// // This is a list of all our interactions that can occur. // It is in order of most important to least important. // Interaction { // // Look at dinosaur and point // Class = AVisitorDinoAnimInteractionNode; Animation = "idle_pt_lp"; MaxInstances = 3; SpawnPeriod = 20.0; SpawnChance = 0.50; //CheckPeriod = 5.0; LowPopulationCount = 5; DesiredSpeed = 0.0; } Interaction { // // Visitor to visitor greeting // Class = ARoadPairInteractionNode; Animation = "sleep_h_gt"; MaxInstances = 1; SpawnPeriod = 20.0; SpawnChance = 1.00; LowPopulationCount = 5; DesiredSpeed = 0.0; AllowedWeather = 17; // Normal | Heatwave } Interaction { // // Test interaction: Play idle animation every now and again in normal or hot weather // Class = ASingleVisitorAnimInteractionNode; Animation = "idle_cs_lp"; MaxInstances = 1; SpawnPeriod = 20.0; SpawnChance = 0.25; //CheckPeriod = 5.0; LowPopulationCount = 5; DesiredSpeed = 0.0; AllowedWeather = 17; // Normal | Heatwave } Interaction { // // Look at watch every now and again in normal or hot weather (dont stop walking) // Class = ASingleVisitorAnimInteractionNode; Animation = "spcl_wtch"; MaxInstances = 1; SpawnPeriod = 15.0; SpawnChance = 0.80; //CheckPeriod = 5.0; LowPopulationCount = 5; DesiredSpeed = -1.0; // Don't stop! AllowedWeather = 17; // Normal | Heatwave } // // Special interactions that can occur at road points // Interaction { // // Sit down at park bench if tired // Class = ARoadRestAddonInteractionNode; Type = AtRoadPoint; Animation = "sit_st"; AllowedWeather = 17; // Normal | Heatwave }