/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | "FSLHUNT.INI" +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * \file * \author Allen Weeks (aweeks@bluetongue.com) * \date Thursday, 14 March 2002 * \brief Data file describing the fossil hunt game *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Sku specific data Data { all { MaxDinos = 15; // Number of dinos in game -- not used in current design BaseCRPLevel = 2; // Base CRP for auxiliary dinosaurs -- not used in current design BaseDigTime = 240.0; // Base dig time AlwaysHave5Star = 0; // DON'T always include 5 star dinos every game } } // DigSite // texture = name of texture to use for brown splotch (from GUIBuilder) // teams = max teams that can be allocated to the site // digtime = time (in seconds) it takes one team to complete one dig // MORRISON FORMATION A --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[MorrisonA] { title = $FossilHunt_MorrisonA_Title; period = Jurassic; location = NorthAmerica; matlib = "dinos_morrison_a"; reqdinos = { steg, cerato, dryo }; linkedtoset = 1; cost = 0; // This site is free! gold = 12; position = {100, 120}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil6"; DigSite[river1] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_1"; position = {58, 44}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_2"; position = {46, 114}; teams = 3; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_3"; position = {82, 212}; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // JUDITH RIVER A --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[JudithRiverA] { title = $FossilHunt_JudithRiverA_Title; period = Cretaceous; location = NorthAmerica; matlib = "dinos_judithriver_a"; reqdinos = { anky, alberto, pachy }; linkedtoset = 1; // Linked to an unlocking set cost = 0; gold = 10; position = {100, 79}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil1"; DigSite[river1] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_4"; position = {51, 74}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = river; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_5"; position = {66, 170}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_6"; position = {113, 205}; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // HELL CREEK A --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[HellCreekA] { title = $FossilHunt_HellCreekA_Title; period = Cretaceous; location = NorthAmerica; matlib = "dinos_hellcreek_a"; reqdinos = { acro, para, toro }; linkedtoset = 1; // Linked to an unlocking set cost = 0; gold = 10; position = {100, 100}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil4"; DigSite[river1] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_4"; position = {114, 167}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_5"; position = {62, 53}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_6"; position = {45, 204}; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // MORRISON B --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[MorrisonB] { title = $FossilHunt_MorrisonB_Title; period = Jurassic; location = NorthAmerica; matlib = "dinos_morrison_b"; reqdinos = { brach, camara, dilopho }; linkedtoset = 1; // Linked to an unlocking set cost = 0; gold = 10; position = {125, 120}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil6"; DigSite[river1] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_1"; position = {206, 86}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_2"; position = {143, 130}; teams = 3; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_3"; position = {168, 200}; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // JUDITH RIVER B --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[JudithRiverB] { title = $FossilHunt_JudithRiverB_Title; period = Cretaceous; location = NorthAmerica; matlib = "dinos_judithriver_b"; reqdinos = { trex, cory, styrac }; linkedtoset = 1; // Linked to an unlocking set cost = 0; gold = 10; position = {125, 79}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil1"; DigSite[river1] { type = river; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_4"; position = {187, 64}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_5"; position = {157, 148}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_6"; position = {199, 206}; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // HELL CREEK B --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[HellCreekB] { title = $FossilHunt_HellCreekB_Title; period = Cretaceous; location = NorthAmerica; matlib = "dinos_hellcreek_b"; reqdinos = { tricera, edmont, pachy }; linkedtoset = 1; // Linked to an unlocking set cost = 0; gold = 10; position = {125, 100}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil4"; DigSite[river1] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_4"; position = {171, 39}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_5"; position = {128, 147}; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_6"; position = {188, 201}; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // TENDEGARU BEDS --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[TendaguruBeds] { title = $FossilHunt_TendaguruBeds_Title; period = Jurassic; location = Africa; matlib = "dinos_tendaguru"; reqdinos = { brach, allo, kentro }; linkedtoset = 1; // Linked to an unlocking set cost = 0; gold = 8; // position = {124, 128}; position = {296, 162}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil2"; DigSite[river1] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_1"; position = {168, 53}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_River; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_2"; position = {213, 149}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_River; teams = 3; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_3"; position = {67, 211}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_Plains; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // CHENINI --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[Chenini] { title = $FossilHunt_Chenini_Title; period = Cretaceous; location = Africa; matlib = "dinos_chenini"; reqdinos = { spino, carcha, ourano }; linkedtoset = 1; // Linked to an unlocking set cost = 0; gold = 8; // position = {156, 165}; position = {269, 125}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil5"; DigSite[river1] { type = river; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_1"; position = {107, 180}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_River; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = plains; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_2"; position = {204, 112}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_River; teams = 3; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_3"; position = {56, 166}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_Plains; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // FLAMING CLIFFS --------------------------------------------------------------- HuntingGround[FlamingCliffs] { title = $FossilHunt_FlamingCliffs_Title; period = Cretaceous; location = Asia; matlib = "dinos_flamingcliffs"; reqdinos = { raptor, homalo, galli }; linkedtoset = 1; // Linked to an unlocking set cost = 0; gold = 12; // position = {226, 80}; position = {397, 83}; texture = "FslHunt_fossil3"; DigSite[river1] { type = river; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_1"; position = {211, 189}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_River; teams = 2; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[river2] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_2"; position = {199, 89}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_River; teams = 3; digtime = 1.0; } DigSite[plains] { type = mountain; texture = "FslHunt_DigSite_3"; position = {89, 127}; title = $FossilHunt_DigSite_Plains; teams = 4; digtime = 1.0; } } // HUNTING SETS --------------------------------------------------------------- // Only one set, with a certain number of sites available to unlock out of it HuntingGroundSet[First] { grounds = { MorrisonA, HellCreekA , JudithRiverA, MorrisonB, HellCreekB, JudithRiverB, HellCreekB, TendaguruBeds, Chenini, FlamingCliffs }; firstchoices[0] = MorrisonA; firstchoices[1] = HellCreekA; firstchoices[2] = JudithRiverA; #ifdef TOSHI_SKU_PS2 maxchosen = 3; starrating[0] = 0; starrating[1] = 1; starrating[2] = 3; //starrating[3] = 3; // Unlock last two at 3 stars #else // Windows and XBox builds maxchosen = 5; starrating[0] = 0; starrating[1] = 1; starrating[2] = 2; starrating[3] = 3; starrating[4] = 4; #endif }