; please use lower case for sample names ; replace carname with the directory name of the car [BeginBank] bank_size 7 instance_count 7 bank_name z28b banktype 3 [BeginSamples] declare_sample idle ;idle declare_sample lowon ;low declare_sample midoff ;low declare_sample midon ;low declare_sample lowoff ;low declare_sample highon ;high declare_sample highoff ;high [EndSamples] [BeginSS] name z28b_idle type 3 sample idle instances 1 [EndSS] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; throttle on sounds ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [BeginSS] name z28b_low_on type 3 sample lowon instances 1 [EndSS] [BeginSS] name z28b_mid_on type 3 sample midon instances 1 [EndSS] [BeginSS] name z28b_high_on type 3 sample highon instances 1 [EndSS] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; throttle off sounds ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [BeginSS] name z28b_low_off type 3 sample lowoff instances 1 [EndSS] [BeginSS] name z28b_mid_off type 3 sample midoff instances 1 [EndSS] [BeginSS] name z28b_high_off type 3 sample highoff instances 1 [EndSS] [EndBank]