// RULE_ONE_ON_ONE = 1; // RULE_DEATH_MATCH = 2; // RULE_TEAM_DEATH_MATCH = 3; // RULE_VIP = 4; // RULE_GIANT_KILL = 5; Scene 1 Name IN01 DisplayName The Red Viper's Den Description It was home to the most Ŀgrueling initiation rites in Ŀancient China. With the Red ĿVipers assassin clan all but Ŀextinct, this abandoned den now Ŀserves to test the might of new Ŀwarriors in search of fame and Ŀfortune. ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Rule 1 Scene 2 Name IN02 DisplayName The Great Wall Description Meant to protect against Ŀinvaders,it was the grandest Ŀbuilding project of the Ŀfirst emperor of China. ĿSucceeding dynasties repaired Ŀthe massive barrier despite Ŀthe cost. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5 Scene 3 Name IN03 DisplayName Temple of Paganism Description A temple where soldiers were Ŀonce memorialized, its halls Ŀrepresent various gods: the Ŀdragon, white tiger, turtle, Ŀand peacock. It now serves as Ŀa gathering place for skilled Ŀmartial artists. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5 Scene 4 Name IN04 DisplayName Dragon Valley Description Some say this valley is Ŀwhat remains of an evil Ŀdragon and the black lake he Ŀinhabited. But others say Ŀthe stone dragon's gaze Ŀkeeps ancient demons sealed Ŀin the valley's rocks. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5 Scene 5 Name SE01 DisplayName Training Square Description Located in remote mountains Ŀand shrouded by clouds, this Ŀwas once an ancient monastery. ĿMaster Qi Go renamed the Ŀplace and restored the grounds Ŀto teach martial arts. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 10 players Rule 2 Scene 6 Name SE02 DisplayName Thousand Bone Tomb Description A canyon of quagmires Ŀleading to the entrance of ĿSoul Strip Castle, a palace Ŀbuilt for the afterlife of a Ŀpowerful king. Restless spirits Ŀcontinue to stand sentry here. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 10 players Rule 2 Scene 7 Name SE03 DisplayName Castle Entrance Description Passageway to eternal dominion Ŀfor an ancient king. A bridge Ŀleads to the monumental archway Ŀof the royal city.The Entrance Ŀinspires awe in those daring Ŀenough to reach it. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 10 players Rule 2 Rule 5 Scene 8 Name SE04 DisplayName Apparatus Maze Description A complex of chambers, the Ŀmaze secures an ancient king's Ŀtomb against graverobbers.There Ŀis said to be only one way Ŀto exit this puzzle: death. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 10 players Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Scene 9 Name SE05 DisplayName Castle Exterior Description Built as the dwelling for a Ŀpowerful king in the afterlife, Ŀthe castle copies a long-Ŀvanished royal palace. By curse Ŀor enchantment, the foundations Ŀresist the ravages of time. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Scene 10 Name SE06 DisplayName Yama Hall Description Legends say the great halls Ŀof Soulstrip Castle hold royal Ŀtreasure and ancient relics, Ŀwatched over by warriors who Ŀkilled themselves to serve Ŀtheir king in the afterlife. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 8 players Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 5 Scene 11 Name SW01 DisplayName Night Demon Warship Description A legendary warship built in Ŀthe South Seas, the Night Demon Ŀis said to change captains Ŀonly by violence. The ship and Ŀits guns are so feared that Ŀsailors will not speak its name. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 8 players Rule 3 Rule 4 Scene 12 Name SW02 DisplayName Ship's Cabin Description The cabins and hold of the ĿNight Demon are said to carry Ŀfabulous treasures, the spoils Ŀof sea battles and raids. ĿYet these rooms are strongholds, Ŀshielded by traps and sentries. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Scene 13 Name IN88 DisplayName The Darkness Description The DarknessĿNo Retreat, No Surrender!ĿĿSuitable for 2 players Rule 2 Scene 14 Name SW04 DisplayName Electric Shock Chamber Description This chamber contains a Ŀdevice to collect electricity Ŀfrom the frequent, massive Ŀlightning storms. This energy Ŀis used to drive the massive Ŀapparatuses at work in the Ŀcastle. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 8 players Rule 2 Rule 5 Scene 15 Name SW05 DisplayName Summoning Altar Description A massive vault at the Ŀpinnacle of the Castle, this Ŀaltar radiates an accursed Ŀforce that is key to the Ŀpower of those who reign here. ĿUnearthly sounds at times Ŀescape its windows. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 8 players Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 5 Scene 17 Name SE07 DisplayName Training Square(Night) Description Master Qi Go's successful Ŀefforts to obtain weapons of Ŀthe Iron Phoenix at times led Ŀto battles on the grounds of Ŀhis school with those who would Ŀdeny his right to keep them. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 10 players Rule 3 Scene 18 Name SE08 DisplayName Buddha's Cave Description Monks once built a great Ŀstatue of the Buddha here and Ŀcame to meditate, practice Ŀrites, and occasionally die. ĿOver centuries, the statue has Ŀsunk into the watery floor. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 8 players Rule 2 Rule 5 Scene 19 Name SE09 DisplayName Spiritual World Description A warrior who bonds with an ĿIron Phoenix weapon is said to Ŀgain a spiritual counterpart in Ŀanother dimension, taking on Ŀlife as part of the memory Ŀof the weapon. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Scene 20 Name SW03 DisplayName Night Demon Island Description Known also as the 'Isle of Ten ĿDeaths', these testing arenas Ŀwere built by the immortal Ŀpirate lord Kata Kang to Ŀfind a warrior who could help Ŀrealize his vain dream of Ŀdying an honorable death.Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Scene 21 Name SW03A DisplayName Torture Rooms Description Ghastly screams and horrible, Ŀmechanical noises suggest that Ŀa huge apparatus of death Ŀoperates in Bloodrain Castle, Ŀa fantastic structure of mysterious Ŀorigins. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Scene 22 Name SW03B DisplayName Decapitation Room Description Ghastly screams and horrible, Ŀmechanical noises suggest that Ŀa huge apparatus of death Ŀoperates in Bloodrain Castle, Ŀa fantastic structure of mysterious Ŀorigins. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Scene 23 Name SW03C DisplayName Meat Roaster Description Ghastly screams and horrible, Ŀmechanical noises suggest that Ŀa huge apparatus of death Ŀoperates in Bloodrain Castle, Ŀa fantastic structure of mysterious Ŀorigins. Ŀ ĿSuitable for 2 - 16 players Scene 30 Name TEST001 DisplayName TEST001 Description test001ĿThis is TEST001 Scene 31 Name TEST002 DisplayName TEST002 Description test002ĿThis is TEST002