[LocalizedText] OBJECTIVE_TITLE=Objective TIP_TITLE=Strategy BEGIN_MISSION_TEXT=Begin Mission CONTINUE_MISSION_TEXT=Continue Mission LOADING_MAP_TEXT=Loading World Map LOADING_GAME_TEXT=Loading Saved Game LOADING_MENU_TEXT=Loading Menu READY_TO_PLAY_TEXT=Ready LOADING_HD_WARNING=Please don't turn off@your Xbox console. LOADING_MU_WARNING=Please don't remove memory units@or disconnect any controllers. RESTART_TEXT=restart NO_CONTROLLER_TITLE=Controller Removed NO_CONTROLLER_TEXT=Please reconnect a controller@and press START to continue. [01aFlare]0001SooKingdom A Warrior's Call to Duty Search for the signal flare and any fallen soldiers. Familiarize yourself with Health Shrines around the world. They are easily identifiable by their rising incense. When in doubt, use the compass to guide you along the way. It appears in the lower right corner of your screen. Know your weapons. Get a feel for how they function and which weapon combinations are best suited for you. When using a melee weapon, press the attack and parry button simultaneously to execute a super attack. Remember that supers cost chi. [01bRetreat]0001SooKingdom The Retreat Escort the medic and wounded soldier through the city. Be mindful of tanks as they can overwhelm you quickly if you're not careful. One man versus a tank is suicidal. If you get lost, follow your fellow Soo Warriors through the city. Take heed of messages that are sent to you by your allies. A message log in the start menu will allow you to review messages you have missed. When using a melee weapon, press the attack and jump button simultaneously to dash towards an enemy with an attack. Dash attacks cost no chi and knock enemies down but do little damage. Dash attacks may also be used to get up when knocked down. [02Attack]0001SooKingdom Attack on the Soo Capitol Defend the Capitol from the attack of Xao Gon's forces. To see what combos a weapon can perform, go to the start menu and choose Combos. It is a good idea to save your game periodically. It is best to use your Chi Super when surrounded by many enemies. It may save your life in a rough situation. [03aPrison]0002Prison Mongolian Rebel Attack Escape the prison with the help of Mai Khan and the Mongolian Rebels. Keep an eye out for any switches that will open up a new path for you. You will first see Medical Carts in the Prison Camp. They perform the same function as the health shrines you encountered earlier in the game. Stick with your allies through the beginning of the mission. They will prove to be your most valuable resource when encountering enemies. [04aBridge]0003AltayShan The Bridge to Altay Shan Cross the bridge into the city of Altay Shan. To strafe, hold down the "Center Camera" button or trigger while moving. This is most useful when firing a ranged weapon. Stick close to Boo if you're low on health. [04bAltay]0003AltayShan The City of Altay Shan Fight your way through Altay Shan to reach the Kazakstan Pass. Learn how to use the cannons in this area. They play an important role in the completion of the mission. There are several possible routes through this area. Explore and find the most efficient way to reach your goal. Watch for Flyers. When a flyer attacks, take cover and avoid its gunfire until it's safe to continue on. [04cAvalanche]0003AltayShan The Avalanche Escape the avalanche triggered by Gon's soldiers. Cross the final bridge into Kazakstan. Be wary of falling damage as there is no way to recover your health during this mission. Occasionally it is a good idea to jump down the mountain rather than run as it will save you some precious time. [05Refinery]0004Refinery The Refinery Sabotage the refinery by placing explosive charges at its five main coupling points. After planting a charge, walk over to Boo and he will hand you another one. Follow the red numbered signs to get to the next coupling point. Fa Zhang will help keep some of your enemies at bay while you complete your mission. Ranged weapons are extremely powerful in one-on-one combat. Figure out when to switch from melee to ranged to accomodate the situation. [06Talos]0005Nepal The Dragon Talos Defeat Xao Gon's soldiers and free the dragon Talos. You'll need the help of Topo and Zhang to complete your objective. Watch out for dragon traps in this area. Figure out how to lure enemies into them when possible. Stick close to your allies and help them fend off the Gon forces. You can't free the dragon without their help. [07aCanyon]0005Nepal The Sacred Canyons Follow Topo through the canyons towards the Forgotten Temple. Topo will be your guide through this area. If you should get lost, approach him and he will show you the way. Be careful not to fall off the wooden walkways. It's a long way down to the canyon floor. Ration your chi. It's always a good idea to save it for when you're overwhelmed by a large crowd of enemies. [07bBuddha]0005Nepal The Forgotten Temple Follow Topo to reach the temple of the Forgotten Warriors. Knocking enemies off platforms is an efficient way of advancing through the mission quickly. Try kicking objects such as buckets to get a quick stun on the enemy soldiers. [08Earth]0005Nepal The Battle with Earth Defeat General Kuun. Run by the prayer wheels located around the temple to receive a small boost of health. Break or kick rocks to prevent them from being used as weapons against you. Try a variety of weapons against General Kuun. Some weapons are more effective than others. Don't get too close to General Kuun after he's been knocked down. His recovery move is unblockable. [09Otherworld]0005Nepal The Otherworld Battle the Skeleton Warriors of the Otherworld to reach the Soo Capitol. Your Stone Swords can break when they parry. Replace broken swords with others you find around the area. There are no health shrines in the Otherworld. Kill the Skeleton Warriors to replenish your health. [10Surrounded]0005Nepal Surrounded Reach the top of the temple to retrieve General Kuun's Axe Hammer. For a quick health boost, head for the center island on the third floor. The Chain Blade is an elegant weapon that can damage both close and distant enemies. Memorize the combos and use them to your advantage. [11Wind]0005Nepal The Battle with Wind Defeat General Chen. Use the whirlwinds throughout this area to rise up to the wooden scaffolds. Find the hidden health shrine in this area. It will make the fight with General Chen much easier. General Chen has the advantage as long as she remains in the air. Try to keep her from taking flight. [12aReturn]0001SooKingdom Return to the Soo Kingdom Open the gates leading to the castle gardens. The Power Bow will help you take out enemies sniping from above. Familiarize yourself with the Axe Hammer and the Triple Wind in this mission. Find out which one best suits your playing style. Keep an eye out for levers and switches in this area to open up new paths. [12bGarden]0001SooKingdom The Soo Kingdom Garden Cross the castle gardens to reach the bridge leading to the Soo Capitol. Occasionally you'll be required to kill many enemies in certain areas to advance to the next part of the mission. Rooftop jumping will allow you to reach areas that were previously inaccesible. [12cThrone]0001SooKingdom The Soo Kingdom Throne Battle Xao Gon's forces to reach the Capitol's throne room. Utilize your chi in sections of this mission where the odds are stacked against you. Hide behind walls to provide cover against Archers. Use strafe firing when faced with many ranged attackers. [13Water]0001SooKingdom The Battle with Water Defeat General Kaan. Ranged weapons will not affect General Kaan. Instead, focus on melee weapons to wear him down. General Kaan will perform various special attacks on you. Watch his moves carefully and learn to predict what move he'll try next. Watch out for General Kaan's whirlpool traps, as they will make you especially vulnerable to attack. [14aTrainyard]0006Trainyard The Trainyard Find the controls to load a rocket onto a departing train. Ride the rocket to the train station. Until you can shut off the alarm system, avoid being spotted by any guards. They'll alert the rest of the station. Your allies will go away to carry out their own missions occasionally. Use this mission to familiarize yourself with the Chaos Spear. [14bStation]0006Trainyard The Train Station Sneak through the station and board the train to Beijing. If you should get caught while sneaking through the station, find an alarm station and shut it off. Find a way to make yourself less conspicuous to the guards. Keep a good distance when walking near guards or workers. Step too close to them and they might recognize you. Don't forget that your weapons can draw attention to you. [14cTrain]0007Train The Train Hijack Fight your way to the engine room to gain control of the train. Be careful when walking on the outside of the train. Sun will be killed instantly if he falls. Learn to use the Plasma Whirlwind. Controlled bursts will save you ammo in the long run. Watch your health meter. Heal yourself whenever the opportunity arises. [14dTrainattack]0007Train Train Attack Prevent General Toc from taking over the train. Head to the rear of the train and separate the train cars. Take cover inside the train cars when flyers are gunning for you. [15Metal]0007Train2 The Battle with Metal Defeat General Toc. General Toc will use a variety of attacks to keep you in check. Stick close to him but be careful not to get parried too often. Be careful when fighting in close quarters. One wrong step and you'll fall to your death. If General Toc captures you in a cage of rebar, you can use your weapon to break the bars. However, a well-timed jump to avoid his attack is often more effective. Some of the bridge support beams are very slippery. It's best to avoid them; General Toc can save himself from a fall, but you cannot. [16bRunaway]0007Train2 The Runaway Train Defend the train against Xao Gon's army until you reach the Forbidden City. Flyers will pass periodically to drop enemy soldiers. Make sure to defend both the interior and exterior of the train. There is strength in numbers. Aid your allies when they're asking for assistance. [17aForbidden]0008Forbidden Siege on the Forbidden City Fight your way through the city to find an alternate path beneath the train tracks. Tanks can be destroyed with the right weapons. Use this mission to familiarize yourself with the Razor Saw. Various new enemies will attempt to thwart your travel through the Forbidden City. [17a2GoSH]0008Forbidden Forbidden Courtyard Fight your way through the Gate of Supreme Harmony towards the launch tower. Use the medical cart at the beginning of the mission to heal yourself before heading out. Pick your battles carefully. Often it's wiser to use strategy rather than walking blindly into a fight. Master the Lion's Fury. It is one of the strongest weapons in your arsenal. [17bRocket]0008Forbidden The Launch Pad Sabotage the rocket by placing an explosive charge at the top of the launch tower. Use strafing to look around corners. It presents a better view of what's ahead. Keep Boo and Zhang close to you. They are key elements to a successful run through the city. Fight fire with fire. Turn the tables on ranged soldiers by using your own ranged weapons. [17cForbidden]0008Forbidden Into the City Fight your way through the city towards the rocket assembly station. Look out for openings in the walls and health shrines scattered throughout the city. Try not to get pinned in a corner when fighting as the pathways are quite narrow in the maze. [17c2Barge]0008Forbidden Into the City Continue your journey through the city and make your way to the barge. When pursued by flyers, don't linger in the same place for too long. Collect ammo for your ranged weapons in this area. They will become very useful for you later on. [17eAssembly]0008Forbidden Assembly Building Cross through the assembly station towards the launch tower. Use your ranged weapons here to take out enemies from long distance. Proceed into blind areas with caution. You never can tell what's lurking around a corner. Search for well-placed medical carts. [17e2Moreassembly]0008Forbidden Assembly Building Cross through the assembly station towards the launch tower. Find the controls to extend the access walkway to reach the opposite end of the assembly area. Keep an eye out for switches and elevators in this area. Flyers will do more damage in numbers. Hide behind a wall and pick them off one by one with your Tank Puncher or Lion's Fury. [18Fire]0008Forbidden The Battle with Fire Sabotage the God's Eye rocket and defeat General Lii. Watch for General Lii's special attacks. They are swift and powerful. Try to prevent General Lii from healing himself. Stay away from fires burning on the floor. They both hurt you and heal General Lii. Be careful when using ranged weapons to fight General Lii; some may do more good than harm. [19XaoGon]0008Forbidden The Battle with Xao Gon Gather up your weapons and defeat Xao Gon. The Five Forbidden Blades are Xao Gon's weakness.