[CabinetDoorsSolid1] [ChangeLevelTrigger0] LoadingMenuText="Loading: The Streets" [Counter0] [FridgeDoor0] [HealthPack4] [Key1] ActionMessage="Press action to cut the Chain" DisabledMessage="The door is locked with a Chain" [Key2] ActionMessage="Press Action to pick up the Bolt Cutters" [MedicineCabinetDoor0] [MultiObjective0] [MultiObjective1] ObjectiveText="Get to your neighbor's farm" [MultiObjective2] [NightTableDrawer0] [Radio_2ndChapter1] [Radio_2ndChapterB0] [RevolverAmmoPickup0] [RevolverAmmoPickup1] [RevolverAmmoPickup2] [RevolverPickup0] [RifleAmmoPickup0] [RifleAmmoPickup1] [RifleAmmoPickup11] [RifleAmmoPickup12] [RifleAmmoPickup15] [RifleAmmoPickup16] [RifleAmmoPickup17] [RifleAmmoPickup19] [RifleAmmoPickup2] [RifleAmmoPickup20] [RifleAmmoPickup21] [RifleAmmoPickup23] [RifleAmmoPickup24] [RifleAmmoPickup25] [RifleAmmoPickup3] [RifleAmmoPickup4] [RifleAmmoPickup5] [RifleAmmoPickup6] [RifleAmmoPickup7] [RifleAmmoPickup8] [RifleAmmoPickup9] [ShovelPickup0] [SmallHealth0] [SmallHealth1] [SmallHealth2] [SmallHealth3] [SmallHealth4] [SmallHealth5] [SmallHealth6] [SmallHealth7] [SmallHealth8] [SubtitleSequence0] Subtitle=((DisplaySecs=0.500000),(Text="I killed the strangers. It was them or me.",DisplaySecs=2.700000),(Text="The poor devils looked like they fell in a septic tank and festered for a few days.",DisplaySecs=7.400000),(Text="I'd never killed no one before so I sure was real spooked.",DisplaySecs=11.200000),(Text="I decided to head over to my neighbors across the cornfield. ",DisplaySecs=15.000000),(Text="I just didn't feel safe hanging around here by myself.",DisplaySecs=18.000000)) [SubtitleSequence1] Subtitle=((Text="We're interrupting our normal broadcast to bring you this important bulletin.",DisplaySecs=3.710000),(Text="We are getting disconcerting reports of mass murder from all over the State. ",DisplaySecs=7.900000),(Text="Details are sketchy at this time. ",DisplaySecs=10.300000),(Text="Although there was no official statement from law enforcement officials,",DisplaySecs=14.130000),(Text="the Police Chief has speculated that rival gangs may be involved... ",DisplaySecs=17.940001),(Text="and, I've just been told we are going to go live to",DisplaySecs=21.379999),(Text="News Radio correspondent Amanda Rogers ",DisplaySecs=22.799999),(Text="who is on site at the Deacon Center Mall.",DisplaySecs=25.000000),(Text="Hello Amanda, can you tell us, what's going on there...",DisplaySecs=27.799999),(Text="Amanda, hello... ",DisplaySecs=29.700001),(Text="Well, looks like we're having some",DisplaySecs=32.599998),(Text="technical difficulty getting in touch with Amanda.",DisplaySecs=34.000000),(Text="We'll try again momentarily. ",DisplaySecs=35.700001),(Text="This is obviously some very disturbing news,",DisplaySecs=38.320000),(Text="and we will be staying with this story all day long. ",DisplaySecs=41.299999)) [SubtitleSequence2] Subtitle=((Text="...for those of you just tuning in",DisplaySecs=1.850000),(Text="we will be on the air for the remainder of this crisis. ",DisplaySecs=5.000000),(Text="The situation at this hour does not look hopeful.",DisplaySecs=8.300000),(Text="All routes out of the city are jammed. ",DisplaySecs=10.800000),(Text="Mobs of what have been described as bloodied corpses ",DisplaySecs=14.200000),(Text="have been seen marching throughout downtown. ",DisplaySecs=16.600000),(Text="Reports of walking dead are coming in from around the tri-State area. ",DisplaySecs=21.000000),(Text="Whatever is going on it is not a local phenomenon.",DisplaySecs=24.600000),(Text="Clearly this is a very dark time, a very confusing time.",DisplaySecs=28.700001),(Text="It is unclear why or how this is happening...",DisplaySecs=32.000000),(Text="this just in, the governor has issued this short statement:",DisplaySecs=32.000000),(Text="Stay in your homes and lock your doors. Do not trust anybody.",DisplaySecs=39.000000)) [SubtitleSequence3] Subtitle=((DisplaySecs=0.500000),(Text="My neighbors were dead.",DisplaySecs=3.000000),(Text="I didn't know what the heck was going on and I was scared to death.",DisplaySecs=6.000000),(Text="...reports of violence are coming in from neighboring states.",DisplaySecs=9.000000),(Text="We are unsure at this moment what to make of the situation. ",DisplaySecs=12.000000),(Text="The Governor is telling everyone to stay in their homes and has issued a... ",DisplaySecs=15.000000),(Text="one moment folks,",DisplaySecs=18.000000),(Text="something has just come across my desk, I'm getting reports that, the... ",DisplaySecs=21.000000),(Text="I'm having trouble reading this bulletin ",DisplaySecs=24.000000),(Text="but I've been told this has been confirmed by official sources. ",DisplaySecs=27.000000),(Text="It appears that... the dead are coming back to life and eating the flesh of the living. ",DisplaySecs=30.000000),(Text="This is unbelievable news we are hearing. I for one am truly shocked. ",DisplaySecs=33.000000),(Text="For those of you just tuning in, this is not a joke. ",DisplaySecs=36.000000),(Text="Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.",DisplaySecs=39.000000)) [TriggerObjective0] ObjectiveText="Find something to cut the chain" [TriggerObjective1] ObjectiveText="Cut the chain on the neighbors barn door" [TriggerObjective2] ObjectiveText="Clear out the area!" [TriggerObjective5] ObjectiveText="Find your neighbors" [WallCabinetDoorSolid1] [WallCabinetDoorSolid6] [WallCabinetDoorSolid7] [WoodenDoor1] LockedActionMessage="Door is locked. " [WoodenDoor3] LockedActionMessage="Door is locked. " [WoodenDoor7] [WoodenDoor8] LockedActionMessage="Door is locked. " [WoodenDoor1LT1] LockedActionMessage="Locked" [WoodenDoor1LT2] LockedActionMessage="Locked" [WoodenDoor1LT3] LockedActionMessage="Locked" [WoodenDoorB2LT0] LockedActionMessage="Locked" [WoodenDoorB2LT1] LockedActionMessage="Locked"