;; ;;Audio configuration file - Matt Davies - Master EDITED by David Whittaker ;; ;;General format: ;; ;; Audio ;; For each sample: ;; Sample [ ...] ;; ;; Params: ;; disable - Sound is not loaded, played or searchable ;; comment - Sound entry is just a comment ;; name - name of sample ;; fname - filename of sample (don't include extension) ;; pitch - pitch of sample (e.g. 22050 or 44100) ; pri - Priority level (-128-+127) ;; pan - pan of 2d sound (-1 to +1) [optional] ;; loop - sound loops [optional] ;; pitch_rnd - Pitch randomness (0-1) [optional] ;; volume - 0-16383 [optional] ;; volume_rnd - Volume randomness (-1 - 0) [optional] ;; near - set near attenuation [optional] ;; far - set far attenuation [optional] ;; rumble [buzzTime rumbleStr rumbleSustain rumbleRelease] - rumble params [optional] ;; group - Marked as a group [optional] ;; seq - Sequential mode [optional] ;; fcat [n] - Fall off category number [optional] ;; ;; For each group: ;; Group ... ;; Audio 1.00 ; UI Sample name "MenuSelect" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\UI\MenuSelect" pitch 22050 GLOBAL Sample name "MenuBack" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\UI\MenuBack" pitch 18000 GLOBAL Sample name "MenuMove" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\UI\MenuMove" pitch 22050 GLOBAL Sample name "MenuNoEntry" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\UI\MenuNoEntry" pitch 12500 GLOBAL Sample name "SwChar" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\UI\SwChar" pitch 22050 GLOBAL Sample name "ToggleChar" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\UI\ToggleChar" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Sample name "WipeScreen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\UI\WipeScreen" pitch 22050 volume 4000 GLOBAL Sample name "StatusAward" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\StatusAward" pitch 22050 Sample name "HitTarget" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\HitTarget" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 PRI 16 Sample name "HiddenItemReveal" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\HiddenItemReveal" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL ; FORCE Sample name "JForcePush" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FORCE\JForcePush1" pitch 11025 GLOBAL group Sample name "JForcePush2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FORCE\JForcePush2" pitch 22050 GLOBAL Group "JForcePush" "JForcePush2" Sample name "JForceUse" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FORCE\JForceUse" pitch 10985 pitch_rnd 0.10 loop GLOBAL Sample name "DarkForceBurnLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FORCE\DarkForceBurnLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 loop ; PICKUPS Sample name "CoinsLand" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\CoinsLand" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL PRI -64 Sample name "CoinDropG" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\CoinDropG" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.15 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.90 GLOBAL PRI -64 Sample name "CoinDropS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\CoinDropS" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.15 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.90 GLOBAL PRI -64 ;Sample name "CoinDropG" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\CoinDropG" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL PRI -64 ;Sample name "CoinDropS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\CoinDropS" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL PRI -64 Sample name "PickupCoin" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\Coin1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL group PRI -64 Sample name "PickupCoin2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\Coin2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Group "PickupCoin" "PickupCoin2" Sample name "PickupCoinB" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\CoinBlue" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL PRI -64 Sample name "PickupHeart" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\Heart" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL PRI -64 Sample name "Counter" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\Counter1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 4000 GLOBAL PRI -32 Sample name "Status_GoldBarDec" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\Status_GoldBarDec" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Status_ItemDesc" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\Status_ItemDesc" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Status_ItemRise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\Status_ItemRise" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Victory" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKNEW\Victory1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "MK-Appear" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\MK-Appear" pitch 22050 GLOBAL near 90.0 far 99.9 PRI 16 Sample name "MK-Loop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\MK-Loop" pitch 22050 GLOBAL volume 16000 loop near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "MK-Pickup" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\MK-Pickup" pitch 22050 GLOBAL PRI 16 Sample name "MK-Panel" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PICKUP\MK-Panel" pitch 22050 GLOBAL PRI 16 Sample name "LegoPieceAdded" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoPieceAdded" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 ; LIGHTSABER Sample name "SaberOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberOnJ" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 10000 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 PRI 16 Sample name "SaberOff" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberOffJ" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 PRI 16 Sample name "SaberLoopJ" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberLoopJ" pitch 11025 volume 4000 pitch_rnd 0.02 loop GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SaberLoopB" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberLoopB" pitch 11025 volume 8000 pitch_rnd 0.02 loop GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SaberMove01" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberMove1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 group Sample name "SaberMove02" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberMove2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SaberMove03" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberMove3" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SaberMove04" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberMove4" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Group "SaberMove01" "SaberMove02" "SaberMove03" "SaberMove04" Sample name "SaberSaber01" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSaber01" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 group Sample name "SaberSaber02" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSaber02" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SaberSaber03" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSaber03" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SaberSaber04" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSaber04" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Group "SaberSaber01" "SaberSaber02" "SaberSaber03" "SaberSaber04" Sample name "SaberSmack01" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSmack01" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 group Sample name "SaberSmack02" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSmack02" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SaberSmack03" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSmack03" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SaberSmack05" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSmack05" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Group "SaberSmack01" "SaberSmack02" "SaberSmack03" "SaberSmack05" Sample name "SabDefBlas" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SabDefBlas1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 group Sample name "SabDefBlas2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SabDefBlas2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SabDefBlas3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SabDefBlas3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SabDefBlas4" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SabDefBlas4" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Group "SabDefBlas" "SabDefBlas2" "SabDefBlas3" "SabDefBlas4" Sample name "SabFField" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SabFField1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL group Sample name "SabFField2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SabFField2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL Group "SabFField" "SabFField2" Sample name "ComboSaber1" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\ComboSaber1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "ComboSaber2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\ComboSaber2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 volume 12000 Sample name "SaberSparks" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\SABER\SaberSparks" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 5000 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 ; MOVES + JUMPS Sample name "Jp_Ami_Jump" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AMIDALA\Jp_Ami_Jump" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "Jp_Ana_Jump" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ANAKIN\Jp_Ana_Jump" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "Jp_Ana_DJump" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ANAKIN\Jp_Ana_DJump" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "Jp_Ana_BackF" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ANAKIN\Jp_Ana_BackF" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "AnakinIVent" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AnaBoy\AnakinIVent" pitch 22050 GLOBAL Sample name "AnakinOVent" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AnaBoy\AnakinOVent" pitch 22050 GLOBAL Sample name "Jp_OQ_Jump" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOVES\Jp_OQ_Jump" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "Jp_OQ_DJump" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOVES\Jp_OQ_DJump" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "Jp_OQ_BackF" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOVES\Jp_OQ_BackF" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "JumpLunge" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOVES\JumpLunge" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Sample name "JediLunge" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOVES\JediLunge" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL PRI 16 Sample name "JumpSlam" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOVES\JumpSlam" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Sample name "JediSlam" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOVES\JediSlam" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL PRI 16 Sample name "ZipUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOVES\GrappleSeq11" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.01 GLOBAL ; Footsteps JEDI Sample name "FS_JWalkM" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_JWalkM1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL group PRI -96 Sample name "FS_JWalkM2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_JWalkM2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Group "FS_JWalkM" "FS_JWalkM2" Sample name "FS_JWalkS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_JWalkS1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL group PRI -96 Sample name "FS_JWalkS2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_JWalkS2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Group "FS_JWalkS" "FS_JWalkS2" Sample name "FS_JLandM" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_JLandM" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "FS_JLandS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_JLandS" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL ; Footsteps DROID Sample name "FS_DWalkM" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_DWalkM1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 4.0 group PRI -97 Sample name "FS_DWalkM2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_DWalkM2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 4.0 Group "FS_DWalkM" "FS_DWalkM2" Sample name "FS_DWalkS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_DWalkS1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 4.0 group PRI -97 Sample name "FS_DWalkS2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_DWalkS2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 4.0 Group "FS_DWalkS" "FS_DWalkS2" Sample name "FS_DLandM" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_DLandM" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "FS_DLandS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_DLandS" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 ; Footsteps PK Droid Sample name "FS_PWalkM" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_DWalkM1" pitch 17000 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 4.0 group PRI -97 Sample name "FS_PWalkM2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_DWalkM2" pitch 17000 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 4.0 Group "FS_PWalkM" "FS_PWalkM2" ; Footsteps Creatures (like on Gungan_A) Sample name "FS_CreaRun" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_CreaRun1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 near 2.0 far 5.0 group PRI -32 Sample name "FS_CreaRun2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_CreaRun2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 near 2.0 far 5.0 Group "FS_CreaRun" "FS_CreaRun2" ; Footsteps WATER Sample name "FS_WaterWade" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_WaterWade1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 group GLOBAL Sample name "FS_WaterWade2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_WaterWade2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Group "FS_WaterWade" "FS_WaterWade2" Sample name "FS_WaterJump" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_WaterJump" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL PRI 8 Sample name "FS_WaterOut" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FS\FS_WaterOut" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL PRI 8 ; LEGO Sample name "LegoSingle" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoSmall_1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 group PRI -64 Sample name "LegoSmall_2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoSmall_2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "LegoSmall_3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoSmall_3" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "LegoSmall_4" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoSmall_4" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "LegoMedium_1" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoMedium_1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "LegoMedium_2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoMedium_2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "LegoMedium_3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoMedium_3" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "LegoMedium_4" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoMedium_4" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Group "LegoSingle" "LegoSmall_2" "LegoSmall_3" "LegoSmall_4" "LegoMedium_1" "LegoMedium_2" "LegoMedium_3" "LegoMedium_4" Sample name "LegoClicks" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoClicks1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 group Sample name "LegoClicks2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoClicks2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "LegoClicks3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoClicks3" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Group "LegoClicks" "LegoClicks2" "LegoClicks3" Sample name "FallApart01" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\FallApart01" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 group PRI 32 Sample name "FallApart02" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\FallApart02" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "FallApart03" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\FallApart03" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Sample name "FallApart04" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\FallApart04" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 Group "FallApart01" "FallApart02" "FallApart03" "FallApart04" Sample name "LegoForm" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoForm1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 loop GLOBAL Sample name "LegoShakeLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoShakeLp" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 loop GLOBAL Sample name "LegoDebris" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\LegoDebris2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 PRI 32 ; BLASTER(s) Sample name "AmiBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AMIDALA\AmiBlast" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL volume 8000 near 8.0 far 15.0 Sample name "BDBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\BDBlast" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL volume 7000 near 6.0 far 14.0 Sample name "DDBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DDBlast" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL volume 8000 near 8.0 far 15.0 Sample name "SBDBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\SBDBlast" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 volume 10000 near 6.0 far 14.0 Sample name "SBD_ArmOut" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\SBD_ArmOut" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 near 8.0 far 15.0 Sample name "SBD_ArmUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\SBD_ArmUp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 near 8.0 far 15.0 Sample name "Blaster" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\Blaster" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL volume 8000 near 8.0 far 15.0 Sample name "StTrBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\StTrBlast" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL volume 8000 near 8.0 far 15.0 Sample name "GSBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\GSBlast" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL volume 8000 near 8.0 far 15.0 Sample name "BlastHit" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\BlastHit1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.2 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 12.0 group PRI 16 Sample name "BlastHit2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\BlastHit2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.2 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 12.0 Sample name "BlastHit3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\BlastHit3" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.2 volume 7000 volume_rnd -0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 12.0 Sample name "BlastHit4" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\BlastHit4" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.2 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 12.0 Sample name "BlastHit5" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\BlastHit5" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.2 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 12.0 Sample name "BlastHit6" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\BlastHit6" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.2 volume 9000 volume_rnd -0.1 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 12.0 Group "BlastHit" "BlastHit2" "BlastHit3" "BlastHit4" "BlastHit5" "BlastHit6" Sample name "BlastRic" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\BLASTER\BlastRic4" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.2 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 12.0 ; DROID(s) Sample name "Drd_RRoger" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\Drd_RRoger" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Drd_UhOh" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\Drd_UhOh" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "DroidDie01" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DroidDie01" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 group PRI 32 Sample name "DroidDie02" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DroidDie02" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Group "DroidDie01" "DroidDie02" Sample name "DPanelAct" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DOORSW\DPanelAct" pitch 11025 GLOBAL Sample name "DPanelDis" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DOORSW\DPanelDis" pitch 11025 GLOBAL Sample name "DDekaRoll" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DDekaRoll" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 10000 loop GLOBAL Sample name "DDekaFold" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DDekaFold" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Sample name "DDekaUnfold" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DDekaUnfold" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Sample name "DDekaShOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DDekaShOn" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Sample name "DDekaHit" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DDekaHit" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "DDekaFlicker" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\DDekaFlicker" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Sample name "Gonk" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\Gonk" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 5.0 ; STAP Engine/Droid Sample name "StapEngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\VEHICLE\StapEngLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 6000 loop GLOBAL near 1.0 far 5.0 ; R2D2 Sample name "R2Thrust" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2ThrustLp" pitch 11025 volume 2000 loop GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "R2Move" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2Move" pitch 11025 volume 2000 pitch_rnd 0.025000 loop GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "R2Head" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2HeadMove" pitch 11025 volume 3000 pitch_rnd 0.05000 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "R2Zap" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2Zap" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "R2D2_VLA" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2D2_VLA" pitch 11025 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "R2D201" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2D201" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 group Sample name "R2D202" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2D202" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "R2D203" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2D203" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "R2D204" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2D204" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Group "R2D201" "R2D202" "R2D203" "R2D204" Sample name "R2Panic" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2Panic1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 group Sample name "R2Panic2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2Panic2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Group "R2Panic" "R2Panic2" Sample name "R2D2Scream" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2D2Scream" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 ; AMIDALA Sample name "Ami_Hurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AMIDALA\Ami_Hurt1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "Ami_Hurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AMIDALA\Ami_Hurt2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Sample name "Ami_Hurt3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AMIDALA\Ami_Hurt3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "Ami_Hurt" "Ami_Hurt2" "Ami_Hurt3" Sample name "Ami_Death" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AMIDALA\Ami_Death" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL ; ANAKIN Sample name "Ana_Hurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ANAKIN\Ana_Hurt1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "Ana_Hurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ANAKIN\Ana_Hurt2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Sample name "Ana_Hurt3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ANAKIN\Ana_Hurt3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "Ana_Hurt" "Ana_Hurt2" "Ana_Hurt3" Sample name "Ana_Death" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ANAKIN\Ana_Death" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL ; ANAKIN BOY Sample name "AnB_Hurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AnaBoy\AnB_Hurt1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "AnB_Hurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AnaBoy\AnB_Hurt2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "AnB_Hurt" "AnB_Hurt2" Sample name "AnB_Death" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\AnaBoy\AnB_Death" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL ; GRIEVOUS Sample name "Grv_GrievAngryJump" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GRIEVOUS\Grv_GrievAngryJump" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 Sample name "GrievRollBack" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GRIEVOUS\GrievRollBack" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 Sample name "GrievJumpSlam" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GRIEVOUS\GrievJumpSlam" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 Sample name "GrievX2Slam" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GRIEVOUS\GrievX2Slam" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 Sample name "GrievSpinBlock" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GRIEVOUS\GrievSpinBlock" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 loop Sample name "Grv_GuardImpact" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GRIEVOUS\Grv_GuardImpact" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 Sample name "Grv_GuardWeaponLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GRIEVOUS\Grv_GuardWeaponLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 3000 loop near 2.0 far 4.0 ; OBIWAN Sample name "Obi_Hurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\OBIWAN\Obi_Hurt1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "Obi_Hurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\OBIWAN\Obi_Hurt2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Sample name "Obi_Hurt3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\OBIWAN\Obi_Hurt3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "Obi_Hurt" "Obi_Hurt2" "Obi_Hurt3" Sample name "Obi_Death" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\OBIWAN\Obi_Death" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL ; QUIGON Sample name "Qui_Hurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\QUIGON\Qui_Hurt1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "Qui_Hurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\QUIGON\Qui_Hurt2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "Qui_Hurt" "Qui_Hurt2" Sample name "Qui_Death" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\QUIGON\Qui_Death" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL ; C3PO Sample name "C3_Hurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Hurt1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL group Sample name "C3_Hurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Hurt2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Sample name "C3_Hurt3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Hurt3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Group "C3_Hurt" "C3_Hurt2" "C3_Hurt3" Sample name "C3_Death" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Death1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL group Sample name "C3_Death2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Death2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL Group "C3_Death" "C3_Death2" ; TC14 Sample name "TC_Hurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Hurt1" pitch 30000 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "TC_Hurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Hurt2" pitch 30000 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Sample name "TC_Hurt3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Hurt3" pitch 30000 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "TC_Hurt" "TC_Hurt2" "TC_Hurt3" Sample name "TC_Death" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Death1" pitch 30000 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "TC_Death2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\C3PO-TC14\C3_Death2" pitch 30000 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "TC_Death" "TC_Death2" Sample name "TC14_VLA" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\TC14_VLA" pitch 22050 GLOBAL Sample name "TC14_VLN" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\TC14_VLN" pitch 11025 GLOBAL Sample name "TC14_Ampu" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\TC14_Ampu" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL ; CHEWBACCA Sample name "ChewyHurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\CHEWY\ChewyHurt" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 Sample name "ChewyDeath" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\CHEWY\ChewyDeath" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "ChewyIdle" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\CHEWY\ChewyIdle" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 Sample name "ChewyBowc" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\CHEWY\ChewyBowc" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.3 ; GEONOSIAN Sample name "GeonHurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GEON\GeonHurt" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.50 near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "GeonDeath" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GEON\GeonDeath" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.25 near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "GeonWingsLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GEON\GeonWingsLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 12000 volume_rnd -0.25 near 0.1 far 4.0 loop ;Sample name "GeonWingsLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\GEON\GeonWingsLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.25 near 0.1 far 4.0 loop ; JANGO FETT Sample name "JgHurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JANGO\JgHurt" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "JgDeath" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JANGO\JgDeath" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "JgThrust" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\R2D2\R2ThrustLp" pitch 10000 volume 10000 loop GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "JgRocket" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JANGO\JgRocket" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "JgBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JANGO\JgBlast" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 10.0 far 20.0 Sample name "JgBlastD" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JANGO\JgBlastD" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "JgBlastH" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JANGO\JgBlastH" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 9.0 ; JAR JAR BINKS Sample name "JJ_Hurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JARJAR\JJ_Hurt1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "JJ_Hurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JARJAR\JJ_Hurt2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "JJ_Hurt" "JJ_Hurt2" Sample name "JJ_Death" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JARJAR\JJ_Death1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL group Sample name "JJ_Death2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JARJAR\JJ_Death2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL Group "JJ_Death" "JJ_Death2" ;Sample name "JJ_HowRude" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\JARJAR\JJ_HowRude" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 GLOBAL ; MAUL Sample name "MaulHurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MAUL\MaulHurt1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 group Sample name "MaulHurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MAUL\MaulHurt2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "MaulHurt3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MAUL\MaulHurt3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 Group "MaulHurt" "MaulHurt2" "MaulHurt3" Sample name "MaulDeath" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MAUL\MaulDeath" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL near 2.0 far 7.0 ; VADER Sample name "VaderBreathe5sF" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\VADER\VaderBreathe5sF" pitch 22050 Sample name "VaderBreatheLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\VADER\VaderBreatheLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 10000 loop ;Sample name "VaderRoll" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\VADER\VaderRoll" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 GLOBAL ; YODA Sample name "YodaHurt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\YODA\YodaHurt1" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL group Sample name "YodaHurt2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\YODA\YodaHurt2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Sample name "YodaHurt3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\YODA\YodaHurt3" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 GLOBAL Group "YodaHurt" "YodaHurt2" "YodaHurt3" Sample name "YodaDeath" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\YODA\YodaDeath" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 GLOBAL Sample name "Yoda_IntoHover" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\YODA\Yoda_IntoHover" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Yoda_OutHover" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\YODA\Yoda_OutHover" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Yoda_HoverLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\YODA\Yoda_HoverLp" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 6000 loop ; CREATURES Sample name "IkopiGrowl" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\CREATURES\IkopiGrowl" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 near 4.0 far 8.0 Sample name "KaaduBark" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\CREATURES\KaaduBark" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 near 4.0 far 8.0 Sample name "KaaduGrowl" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\CREATURES\KaaduGrowl" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 near 4.0 far 8.0 ; EXPLODE(s) Sample name "Explode1" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\EXPLODE\exp_obj_large01" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 15.0 group PRI 64 Sample name "Explode2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\EXPLODE\exp_obj_large02" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 15.0 Sample name "Explode3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\EXPLODE\exp_obj_large03" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 15.0 Sample name "Explode4" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\EXPLODE\exp_obj_large05" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 15.0 Group "Explode1" "Explode2" "Explode3" "Explode4" ; FORCE OBJECTS Sample name "ForceObjSmall" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FORCE\ForceObjSmall" pitch 19000 pitch_rnd 0.2 GLOBAL volume 12000 near 49.0 far 50.0 PRI 16 Sample name "ForceObjBig" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FORCE\ForceObjBig" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.2 GLOBAL near 49.0 far 50.0 PRI 16 Sample name "ForceObjVBig" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\FORCE\ForceObjVBig" pitch 14000 pitch_rnd 0.2 GLOBAL near 49.0 far 50.0 PRI 16 ; ENVIRONMENT Sample name "DoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DOORSW\DoorOpen" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "DoorClose" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DOORSW\DoorClose" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 9.0 Sample name "SwLever" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DOORSW\SwLever" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 15.0 Sample name "SwPPad" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DOORSW\SwPPad" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 15.0 Sample name "FField" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\FField" pitch 15925 near 3.0 far 7.0 pitch_rnd 0.025 loop Sample name "FFieldOff" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\FFieldOff" pitch 11025 near 3.0 far 7.0 Sample name "Negs_VentOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DOORSW\Negs_VentOpen" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "CountdownTimerTick" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\CountdownTimerTick" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 4000 Sample name "CountdownTimerTock" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\CountdownTimerTock" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 4000 ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ; Dex - Map Sample name "Dex_DoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dex_DoorOpen" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 5000 near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "Dex_DoorClose" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dex_DoorClose" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 5000 near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "Dex_WaitBotMoveLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dex_WaitBotMoveLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.025 volume 2000 near 2.0 far 7.0 loop ; Dex - Shop Sample name "Shop_BuyCheat" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Shop_BuyCheat" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Shop_NotEnufMuny" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Shop_NotEnufMuny" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 ; Ep1_1 Negs_A Sample name "NegA_ChairDance" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegA_ChairDance" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "NegA_DoorExpl" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO\NegA_DoorExpl" pitch 11025 near 8.0 far 15.0 PRI 64 Sample name "NegA_IntAlert" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\DROID\NegA_IntAlert" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.10 Sample name "NegA_CoinMLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegA_CoinMLoop" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "NegA_CoinMEject" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegA_CoinMEject" pitch 22050 Sample name "NegA_CoinMDoorUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegA_CoinMDoorUp" pitch 22050 Sample name "NegA_CoinMDoorDn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegA_CoinMDoorDn" pitch 22050 ; Ep1_1 Negs_B Sample name "NegB_ServoArm" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOTOR\NegB_ServoArm" pitch 21991 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 6000 loop Sample name "NegB_GasHose" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegB_GasHose" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 2000 loop Sample name "NegB_LegoTruck" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOTOR\NegB_LegoTruck" pitch 21976 volume 6000 loop Sample name "NegB_MiniShip" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\VEHICLE\NegB_MiniShip" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.02 loop ; Ep1_1 Negs_C Sample name "NegC_Crate" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\EXPLODE\NegC_Crate" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 GLOBAL PRI 64 Sample name "NegC_HangPlat" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOTOR\NegC_HangPlat" pitch 22050 volume 10000 near 4.0 far 8.0 loop Sample name "NegC_Conveyor" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\MOTOR\NegC_Conveyor" pitch 12000 loop Sample name "NegC_MagnetCoil" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegC_MagnetCoil" pitch 22050 loop volume 16000 near 6.0 far 8.0 Sample name "NegC_MagnetCoilH" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegC_MagnetCoilH" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "NegC_MagnetCoilS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegC_MagnetCoilS" pitch 22050 volume 12000 near 6.0 far 8.0 Sample name "NegC_MTT_DoorO" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\VEHICLE\NegC_MTT_DoorO" pitch 11025 ; Ep1_1 Negs_X Sample name "NegX_PlasmaLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\NegX_PlasmaLp" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.025 volume 16382 loop near 4.0 far 8.0 ; Ep1_2 Gungan_A Sample name "GunA_MTTCrash" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunA_MTTCrash" pitch 11025 near 50.0 far 60.0 PRI 16 Sample name "GunA_TreeFall" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunA_TreeFall" pitch 11025 near 49.9 far 50.0 PRI 16 Sample name "GunA_TreeLift" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunA_TreeLift" pitch 22050 loop ; Ep1_2 Gungan_B Sample name "GunB_StColDrop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunB_StColDrop" pitch 11025 PRI 16 Sample name "GunB_StPlatDrop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunB_StPlatDrop" pitch 11025 PRI 16 Sample name "GunB_StPlatEnd" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunB_StPlatEnd" pitch 11025 PRI 16 Sample name "GunB_RatchGearsTurn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunB_RatchGearsTurn" pitch 11025 PRI 16 ; Ep1_2 Gungan_C Sample name "GunC_GrRampFall" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunC_GrRampFall" pitch 22050 PRI 16 Sample name "GunC_StCubeRise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunC_StCubeRise" pitch 11025 PRI 16 Sample name "GunC_StCubeDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunC_StCubeDown" pitch 11025 PRI 16 ; Ep1_2 Gungan_X (ANY) Sample name "GunX_WaterfallLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunX_WaterfallLp" pitch 16000 volume 6000 loop Sample name "GunX_Wind_Lp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunX_Wind_Lp" pitch 11025 volume 16000 loop Sample name "GunX_PlantSqLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunX_PlantSqLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 8000 loop Sample name "GunX_PlantPop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ui_plantPulledUp_01" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "GunX_MTTEngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunX_MTTEngLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "GunX_MTTOHeatLp1" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunX_MTTOHeatLp" pitch 18000 volume 16383 loop Sample name "GunX_MTTOHeatLp2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunX_MTTOHeatLp" pitch 20000 volume 16383 loop Sample name "GunX_MTTOHeatLp3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GunX_MTTOHeatLp" pitch 22050 volume 16383 loop Sample name "GunX_MTTExplode" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\MTTexp_obj_huge03" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 2.0 far 15.0 PRI 64 ;; NOT NEEDED - Sample name "MTT_Blaster" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\VEHICLE\MTT_Blaster" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.50 ; Ep1_3 Rescue_X (ANY) Sample name "ResX_WinBreak" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_WinBreak" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 near 2.0 far 9.0 PRI 16 Sample name "ResX_GateSwing" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_GateSwing" pitch 16000 pitch_rnd 0.05 near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "ResX_DomeOpenLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_DomeOpenLp" pitch 16000 loop Sample name "ResX_MarbColLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_MarbColLp" pitch 16000 loop Sample name "ResX_PlatRiseLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_PlatRiseLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "ResX_PortCulLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_PortCulLp" pitch 16000 loop Sample name "ResX_PortCulEnd" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_PortCulEnd" pitch 16000 Sample name "ResX_PoleLift_Rise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_PoleLift_Rise" pitch 22050 Sample name "ResX_PoleLift_Lower" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_PoleLift_Lower" pitch 22050 Sample name "ResX_SmallGate_Rise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\ResX_SmallGate_Rise" pitch 11025 ; Ep1_4 PodRace START Sample name "Pod_Race_Light" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_Race_Light" pitch 22050 volume 12000 Sample name "Pod_Race_Go" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_Race_Go" pitch 22050 volume 16383 Sample name "Pod_TuskHit" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_TuskHit" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 PRI 16 ; Ep1_4 PodRace_X (ANY) Sample name "PodX_EngAnakin_Lp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_EngAnakin_Lp" pitch 22050 volume 10000 loop near 10.0 far 35.0 Sample name "PodX_EngSebulba_Lp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_EngSebulba_Lp" pitch 22050 volume 16383 loop near 10.0 far 35.0 Sample name "PodX_EngGeneric1_Lp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_EngGeneric1_Lp" pitch 22050 volume 16383 loop near 0.0 far 15.0 Sample name "PodX_EngGeneric2_Lp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_EngGeneric2_Lp" pitch 22050 volume 16383 loop near 0.0 far 15.0 Sample name "PodX_EngGeneric3_Lp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_EngGeneric3_Lp" pitch 22050 volume 16383 loop near 0.0 far 15.0 Sample name "PodX_EngStartup1" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_EngStartup1" pitch 22050 volume 16383 pitch_rnd 0.1 Sample name "PodX_EngStartup2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_EngStartup2" pitch 22050 volume 16383 pitch_rnd 0.1 Sample name "PodX_Collide" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_CollideS1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 16000 near 40.0 far 50.0 group PRI 32 Sample name "PodX_CollideS2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_CollideS2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 16000 near 40.0 far 50.0 Group "PodX_Collide" "PodX_CollideS2" Sample name "PodX_Crash" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_Crash1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 16000 near 40.0 far 50.0 group PRI 64 Sample name "PodX_Crash3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_Crash3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 16000 near 40.0 far 50.0 Group "PodX_Crash" "PodX_Crash3" Sample name "PodX_Crowd_Lp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_Crowd1_Lp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 near 10.0 far 25.0 loop Sample name "PodX_CrowdBoo" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_CrowdBoo2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 near 10.0 far 25.0 Sample name "PodX_CrowdCheer" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_CrowdCheer1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 near 10.0 far 25.0 Sample name "PodX_CrowdOoh" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_CrowdOoh2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 near 10.0 far 25.0 Sample name "PodX_Booster" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_Booster" pitch 22050 volume 16382 pitch_rnd 0.05 PRI 16 Sample name "PodX_WhtCanEject" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_WhtCanEject" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.10 PRI 16 Sample name "PodX_WhtCanBnce" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_WhtCanBnce2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.10 PRI 16 Sample name "PodX_BouldBnce" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_BouldBnce2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 group PRI 24 Sample name "PodX_BouldBnce3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_BouldBnce3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 Group "PodX_BouldBnce" "PodX_BouldBnce3" Sample name "PodX_BouldRoll_Lp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_BouldRoll_Lp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.10 loop Sample name "PodX_RockTowExplFall" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_RockTowExplFall" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.10 PRI 64 Sample name "PodX_TuskenBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_TuskenBlast" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 PRI 32 Sample name "PodX_PurpCrysHit" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\PodRace\Pod_PurpCrysHit" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.10 ; Ep1_5 Retake Palace Sample name "Ep1_5_BDroidPanelSlide" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_BDroidPanelSlide" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_5_BlueDDoorSlide" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_BlueDDoorSlide" pitch 11025 Sample name "Ep1_5_BluePanelSlide" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_BluePanelSlide" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_5_BoxLatchOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_BoxLatchOpen" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_5_ExtPalaceDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_ExtPalaceDoorOpen" pitch 22050 ;;Sample name "Ep1_5_HangarLightBar" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_HangarLightBar" pitch 11025 Sample name "Ep1_5_LedgeFlapRaise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_LedgeFlapRaise" pitch 11025 volume 8000 Sample name "Ep1_5_OutdoorPlatform" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_OutdoorPlatform" pitch 11025 Sample name "Ep1_5_PaintingShake" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_PaintingShake" pitch 16000 Sample name "Ep1_5_ReleasePrisoner" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_ReleasePrisoner" pitch 22050 PRI 16 Sample name "Ep1_5_TreeExpands" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_TreeExpands" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_5_WallLightOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_WallLightOn" pitch 22050 volume 8000 Sample name "Ep1_5_WoodTrellisExpl" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_5_WoodTrellisExpl" pitch 22050 PRI 32 ; Ep1_5 Retake_E Sample name "RetE_ShortPanelSlide" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\RetE_ShortPanelSlide" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 ; Ep1_5 Retake_G Sample name "RetG_ActivLockRise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\RetG_ActivLockRise" pitch 22050 Sample name "RetG_HangarDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\RetG_HangarDoorOpen" pitch 11025 ; Ep1_7 Maul Sample name "Ep1_7_BDroidPlatf" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_BDroidPlatf" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_BigDoubleDoor" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_BigDoubleDoor" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_DDekaPlatRaise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_DDekaPlatRaise" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_DumbWDoor" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_DumbWDoor" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_FloatPlatLower" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_FloatPlatLower" pitch 11025 Sample name "Ep1_7_FloatPlatRise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_FloatPlatRise" pitch 11025 Sample name "Ep1_7_GearPlatRatch" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_GearPlatRatch" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_MaulForceLeviLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_MaulForceLeviLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "Ep1_7_RailingLightOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_RailingLightOn" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_RedLaserGateDeact" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_RedLaserGateDeact" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_RedLaserGateLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_RedLaserGateLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 8000 loop near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "Ep1_7_SFPowerUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_SFPowerUp" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_SFHoverLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_SFHoverLp" pitch 22050 volume 8000 loop Sample name "Ep1_7_SFTakeOff" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_SFTakeOff" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_SlidPistMech" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_SlidPistMech" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_SteamPipeBend" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_SteamPipeBend" pitch 11025 Sample name "Ep1_7_SteamPipeBurst" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_SteamPipeBurst" pitch 11025 Sample name "Ep1_7_WWayPanelS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_WWayPanelS" pitch 22050 Sample name "Ep1_7_HingedBoxOpenClose" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep1_7_HingedBoxOpenClose" pitch 19000 ;22050 ; Ep2_1 Kamino Sample name "Kam_ArmBombCanister" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_ArmBombCanister" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Kam_BigDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_BigDoorOpen" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_BonusPlatformLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_BonusPlatformLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "Kam_BridgeExtend" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_BridgeExtend" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_BridgeSection" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_BridgeSection" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_ChairUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_ChairUp" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_CloneMachRotate" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_CloneMachRotateLp" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 12000 loop Sample name "Kam_DiscoFloorPanelDone" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_DiscoFloorPanelDone" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_DiscoFloorPanelOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_DiscoFloorPanelOn" pitch 11025 ;;Sample name "Kam_DoorCloseExt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_DoorCloseExt" pitch 16000 ;;Sample name "Kam_DoorOpenExt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_DoorOpenExt" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_DoorCloseInt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_DoorCloseInt" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_DoorOpenInt" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_DoorOpenInt" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_FloorPanelOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_FloorPanelOn" pitch 22050 volume 8000 pitch_rnd 0.25 Sample name "Kam_FloorSectionRaised" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_FloorSectionRaised" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kam_ForceFieldLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_ForceFieldLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "Kam_ForceFieldOff" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_ForceFieldOff" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_JangoFloorPanel" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_JangoFloorPanel" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kam_JangoPanelSet" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_JangoPanelSet" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_LiftDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_LiftDown" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_LiftUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_LiftUp" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_LiftUpShort" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_LiftUpShort" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_Mine" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_Mine" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 PRI 64 Sample name "Kam_MineX2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_MineX2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 PRI 65 Sample name "Kam_PodsRising" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_PodsRising" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_PowerGenOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_PowerGenOn" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_R4DoorUnlock" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_R4DoorUnlock" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kam_SparkLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_SparkLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "Kam_SweepFloorLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_SweepFloorLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "Kam_SwitchPull" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_SwitchPull" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_SwivelSwitch" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_SwivelSwitch" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kam_TubeLidClose" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_TubeLidClose" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kam_TurretOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_TurretOn" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kam_TurretCannonFire" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_TurretCannonFire" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 PRI 16 Sample name "Kam_DiscoFFieldLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_DiscoFFieldLp" pitch 11025 volume 8000 loop Sample name "Kam_DiscoFFieldOff" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_DiscoFFieldOff" pitch 22050 volume 9900 Sample name "Kam_MiniPodLidOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_MiniPodLidOpen" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kam_MiniPodLidClose" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_MiniPodLidClose" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kam_BubbleLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_BubbleLp" pitch 11025 volume 8000 loop Sample name "Kam_Slave1BlasterFire" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_Slave1BlasterFire" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 PRI 16 Sample name "Kam_Slave1EngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kam_Slave1EngLp" pitch 11025 volume 16383 loop near 240.0 far 249.9 ; Ep2_2 Droid Factory Sample name "Fac_BucketAwayFB" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BucketAwayFB" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_BucketArriveLock" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BucketArriveLock" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_BucketGearUD" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BucketGearUD" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_BucketOpens" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BucketOpens" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_ConvSideHalfDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_ConvSideHalfDown" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_ConvSideHalfUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_ConvSideHalfUp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_ConvSideDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_ConvSideDown" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_ConvSideDownUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_ConvSideDownUp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_ConveyorLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_ConveyorLoop" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 loop Sample name "Fac_FastDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_FastDoorOpen" pitch 22050 Sample name "Fac_SlowDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_SlowDoorOpen" pitch 11025 Sample name "Fac_GeoBridgeExtend" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_GeoBridgeExtend" pitch 8000 Sample name "Fac_GeoFFieldLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_GeoFFieldLp" pitch 8000 volume 16000 loop Sample name "Fac_PlatformRotate" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_PlatformRotate" pitch 11025 Sample name "Fac_PlatformRotateBonus" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_PlatformRotateBonus" pitch 11025 Sample name "Fac_SlidingWalkway" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_SlidingWalkway" pitch 8000 Sample name "Fac_SmPlatExtend" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_SmPlatExtend" pitch 22050 Sample name "Fac_SmPlatRetract" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_SmPlatRetract" pitch 22050 Sample name "Fac_StampHydros" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_StampHydros" pitch 8000 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_StampImpacts" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_StampImpacts" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_FanLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_FanLoop" pitch 11025 volume 16000 near 4.3 far 6.0 loop Sample name "Fac_LaserGateLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_LaserGateLoop" pitch 11025 volume 4000 loop Sample name "Fac_LaserGatePwrDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_LaserGatePwrDown" pitch 13000 volume 3000 Sample name "Fac_LegoDropInLava" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_LegoDropInLava" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "Fac_ObiRestraintLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_ObiRestraintLoop" pitch 11025 volume 16000 loop Sample name "Fac_SteamVentLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_SteamVentLoop" pitch 8000 volume 4000 pitch_rnd 0.1 near 3.0 far 5.0 loop Sample name "FacB_BeltLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\FacB_BeltLp" pitch 22050 volume 4000 loop Sample name "Fac_BonusBeep" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BonusBeep" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "Fac_BonusCylUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BonusCylUp" pitch 22050 Sample name "Fac_BonusDrain" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BonusDrain" pitch 22050 Sample name "Fac_BonusFill" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BonusFill" pitch 22050 Sample name "Fac_BucketLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Fac_BucketLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 8000 loop near 2.0 far 5.0 ; Ep2_3 Jedi Battle Sample name "Jed_BDroid_MarchLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Jed_BDroid_MarchLp" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 loop Sample name "Jed_GeoGateUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Jed_GeoGateUp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Jed_GeoPrisonerLift" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Jed_GeoPrisonerLift" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Jed_PrisonerDownLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Jed_PrisonerDownLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "Jed_PrisonerFree" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Jed_PrisonerFree" pitch 22050 PRI 16 ; Ep2_4 Gunship Cavalry Sample name "GC_DwrfSpiderGun" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_DwrfSpiderGun" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "GC_DwrfSpiderWalkLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_DwrfSpiderWalkLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "GC_GunshipEngineLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_GunshipEngineLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "GC_GunshipBlasterFire" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_GunshipBlasterFire" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "GC_HailfireMissileFire" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_HailfireMissileFire" volume 8000 pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.25 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "GC_ForceFieldLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_ForceFieldLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "GC_ForceFieldPwrDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_ForceFieldPwrDown" pitch 22050 Sample name "GC_FedShieldLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_FedShieldLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "GC_FedShieldPwrDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_FedShieldPwrDown" pitch 22050 Sample name "GC_GunshipDeath" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_GunshipDeath" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 PRI 32 ;Sample name "GC_FedStarshipEngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_FedStarshipEngLp" pitch 11025 loop ;Sample name "GC_FedStarshipGun" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_FedStarshipGun" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.50 ;Sample name "GC_ForceFieldBrokenLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_ForceFieldBrokenLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "GC_LaserBeam" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_LaserBeamLucas" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume 10000 volume_rnd -0.25 near 1.0 far 7.0 Sample name "GC_ShGeneratorLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\GC_ShGeneratorLp" pitch 22050 loop near 0.0 far 7.0 ; Ep2_5 Dooku Sample name "Dooku_GateUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dooku_GateUp" pitch 22050 Sample name "Dooku_Extend" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dooku_Extend" pitch 20000 ;Sample name "Dooku_Retract" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dooku_Retract" pitch 22050 Sample name "Dooku_LightningLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dooku_LightningLp" pitch 22050 loop ; Ep3_1 DogFight (Battle over Coruscant) Sample name "Ep3_1_StarDestEngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep3_1_StarDestEngLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "Ep3_1_ProtoXWingBlaster" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep3_1_ProtoXWingBlaster" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 8000 volume_rnd -0.1 Sample name "Ep3_1_ProtoXWingMissile" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep3_1_ProtoXWingMissile" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 near 0.0 far 10.0 Sample name "Ep3_1_ExplosionM" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep3_1_ExplosionM" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 PRI 64 Sample name "Ep3_1_ExplosionXXL" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Ep3_1_ExplosionXXL" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 PRI 65 Sample name "Dog_TurretFire" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_TurretFire" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 ; Friendly Sample name "Dog_CloneARC170Gun" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_CloneARC170Gun" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 volume 4000 Sample name "Dog_JediStFighterGun" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_JediStFighterGun1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 volume 10000 group PRI 16 Sample name "Dog_JediStFighterGun2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_JediStFighterGun2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 volume 10000 Sample name "Dog_JediStFighterGun3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_JediStFighterGun3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 volume_rnd -0.25 volume 10000 Group "Dog_JediStFighterGun" "Dog_JediStFighterGun2" "Dog_JediStFighterGun3" Sample name "Dog_JediStFighterEngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_JediStFighterEngLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 loop volume 3000 Sample name "Dog_CloneARC170EngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_CloneARC170EngLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 loop volume 11000 near 0.0 far 3.0 ; Enemy Sample name "Dog_DroidFighterBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_DroidFighterBlast" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 volume 8000 near 0.0 far 10.0 Sample name "Dog_TriFighterGuns" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_TriFighterGuns1" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 volume 8000 near 0.0 far 10.0 group Sample name "Dog_TriFighterGuns2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_TriFighterGuns2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.5 volume 8000 near 0.0 far 10.0 Group "Dog_TriFighterGuns" "Dog_TriFighterGuns2" Sample name "Dog_DroidFighterEngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_DroidFighterEngLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 loop volume 8000 near 0.0 far 3.0 Sample name "Dog_TriFighterEngLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_TriFighterEngLp2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 loop near 0.0 far 2.5 Sample name "Dog_DroidFighterHit" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_DroidFighterHit" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 PRI 16 Sample name "Dog_TriFighterHit" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_TriFighterHit" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 10000 PRI 16 ; Other Sample name "Dog_HugeBeamGunFire" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_HugeBeamGunFire" pitch 11025 Sample name "Dog_HugeBeamGunLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_HugeBeamGunLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "Dog_SepShieldPwrDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_SepShieldPwrDown" pitch 22050 near 90.0 far 99.9 Sample name "Dog_ShipBreakExplo" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_ShipBreakExplo" pitch 11025 near 90.0 far 99.9 PRI 64 Sample name "Dog_ShipDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_ShipDoorOpen" pitch 22050 near 90.0 far 99.9 Sample name "Dog_StDestTurretSpins" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_StDestTurretSpins" pitch 22050 near 90.0 far 99.9 Sample name "Dog_TowerBreakExplo" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Dog_TowerBreakExplo" pitch 11025 near 90.0 far 99.9 PRI 65 ; Ep3_2 Cruiser (Chancellor in Peril) Sample name "Cru_OHeadHingeOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_OHeadHingeOpen" pitch 11025 Sample name "Cru_CeilingRampExplo" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_CeilingRampExplo" pitch 22050 PRI 64 Sample name "Cru_CeilingSteamVentLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_CeilingSteamVentLp" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 loop volume 3000 near 4.0 far 5.0 Sample name "Cru_DiagBlastDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_DiagBlastDoorOpen" pitch 11025 Sample name "Cru_ExploMetalGrating" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_ExploMetalGrating" pitch 22050 PRI 64 Sample name "Cru_HorizSlidingDoor" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_HorizSlidingDoor" pitch 22050 Sample name "Cru_HugeSwitch" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_HugeSwitch" pitch 11025 ;Sample name "Cru_HugeWallMove" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_HugeWallMove" pitch 11025 Sample name "Cru_HugeWallMoveLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_HugeWallMoveLp" pitch 6000 loop near 90.0 far 99.0 Sample name "Cru_LightSteamLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_LightSteamLp" pitch 11025 loop pitch_rnd 0.10 volume 4000 near 4.0 far 5.0 Sample name "Cru_ManholeBurst" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_ManholeBurst" pitch 22050 Sample name "Cru_ObjOverheatLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_ObjOverheatLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "Cru_SlidingDrawerOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_SlidingDrawerOpen" pitch 11025 Sample name "Cru_WallDoorExplo" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_WallDoorExplo" pitch 11025 PRI 64 Sample name "Cru_YellowWheelLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_YellowWheelLp" pitch 22050 volume 8000 loop Sample name "Cru_SparkLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_SparkLp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 12000 loop near 2.0 far 3.5 ; Ep3_3 Grievous Sample name "Grv_GrievArmBomb" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Grv_GrievArmBomb" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 near 90.0 far 99.9 PRI 16 Sample name "Grv_GrievBonusCylinder" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Grv_GrievBonusCylinder" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 PRI 16 Sample name "Grv_GrievBonusLatch" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Grv_GrievBonusLatch" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 PRI 16 ; Ep3_4 Kashyyyk Sample name "Kas_Walker_Fire" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_Walker_Fire" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.25 PRI 16 Sample name "Kas_Walker_FS" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_Walker_FS1" pitch 22050 volume 12000 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 PRI 8 Sample name "Kas_BridgeDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_BridgeDown" pitch 15000 PRI 32 Sample name "Kas_TwinBridgeDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_BridgeDown" pitch 14000 PRI 32 Sample name "Kas_Swivel" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_Swivel" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kas_ShipRise" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_ShipRise" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kas_MetalGateUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_MetalGateUp" pitch 16000 Sample name "Kas_GatewayRamp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_GatewayRamp" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kas_FireLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_FireLoop" pitch 11025 volume 6000 loop near 2.0 far 6.0 pitch_rnd 0.04 Sample name "Kas_FireflyLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_FireflyLoop" pitch 11025 volume 2000 loop near 3.0 far 5.0 pitch_rnd 0.04 Sample name "Kas_DarkInsectLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_DarkInsectLp" pitch 11025 volume 2000 loop near 3.0 far 5.0 pitch_rnd 0.04 Sample name "Kas_StepRiseLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_StepRiseLp" pitch 11025 loop ;Sample name "Kas_BoulderDrop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_BoulderDrop" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kas_BoulderLoop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_BoulderLoop" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 16383 loop near 4.0 far 15.0 PRI 32 ;Sample name "Kas_BoulderTurn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_BoulderTurn" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kas_BoulderExplo" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_BoulderExplo" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume 16383 near 4.0 far 15.0 PRI 64 Sample name "Kas_BridgeLockAct" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_BridgeLockAct" pitch 16000 ;Sample name "Kas_BridgeLockRdy" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_BridgeLockRdy" pitch 22050 Sample name "Kas_RaftMovementLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_RaftMovementLp" pitch 11025 loop volume 8000 near 2.0 far 7.0 Sample name "Kas_ShipTelemetryLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_ShipTelemetryLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "Kas_XWingDrips" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_XWingDrips" pitch 11025 Sample name "Kas_XWingMovementLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Kas_XWingMovementLp" pitch 11025 loop ; Ep3_5 Temple (Ruin of the Jedi) Sample name "Tem_SwitchFlickerLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_SwitchFlickerLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "Tem_DoorDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_DoorDown" pitch 11025 PRI 16 Sample name "Tem_SwitchLights" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_SwitchLights" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Tem_SwitchArmLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_SwitchArmLp" pitch 11025 volume 8000 loop Sample name "Tem_SwitchArmEnd" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_SwitchArmEnd" pitch 11025 Sample name "Tem_SwitchReveal" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_SwitchReveal" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Tem_PanelRetract" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_PanelRetract" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Tem_DoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_DoorOpen" pitch 22050 Sample name "Tem_ForceFieldLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_ForceFieldLp" pitch 11025 loop Sample name "Tem_ForceFieldOff" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_ForceFieldOff" pitch 11025 Sample name "Tem_SphereDown" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_SphereDown" pitch 22050 Sample name "Tem_SphereTogether" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_SphereTogether" pitch 22050 Sample name "Tem_SwitchFinal" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Tem_SwitchFinal" pitch 22050 Sample name "TrainDroidMove" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\TrainDroidMove2" pitch 22050 volume 1000 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 group Sample name "TrainDroidMove3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\TrainDroidMove3" pitch 22050 volume 1000 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "TrainDroidMove4" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\TrainDroidMove4" pitch 22050 volume 1000 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 Sample name "TrainDroidMove5" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\TrainDroidMove5" pitch 22050 volume 1000 pitch_rnd 0.1 volume_rnd -0.25 Group "TrainDroidMove" "TrainDroidMove3" "TrainDroidMove4" "TrainDroidMove5" Sample name "TrainDroidBlast" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\TrainDroidBlast1" pitch 22050 volume 8000 pitch_rnd 0.1 group Sample name "TrainDroidBlast2" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\TrainDroidBlast2" pitch 22050 volume 8000 pitch_rnd 0.1 Group "TrainDroidBlast" "TrainDroidBlast2" ; Ep3_6 Vader Sample name "Vad_MetalSinkIntoLavaLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_MetalSinkIntoLavaLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "Vad_RocksBreakLong" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_RocksBreakLong3" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "Vad_RocksBreakShort" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_RocksBreakShort2" pitch 20000 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "Vad_DoorRelays" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_DoorRelays" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Vad_HugeMetalCrushes" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_HugeMetalCrushes" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Vad_MetalGirderUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_MetalGirderUp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Vad_WalkwayUnfold" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_WalkwayUnfold" pitch 11025 Sample name "Vad_RedHandleAttach" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_RedHandleAttach2" pitch 22050 Sample name "Vad_RampLockSpinLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_RampLockSpinLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "Vad_RampWindUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_RampWindUp" pitch 11025 Sample name "Vad_LavaExplos" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_LavaExplos2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 group PRI 32 Sample name "Vad_LavaExplos3" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_LavaExplos2" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 Group "Vad_LavaExplos" "Vad_LavaExplos3" Sample name "Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava2" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 group Sample name "Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava5" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava5" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 Sample name "Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava7" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava7" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.20 volume_rnd -0.50 Group "Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava" "Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava5" "Vad_PlatesFallIntoLava7" Sample name "Vad_BonusDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_BonusDoorOpen" pitch 22050 Sample name "Vad_ExitDoorOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_ExitDoorOpen" pitch 22050 Sample name "Vad_RockExplo" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Vad_RockExplo" pitch 11025 pitch_rnd 0.10 volume_rnd -0.50 PRI 32 Sample name "Vad_OHeadGrateOpen" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Cru_OHeadHingeOpen" pitch 11025 ; Ep4_1 BONUS Sample name "Bonus_GasCylPop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Bonus_GasCylPop" pitch 22050 Sample name "Bonus_CFugeLp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Bonus_CFugeLp" pitch 22050 loop Sample name "Bonus_FloorSwitchOn" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Bonus_FloorSwitchOn" pitch 11025 volume 8000 Sample name "Bonus_FloorSwitchOff" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Bonus_FloorSwitchOff" pitch 11025 volume 8000 Sample name "Bonus_CanisterUp" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Bonus_CanisterUp" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 Sample name "Bonus_PanelRetract" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\ENV\Bonus_PanelRetract" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.05 ; Generic FORCE Object S#ite Sample name "CrateDrop" fname "Audio\_SoundFX\CrateDrop" pitch 22050 pitch_rnd 0.10 PRI -65