state Base { Conditions { if Timer > 1 goto Approach if OpponentRange < 1 goto Approach } Actions { //Sets the side to baddie incase any nuterals want to use this script SetSide "baddie" KeepWeaponOut BreakFormation ResetTimer FollowPlayer "Run" } } state Wander { Conditions { if GotOpponent == 1 goto Approach } Actions { KeepWeaponOut "FALSE" FollowPath "Walk" } } state Approach { Conditions { if GotOpponent == 1 goto Fight if PartyUnderCover == 1 goto Wander } Actions { CannotBeSeen "FALSE" FollowPlayer } } state Fight { Conditions { if GotOpponent == 0 goto Approach } Actions { EngageOpponent "goalrange 1.5" "firerange 3" } }