[DOTZMenu.ChapterOne] Page=(Text="It all started like this. I just finished feeding the hogs when the power went out. That happened from time to time out here in the country.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter1.1Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH01Page1') Page=(Text="I tried calling the electric company but the lines were dead. I didn't think too much of it at the time.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter1.1Page2',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH01Page2') Page=(Text="Later that day, I noticed some strangers in my yard. Something wasn't right with them, the way they was just standing there. I went out to see what they wanted.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter1.1Page3',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH01Page3') [DOTZMenu.ChapterTwo] Page=(Text="I killed the strangers. It was them or me. The poor devils looked like they fell in a septic tank and festered for a few days.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter2.2Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH02Page1') Page=(Text="I'd never killed no one before so I sure was real spooked and not thinkin' straight. I decided to head over to my neighbors just across the cornfield. Even though they where dead, I needed to get away from those things.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter2.2Page2',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH02Page2') Page=(Text="What were those things I killed? They looked just like my neighbors, but all messed up. I couldn't stand to think about it anymore. I had to find the keys to the truck.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter2.2Page3',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH02Page3') [DOTZMenu.ChapterThree] Page=(Text="I drove through town but I couldn't find a soul. The place looked like a ghost town.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter3.3Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH03Page1') Page=(Text="I kept driving for what seemed like hours. Each town I passed through was the same. Where was everybody?",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter3.3Page2',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH03Page2') Page=(Text="The radio was all static except for one channel, some kind of emergency broadcast. It said that an infection had broken out that causes people to go mad and kill at random. Safe houses were set up across the city. One was the old theatre on Main St. I knew where it was so I got goin'.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter3.3Page3',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH03Page3') Page=(Text="I made it into the city. It looked like a war zone. The road was blocked so I had to make my way on foot.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter3.3Page4',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH03Page4') Page=(Text="I saw a light blinking S-O-S in a window of the hospital a few blocks away. Finally, a real person. Maybe if we stick together we can get through this alive.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter3.3Page5',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH03Page5') [DOTZMenu.ChapterFour] Page=(Text="Finally a real person! A doctor was on the intercom. He had locked himself in a security room.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter4.4Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH04Page1') Page=(Text="The Doctor said he could help me, but first I had to get him out. There was an override switch in the electrical room that would open the door. To get to the basement I needed a security card from his office. He buzzed open the glass door so I could pass.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter4.4Page2',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH04Page2') Page=(Text="on the way back to see the doctor...",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter4.4Page3',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH04Page3') Page=(Text="I was attacked by a creature I'd never seen before. It began to twist and shake, like it was having a seizure. It exploded and sprayed horrible smelling black slime everywhere.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter4.4Page4',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH04Page4') Page=(Text="The slime felt like razor blades on my skin. I was feeling real sick. I had to get back to the doctor quicklike.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter4.4Page5',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH04Page5') Page=(Text="When the doctor saw me, he wouldn't open the door. He told me that I was infected and soon I would turn into one of them, a living dead.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter4.4Page6',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH04Page6') Page=(Text="He told me the living dead with green skin were at the last stage of the infection and were contagious. Any contact with their bodily fluids would spread the disease, and I was covered in it.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter4.4Page7',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH04Page7') Page=(Text="The government had air dropped special antidote kits into the city, but not enough to stop the outbreak. The doctor said I could find one in the lab, and he gave me a code so I could get in...I could feel the infection spreading.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter4.4Page8',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH04Page8') [DOTZMenu.ChapterFive] Page=(Text="Explosions rocked the hospital. It was falling apart. I couldn't get back to the doctor, he was good as gone. I had to get out of there.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter5.5Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH05Page1') [DOTZMenu.ChapterSix] Page=(Text="I made it out of the fire. The doctor wasn't so lucky... I never saw the poor bugger again. There was a police station nearby and I decided to get there quick.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter6.6Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH06Page1') [DOTZMenu.ChapterSeven] Page=(Text="I met a guy named Otis locked in a cell. He didn't look infected, so I sure was happy to see him... even though he was a criminal.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter7.7Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH07Page1') Page=(Text="I couldn't just leave him there. I had to find the key to his cell.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter7.7Page2',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH07Page2') Page=(Text="Otis was sure glad to be free... but what would we do now?",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter7.7Page3',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH07Page3') Page=(Text="The city streets were too dangerous to travel on foot. There were too many of those things out there. My new friend Otis had a plan.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter7.7Page4',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH07Page4') Page=(Text="Otis had an 18 wheeler cab in the impound lot. He would get it and pick me up then we'd get as far away from this place as possible. My job was to cover him from the roof. First I needed a rifle with a scope, and I was in the right place to find one.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter7.7Page5',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH07Page5') [DOTZMenu.ChapterEight] Page=(Text="Otis was ready to run to the truck. I didn't have many bullets so I had to be careful. I couldn't let a single one of them get to him.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter8.8Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH08Page1') Page=(Text="Otis barely made it to his truck when a bunch attacked. I saw him wave and yell something. All I caught was 'theatre', and then he drove away. I was alone again.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter8.8Page2',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH08Page2') [DOTZMenu.ChapterNine] Page=(Text="Otis must want me to meet him at the Theatre - one of the safe houses set up by the army. It wasn't too far but the streets were crawling with the undead. I decided to get there through the sewers.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter9.9Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH09Page1') [DOTZMenu.ChapterTen] Page=(Text="The Theater was barricaded like a fortress but everyone was dead. Those things got to them.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter10.10Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH10Page1') Page=(Text="I needed to rest, but first I had some business to deal with.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter10.10Page2',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH10Page2') [DOTZMenu.ChapterEleven] Page=(Text="I woke up to honking. Otis came back for me!",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter11.11Page1',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH11Page1') Page=(Text="Otis told me the streets were all blocked. Those things were everywhere. Our only hope was to get out of here by boat. We headed to the docks.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter11.11Page2',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH11Page2') Page=(Text="Freedom was in sight. Otis would go down and find a boat while I covered him with the rifle.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter11.11Page3',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH11Page3') Page=(Text="Otis found a 20-footer. He would hot-wire it while I went up to the control tower to open the harbor gates.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter11.11Page4',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH11Page4') Page=(Text="We made it! We tore out of there full throttle, leaving the horror behind us.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter11.11Page5',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH11Page5') Page=(Text="We made it! We tore out of there full throttle, leaving the horror behind us.",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter11.11Page6',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH11Page6') Page=(Text="I didn't know what future lay ahead of us… but it couldn’t be any worse…",Image=Texture'DOTZTStory.Chapter11.11Page7',Audio=Sound'DOTZXStoryModeAssets.CH11Page7')