A_SKIP Ā Skip BUT_RANDOM_XBOX_LIVE ă Random Ą Xbox Live STR_NEW_GAME New Game STR_SAVE_FILE1 Saved Game 1 STR_SAVE_FILE2 Saved Game 2 STR_SAVE_FILE3 Saved Game 3 STR_SAVE_EMPTY1 Empty STR_SAVE_EMPTY2 Empty STR_SAVE_EMPTY3 Empty STR_SAVE_GAME Save Game STR_SESSION_LIST Session List STR_CREATE_GAME Create Match STR_MAX_PLAYERS Max Players STR_GAME_ROUND Game Rounds STR_GAME_TIME Game Time STR_GAME_SCORE Game Score STR_WIN_CONDITION Game Rule STR_WIN_TIME Time STR_WIN_SCORE Score STR_PRIVATE_SLOTS Private Slots STR_DEDICATED_SERVER Dedicated Host STR_PICKABLE_ITEM Power Up Items STR_TEAM_HURT Friendly Fire STR_MAX_HEALTH Max HP STR_BOTS Bots STR_BOTS_LEVEL Bots Level STR_ON On STR_OFF Off STR_YES Yes STR_NO No STR_DEFAULT Default STR_DEMO Demo STR_NONE None STR_BACK_CAMERA Backview Mode STR_EASY Easy STR_NORMAL Normal STR_HARD Hard STR_NEXT_LINE Ŀ STR_COLOR_CODE ľ STR_SESSION Session STR_MODE Mode STR_MAP Map STR_PLAYERS Players STR_TEAM_A Team A STR_TEAM_B Team B STR_TEAM_A_WIN Team A Wins STR_TEAM_B_WIN Team B Wins STR_TEAM_WIN Wins STR_NO_WINNER No Winner STR_COMPETITION_NO_WINNER Waiting for Referee STR_SPECTATOR Spectator STR_RULE_SCENARIO Scenario STR_ONE_ON_ONE Challenge Ring STR_DEATH_MATCH Deathmatch STR_TEAM_DEATH_MATCH Team Deathmatch STR_VIP VIP STR_GIANT_KILL Giant Kill STR_CUSTOM1 Custom 1 STR_CUSTOM2 Custom 2 STR_SCORE_BOARD Scoreboard STR_1ON1_SCORE_BOARD Challenge Ring Scoreboard STR_DEATH_MATCH_SCORE_BOARD Deathmatch Scoreboard STR_TEAM_DEATH_MATCH_SCORE_BOARD Team Deathmatch Scoreboard STR_VIP_SCORE_BOARD VIP Scoreboard STR_GIANT_KILL_SCORE_BOARD Giant Kill Scoreboard STR_RANK Rank STR_NAME Name STR_CHAMPION Champion STR_CHAMP_DURATION Duration STR_TOP_RING TopRing STR_KILL Kills STR_SERIAL_KILL Serial-Kills STR_DEATH Death STR_G_KILL Victor STR_DAMAGE_GIANT Damage STR_KILL_VIP Kill-VIP STR_RESCUE Revive STR_SCORE Score STR_TOTAL_SCORE Total STR_GIANT Giant STR_TIME Time STR_PARTNER Partner STR_WINNER Winner STR_GAME_OVER Game Over STR_CONTINUE_GAME Continue ? STR_STAGE_CLEAR Stage Clear STR_ROUND_OVER Round Over STR_FINAL_TOTAL_SCORE Total Score STR_FINAL_TEAM_SCORE Match Result STR_FINAL_WINNER Winner STR_UNLOCK Unlock STR_UNLOCK_CHAR Unlock Character STR_UNLOCK_WEAPON Unlock Weapon STR_UNLOCK_MOVIE Unlock Movie STR_UNLOCK_ATTACK Unlock Lethal Attack STR_ARROW ō Ō STR_ARROW2 ō Ō STR_ARROW3 ō Ō STR_UP_ARROW Ŏ STR_DOWN_ARROW ŏ STR_EQUIPPED Equipped STR_SCORE_KILL1 Enemy Kills STR_SCORE_KILL2 Enemy Boss Kills STR_SCORE_COMBO Highest Combo STR_SCORE_AI_ALIVE Partner Alive STR_SCORE_PHOENIX_STONE Phoenix Stones STR_SCORE_TIME Stage Game Time STR_SCORE_TOTALTIME Total Game Time STR_SCORE_STAGE Stage Score STR_SCORE_TOTAL Total Score STR_SCORE_TITLE_BEGIN Name Score Total Name Score Total STR_SCORE_TITLE_ONE_ON_ONE Name Champion Total Name Champion Total STR_SCORE_TITLE_DEATH_MATCH Name Kills Total Name Kills Total STR_SCORE_TITLE_TEAM_DEATH_MATCH Name Kills Total Name Kills Total STR_SCORE_TITLE_VIP Name Kills Total Name Kills Total STR_SCORE_TITLE_GIANT_KILL Name Damage Total Name Damage Total STR_SCORE_TITLE_CUSTOM1 Name Kills Total Name Kills Total STR_SCORE_TITLE_CUSTOM2 Name Kills Total Name Kills Total STR_SCORE_TITLE_FINAL Name Score Name Score STR_START_MENU Pause Menu STR_OPTIONS_MENU Options Menu STR_BACK_TO_GAME Back to Game STR_PLAYERS_LIST Players List STR_FRIENDS_LIST Friends List STR_QUIT_GAME Quit Game STR_START_MENU_SETTINGS Settings STR_START_MENU_LIVE_SETTINGS Xbox Live STR_MISSION_OBJECTIVE Mission Objectives STR_KICK_PLAYER Kick Out Player STR_AUDIO Audio STR_AUDIO_SETTINGS Audio Settings STR_MUSIC_VOLUME Music Volume STR_EFFECTS_VOLUME Effects Volume STR_VOICE_VOLUME Dialog Volume STR_CUSTOM_SOUND_TRACK Soundtrack STR_CONTROLLER Controller STR_CONTROLLER_SETTINGS Controller Settings STR_VIBRATION Vibration STR_CAMERA_INVERT Camera Invert STR_SINGLE_MODE Single Player Layout STR_MULTI_MODE Multiplayer Layout STR_MISC Misc STR_MISC_SETTINGS Misc Settings STR_LIVE Xbox Live STR_LIVE_SETTINGS Xbox Live Settings STR_LOGIN_LIVE Sign In STR_LOGOUT_LIVE Sign Out STR_APPEAR_OFFLINE Appear Offline STR_VOICE_THROUGH_SPEAKER Voice Through TV STR_VOICE_SPEAKER_VOLUME Voice TV Volume STR_PLAYER_NAME Player Name STR_PLAYER_NAME_SETTING Player Name STR_VIDEO Video STR_VIDEO_SETTINGS Video Settings STR_VIDEO_GAMMA Gamma STR_VIDEO_BRIGHTNESS Brightness STR_VIDEO_CONTRAST Contrast STR_COMBO_TABLE Move List STR_DISPLAY_PLAYER_NAME Display Player Name STR_NOT_SIGNED_IN Not Signed In STR_SIGNED_IN Signed In: STR_SIGN_IN_FAILED Sign-In Failed STR_PASSCODE_NEEDED Not Signed In: Passcode Needed STR_EXTRA Extras STR_THEATER Legend of Iron Phoenix STR_TIP Tips STR_CREDIT Credits STR_TRAINING_SELECT Training Select STR_TRAINING_OVER Training Success NAME_TR01 Movement NAME_TR02 Battle NAME_TR03 Advanced Battle NAME_TR04 Unique Item NAME_TR05 Special CTL_BLOCK Block CTL_ITEM Item CTL_MOVE MovementĿ/Menu Navigation CTL_EMOTION Express Emotion CTL_PARTNER Partner Commands CTL_PAUSE Pause Menu CTL_OPTION Option Menu CTL_MENU MovementĿ/Menu Navigation CTL_CAMERA Move CameraĿ/Change Lock-on CTL_SCORE Scoreboard CTL_MISSION Mission Objectives CTL_PICK Pick Up CTL_JUMP JumpĿ/Exchange CTL_DASH Light StepĿ/Secondary Weapon CTL_ATTACK Light AttackĿ/Dart CTL_ATTACK2 Heavy AttackĿ/Unique Item MOV_01 Main Intro MOV_02 Story of Kai MOV_03 Ember Sword MOV_04 Story of Mia MOV_05 Searing Dagger MOV_06 Phoenix Talons MOV_07 Meteor Hammer MOV_08 Phoenix Tail MOV_09 Feather Blade MOV_10 Flame of Heaven MOV_11 Ash Blade MOV_12 Phoenix Wings MOV_13 Truth of Ember Sword MOV_14 Truth of Kai MOV_15 Truth of Searing Dagger MOV_16 Truth of Mia MOV_17 Kai's Ending MOV_18 Mia's Ending TIP_01 Wall Attack I TIP_02 Wall Attack II TIP_03 Counter Move TIP_04 Team Kill TIP_05 Human Shield TIP_06 Energized TIP_07 High Throw TIP_08 Horizontal Throw TIP_09 Enemy Grapple I TIP_10 Enemy Grapple II TIP_11 Blood Lock Mode TIP_12 Darts TIP_13 Orbs TIP_14 Relics I TIP_15 Relics II NAME_CE01 Kai NAME_CE02 Kai NAME_CE03 Mia NAME_CE04 Mia NAME_CE05 Geiger NAME_CE06 Geiger NAME_CE07 Onitsuka NAME_CE08 Onitsuka NAME_CE09 Tor NAME_CE10 Tor NAME_CE11 Master Qi Go NAME_CE12 Guard NAME_CE13 Captain NAME_CE14 General NAME_CE15 Demon Soldier NAME_CE16 Demon Samurai NAME_CW01 Kata Kang NAME_CW02 Kata Kang NAME_CW03 DeRais NAME_CW04 DeRais NAME_CW05 Natasha NAME_CW06 Alicia NAME_CW07 Zara NAME_CW08 Zara NAME_CW09 Demon Master NAME_CW10 Bone Legion NAME_CW11 Zombie NAME_CW12 Iron Phoenix ATT_CE01 Age 23ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CE03 Age 21ĿHeight 67"ĿAgility łłłĿAttack łĿDefense ł ATT_CE05 Age 21ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CE07 Age 18ĿHeight 68"ĿAgility łłłĿAttack łĿDefense ł ATT_CE09 Age 45ĿHeight 81"ĿAgility łĿAttack łłłĿDefense łłł ATT_CE11 Age 78ĿHeight 76"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CE12 Age ???ĿHeight 70"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CE13 Age ???ĿHeight 75"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CE14 Age ???ĿHeight 84"ĿAgility łĿAttack łłłĿDefense łłł ATT_CE15 Age ???ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CE16 Age ???ĿHeight 82"ĿAgility łĿAttack łłłĿDefense łłł ATT_CW01 Age 42ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CW02 Age 21ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CW03 Age 136ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CW05 Age 232ĿHeight 66"ĿAgility łłłĿAttack łĿDefense ł ATT_CW06 Age 217ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłłĿAttack łĿDefense ł ATT_CW07 Age 45ĿHeight 68"ĿAgility łłłĿAttack łĿDefense ł ATT_CW08 Age 25ĿHeight 68"ĿAgility łłłĿAttack łĿDefense ł ATT_CW09 Age 21ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CW10 Age ???ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CW11 Age ???ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł ATT_CW12 Age ???ĿHeight 72"ĿAgility łłĿAttack łłĿDefense łł DES_CE01 Like Mia, Kai grew Ŀ up in Yong-jian village Ŀ as a young orphan Ŀ under Master Qi Go's Ŀ guardianship. Enduring Ŀ his master's rigorous Ŀ training in mystic Ŀ forces and the martial Ŀ arts, Kai brought his Ŀ natural fighting gifts Ŀ under disciplined Ŀ control. Kai is Ŀ headstrong,powerful,Ŀ and clever. DES_CE03 Mia arrived as an Ŀ orphan child in YongĿ -jian village, where Ŀ Master Qi Go took her Ŀ in as his ward and Ŀ educated her in Ŀ philosophy and secret Ŀ martial arts techniques. Ŀ Highly intelligent and Ŀ dependable, she has Ŀ sharpened her fighting Ŀ abilities greatly Ŀ through meditative Ŀ practice. DES_CE05 CE05 description. DES_CE07 CE07 description. DES_CE09 CE09 description. DES_CE11 CE11 description. DES_CE12 CE12 description. DES_CE13 CE13 description. DES_CE14 CE14 description. DES_CE15 CE15 description. DES_CE16 CE16 description. DES_CW01 CW01 description. DES_CW02 CW02 description. DES_CW03 CW03 description. DES_CW05 CW05 description. DES_CW06 CW06 description. DES_CW07 CW07 description. DES_CW08 CW08 description. DES_CW09 CW09 description. DES_CW10 CW10 description. DES_CW11 CW11 description. DES_CW12 CW12 description. NAME_WPN1 Phoenix Wings NAME_WPN2 Searing Dagger NAME_WPN3 Ember Sword NAME_WPN4 Phoenix Tail NAME_WPN5 Ash Blade NAME_WPN6 Meteor Hammer NAME_WPN7 Phoenix Talons NAME_WPN8 Flame of Heaven NAME_WPN9 Feather Blade NAME_WPN1B Phoenix Wings B NAME_WPN2B Searing Dagger B NAME_WPN3B Ember Sword B NAME_WPN4B Phoenix Tail B NAME_WPN5B Ash Blade B NAME_WPN6B Meteor Hammer B NAME_WPN7B Phoenix Talons B NAME_WPN8B Flame of Heaven B NAME_WPN9B Feather Blade B ATT_WPN1 Range łĿSpeed łłłĿAttack łĿNature SpaceĿType Stinger ATT_WPN2 Range łĿSpeed łłłĿAttack łĿNature IceĿType Dagger ATT_WPN3 Range łłĿSpeed łłĿAttack łłĿNature WindĿType Sword ATT_WPN4 Range łłłĿSpeed łĿAttack łłłĿNature ThunderĿType Spear ATT_WPN5 Range łłłĿSpeed łĿAttack łłłĿNature FireĿType Blade ATT_WPN6 Range łłĿSpeed łĿAttack łłłĿNature WaveĿType Hammer ATT_WPN7 Range łĿSpeed łłĿAttack łłĿNature SpiritĿType Gauntlet ATT_WPN8 Range łłłĿSpeed łłĿAttack łłĿNature BloodĿType Blade ATT_WPN9 Range łłĿSpeed łłłĿAttack łĿNature GhostĿType Blade WPN_LV1 LV1 WPN_LV2 LV2 WPN_LV3 LV3 NAME_SNTEST1 Test001 NAME_SNTEST2 Test002 NAME_SW01 Night Demon NAME_SW02 Ship's Cabin NAME_SW03 Night Demon Island NAME_SW03A Torture Rooms NAME_SW03B Decapitation Room NAME_SW03C Meat Roaster NAME_SW04 Electric Shock Chamber NAME_SW05 Summoning Altar NAME_SW06 SW06 NAME_SW07 SW07 NAME_SW08 SW08 NAME_SW09 SW09 NAME_SE01 Training Square NAME_SE02 Thousand Bone Tomb NAME_SE03 Castle Entrance NAME_SE04 Apparatus Maze NAME_SE05 Castle Exterior NAME_SE06 Yama Hall NAME_SE07 Training Square(Night) NAME_SE08 Buddha's Cave NAME_SE09 Spiritual World NAME_IN01 The Red Viper's Den NAME_IN02 The Great Wall NAME_IN03 Temple of Paganism NAME_IN04 Dragon Valley NAME_IN05 IN05 NAME_IN06 IN06 NAME_IN07 IN07 NAME_IN08 IN08 NAME_IN09 IN09 MSG_KAI_SD1 Master....I'm sorry... MSG_KAI_SD2 Mia....forgive me... MSG_MIA_SD1 Master....I've failed you... MSG_MIA_SD2 Kai....I'm sorry... MSG_PARTNER_DANGER It hurts.... MSG_PARTNER_SAFE I am alright now. MSG_PARTNER_FULL I was fully healed. MSG_PLAYER_DANGER Are you alright!? MSG_DERAIS_1 You shut down the power! MSG_AI1_KAI Your wish is my command. MSG_AI2_KAI Great! Fighting off ghosts is just what I like to do. MSG_AI3_KAI Let's go! MSG_AI4_KAI After you, my lady! MSG_AI1_MIA Ok! MSG_AI2_MIA If they want a fight, they'll get one! MSG_AI3_MIA Come on and fight me! MSG_AI4_MIA Here I come! MSG_ENTER_GAME joins session. MSG_LEAVE_GAME has quit. MSG_DEFEAT defeats MSG_DEFEAT_FRIEND hurts team member MSG_TOTAL_WIN , serial kills MSG_IS_DEAD has died. MSG_IS_VIP becomes VIP. MSG_IS_GIANT becomes Giant. MSG_RESCUE revives MSG_CHALLENGE challenges MSG_AND and MSG_ENTER_BLOOD_CLOCK enter Blood Lock mode. MSG_JOINING_SESSION Joining session... MSG_CONNECTION_LOST Your connection to the session hostĿhas been lost. MSG_SESSION_NOT_AVAILABLE This game session is no longer available. MSG_SESSION_TEAM_FULL This game session is no longer available.ĿThe specified team size for thisĿcompetition is already full. MSG_CABLE_DISCONNECTED The system link cable might be disconnected.ĿPlease check the cable and try again. MSG_JOIN_SESSION_FAIL This game session is no longer available. MSG_LOAD_SESSION_DATA Loading session... MSG_WAIT_HOST_SESSION Waiting on host to load session... MSG_REALLY_LEAVE_GAME Do you really want to quit your single playerĿgame and lose all your unsaved progress ? MSG_REALLY_LEAVE_TRAINING Do you really want to quit training ? MSG_REALLY_LEAVE_OFFLINE_GAME Do you really want to quit this offline game ? MSG_REALLY_LEAVE_SERVER Leaving the game now will end this session.ĿAre you sure you want to leave ? MSG_REALLY_LEAVE_INTERNET Do you really want to quit thisĿXbox Live game ? MSG_REALLY_LEAVE_LAN Do you really want to quit thisĿSystem Link game ? MSG_CONFIRM_KICK Do you really want to kick MSG_CONFIRM_KICK_ ? MSG_RECONNECT_CONTROLLER_MSG Please reconnect the controller to controller Ŀport MSG_RECONNECT_CONTROLLER_MSG_ and press START to continue. MSG_CONFIRM_LOGOUT Going back will sign you out of Xbox Live.ĿDo you want to continue ? MSG_TEAMA_FULL Team A is full. Joining Team B. MSG_TEAMB_FULL Team B is full. Joining Team A. MSG_SAVE_SPACE_NOT_ENOUGH Your Xbox doesn't have enoughĿfree blocks to save games.ĿPress Ā to continue without savingĿor ā to free at least MSG_SAVE_SPACE_NOT_ENOUGH_ blocks. MSG_SAVE_SPACE_NOT_ENOUGH2 Your Xbox doesn't have enoughĿfree blocks to save this game.ĿYou need MSG_SAVE_SPACE_NOT_ENOUGH2_ more free blocks.ĿPress Ā to return to the Save Game menuĿor ā to exit the game and enter the Dashboard.ĿYou will lose any unsaved game progressĿif you exit to the Dashboard. MSG_OVERWRITE_SAVE Do you wish to overwrite this saved game ? MSG_SAVING_GAME Saving Iron Phoenix.ĿPlease don't turn off your Xbox console. MSG_NONVIP_DIED You have died. Your VIP needs to revive you. MSG_SESSION_NOT_COMPATIBLE You need to download new contentĿto join this session. MSG_COMPETITION_HOST_WIN The match has ended because the opposingĿteam's leader failed to participate.ĿThe referee will make a decision afterĿthe match time has ended. MSG_COMPETITION_HOST_WIN_2 The match has ended because the team leaderĿof your team failed to participate.ĿThe referee will make a decision afterĿthe match time has ended. MSG_COMPETITION_HOST_CLOSE Your team has forfeited the competition. MSG_COMPETITION_HOST_CLOSE_2 The competition round has been forfeitedĿby the opposing team. MSG_CONTENT_DAMAGE appears to be damaged.ĿPlease delete it using theĿXbox Dashboard and try again. MSG_NEW_GAME Start a new game. MSG_SAVE_EMPTY No saved game progress. MSG_SINGLE_PLAYER Accept the quest for the legendry Phoenix Weapons Ŀand face the challenges ahead of you. MSG_SINGLE_PLAYER_1 Fight AI characters and perfect your fighting skills. ĿBecome one with your weapon and perform powerful ĿChi attacks and devastating combos. MSG_SYSTEM_LINK List of available sessions. MSG_SYSTEM_LINK_1 Create a game and specify game settings. MSG_PLAY_LIVE List of available sessions. MSG_PLAY_LIVE_1 Create a game and specify game settings. MSG_SETTING Adjust the game's volume settings. MSG_SETTING_1 Adjust the game's video settings. MSG_SETTING_2 Adjust the game's controller settings. MSG_SETTING_3 Adjust Xbox live settings. MSG_SETTING_4 Modify your player's name. MSG_SETTING_5 Discover more about the world of Iron Phoenix. MSG_AUDIO_SETTING Adjust the volume of background music. MSG_AUDIO_SETTING_1 Adjust the volume of sound effects. MSG_AUDIO_SETTING_2 Adjust the volume of voice-over. MSG_AUDIO_SETTING_3 Select custom soundtrack. MSG_VIDEO_SETTING Adjust gamma values. MSG_VIDEO_SETTING_1 Set the game's brightness level. MSG_VIDEO_SETTING_2 Set the game's contrast level. MSG_LIVE_SETTING Sign into Xbox Live. MSG_LIVE_SETTING_1 Sign out of Xbox Live. MSG_LIVE_SETTING_3 Look for friends online. MSG_LIVE_SETTING_2 See a list of players you were recentlyĿin a game with. MSG_LIVE_SETTING_4 Choose to appear offline to other users. MSG_LIVE_SETTING_5 Hear voice chat through the TV speakers. MSG_LIVE_SETTING_6 Adjust the volume of voice chatĿthrough the TV speakers. MSG_CONTROLLER_SETTING Set controller vibration. MSG_EXTRA Find out about the legend of the nine ĿIron Phoenix weapons. MSG_EXTRA_1 You can view all the tips here. MSG_EXTRA_2 The hard working individuals that Ŀbrought you this game. MSG_GAME_MODE The player with the most killsĿis the winner. MSG_GAME_MODE_1 The team with the most killsĿis declared victorious. MSG_GAME_MODE_2 The team who kills theĿopposing team's leader wins. MSG_GAME_MODE_3 Few giants against the world! The heroes team Ŀmust kill a giant before they reach their kill target. MSG_GAME_MODE_4 Players fight one-on-one in a ring. MSG_GAME_MODE_5 Custom game mode 1 for downloaded content. MSG_GAME_MODE_6 Custom game mode 2 for downloaded content. MSG_SERVER_OPTION Determine how many rounds Ŀin a game session. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_1 Set a specific game rule. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_2 Set the time limit for each round. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_3 Set the score target for each round. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_4 Limit the maximum number of players. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_5 Specify how many slots you want to Ŀreserve for you and your friends. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_6 Set up maximum health points Ŀof game characters. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_7 Decide if bots will appear in the match. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_8 Decide how smart non-player controlled Ŀcharacters are in your session. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_9 Determine whether you can Ŀdamage teammates. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_10 Determine whether you put power up Ŀitems in the map. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_11 Allows you to host a game Ŀwithout playing in the game yourself. MSG_SERVER_OPTION_7_2 Decide if bots will appear in the match.ĿNote: Statistics will not be counted for anyĿplayers in Xbox Live matches including bots.