[Errors] Critical=Critical Error FailedConfigLoad=%s (failed load) [General] BrowseButton=... UseButton=Use ClearButton=Clear ColorButton=Color PickButton=Pick OkButton=Ok AddButton=Add EmptyButton=Empty GoButton=PUSH ME InsertButton=Insert DeleteButton=Delete DefaultsButton=Reset To Defaults BackButton=< &Back NextButton=&Next > FinishButton=&Finish CancelButton=Cancel InstallButton=&Install YesButton=&Yes NoButton=&No AgreeButton=I &Agree LanguagePrompt=Language: LanguageWindow=Language Selection LogWindow=%s Log Window PropNone=Nothing Selected PropSingle=%s Properties PropMulti=%s Properties (%i selected) InsertCdText=Please insert the Unreal CD-Rom into your drive and press OK to continue, or Cancel to exit. InsertCdTitle=Cd Required At Startup AdvancedOptionsTitle=Advanced Options Low=Low High=High [FirstRun] Caption=Initial Configuration LowMemory=Unreal has detected that you have %i megabytes of memory available. To improve performance, the "Low Detail Textures" and "Low Sound Quality" options have been enabled. You may change this settings in the "Performance Settings" menu. NonMMX=Unreal has detected that you're using a non-MMX PC. Based on this, the sound playback rate has been set to use the least CPU power. You may change this settings in the "Advanced Options / Audio" menu. Starting=Unreal is starting up with new settings. If you experience any problems, please read the Troubleshooting section of the Release Notes in the "Start" menu. [IDDIALOG_Directory] IDC_Directory=Installation Folder IDC_ChoosePrompt=Please choose the installation folder. IDC_PathTitle=&Path: IDC_DirectoryTitle=&Directories: IDC_DrivesTitle=Dri&ves: IDC_NetworkButton=&Network [IDDIALOG_Password] IDC_Password=Password Check IDC_Prompt=Please enter your name and password. IDC_Name=&Name: IDC_Password=&Password: [IDMENU_NotifyIcon] ID_NotifyIcon=Menu ID_NotifyShowLog=&UnrealServer Console ID_NotifyAdvancedOptions=&Advanced Options ID_NotifyExit=E&xit UnrealServer [IDMENU_Log] ID_LogFile=&File ID_LogAdvancedOptions=&Advanced Options ID_LogFileExit=E&xit