;----- Used when you come in this mode. /INFO_INTRO Hello, there. Wanna buy some inside tips? ; ;----- Used when you choose NO. /INFO_NO_WAIT Oh well, it's your loss. ; ;----- Used when you leave the shop /INFO_OUT_WAIT I'm sure that you'll be back. ; ;----- Used when you don't have enough points. /INFO_ENPTY_WAIT You can't afford my help. ; ;----- Used when you choose the Tip you have already bought. /INFO_CLEAR_WAIT You know this already. So, you'd better not waste your points. ; ;----------IN00 (name of the tip) INSIDE TIPS ; /IN00_00_WAIT Okay, first allow me to explain the inside tips. ; /IN00_01_YES Essentially the inside tips that I can provide to you are mostly based ; /IN00_02_YES upon the local rumors. There's no telling if they are true or not. ; /IN00_03_YES But we all know that extremely valuable tips can exist in rumors. ; /IN00_04_YES Also, remember that practice makes perfect and that means you should ; /IN00_05_YES do more than just compete in tournaments. When you meet other ; /IN00_06_YES anglers, don't hesitate to talk to them. To do this, just get close to ; /IN00_07_YES them and press the A button. Finally, if you run out of points, go fishing. ; /IN00_08_YES You will earn points based on the fish you catch. That's all I can tell you ; /IN00_09_YES right now. I hope this was helpful. ; ;----------IN01 (name of the tip) TOURNAMENTS ; /IN01_00_WAIT Got it! %d points. ; /IN01_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN01_02_YES Okay. You can take part in a tournament, if you pay some points. ; /IN01_03_YES You may win tournaments out of beginner's luck, but it will get ; /IN01_04_YES tougher and tougher to keep winning. You'll earn a reward, if you make ; /IN01_05_YES it in the top three places. Good luck. ; ;----------IN02 (name of the tip) ;MONSTER BASS ; /IN02_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN02_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN02_02_YES I don't know where, but I heard there's a giant bass. I've been told that it ; /IN02_03_YES is bigger than 100cm. To tell you the truth, I can't really believe in fish ; /IN02_04_YES of that size... It's just too extreme. Anyway, thank you for stopping by. ; ;----------IN20 (name of the tip) ;FISHING SHOP ; /IN20_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN20_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN20_02_YES Have you been making the most of the fishing shop? The items they offer can ; /IN20_03_YES be very helpful. Honestly, where else could you buy anything from lures to ; /IN20_04_YES boats in one place? It is said that when you buy good rod, your Tension ; /IN20_05_YES Gauge will be boosted, and when you buy good line, the charging speed of ; /IN20_06_YES the Tension Gauge will be slower. In short, the more it costs, the better ; /IN20_07_YES it is. At least that's what I figure... ; ;----------IN04 (name of the tip) ;FASHION FOR FISHING ; /IN04_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN04_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN04_02_YES Bass fishing has become very popular these days, and has gained a trendy ; /IN04_03_YES image. What I can't figure out though is why there are still people in ; /IN04_04_YES dressing up in crummy-looking outfits. At the very least, I suggest you ; /IN04_05_YES wear a stylish cap... ; ;----------IN05 ;FISHING MAKERS ; /IN05_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN05_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN05_02_YES Though there are lots of fishing makers, I would like to recommend TMCC. ; /IN05_03_YES As for lures, the SILVER LURE is your best bet. They offer wide varieties ; /IN05_04_YES with a reasonable price. MIDGEAR is famous for its sophisticated ; /IN05_05_YES craftwork, though they are new to the industry. ; /IN05_06_YES As most of the makers sponsor at least one of the tournament, you'll get ; /IN05_07_YES acquainted with the different brands when you take part in the tournaments. ; ;----------IN06 ;FISHING SPOT ; /IN06_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN06_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN06_02_YES Every fishing spot around here has its own atmosphere. ; /IN06_03_YES You know the area near the boathouse? They call it "Solitary Hut." It ; /IN06_04_YES should be obvious as to why... ; /IN06_05_YES As for the area near the BIG BRIDGE, beside the bridge girders is the only ; /IN06_06_YES spot you can get a hit. ; /IN06_07_YES The fishing spot in the woods has just been discovered recently. I don't like ; /IN06_08_YES to move around such narrow places, though. ; /IN06_09_YES Have you ever fished near the dam? Don't you think that place is ; /IN06_10_YES bottomless? ; /IN06_11_YES The area near the ruins is called "Glass Lake", which is very calm and ; /IN06_12_YES windless. ; /IN06_13_YES There are eight fishing spot in all that I know of, but you should check ; /IN06_14_YES them for yourself. ; ;----------IN07 ;TOURNAMENT INFO ; /IN07_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN07_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN07_02_YES Have you been taking part in tournaments? I heard there are ten ; /IN07_03_YES tournaments in all. I know it's impossible to win all the ten ; /IN07_04_YES tournaments, even for the pros, but victory is not everything in life. ; /IN07_05_YES You should go for the fun of it! ; ;----------IN08 ;PROFESSIONALS ; /IN08_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN08_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN08_02_YES Everyone treats me as a person who likes to live on groundless rumors, ; /IN08_03_YES but I'm really not. I'm not only a know-it-all, but I'm also an angler ; /IN08_04_YES just like you. I've been an angler for more than 20 years, but I haven't been ; /IN08_05_YES able to spare time to go fishing these days, because of this shop. I've met ; /IN08_06_YES quite a few people, and found some people quite amazing. I tend to rely ; /IN08_07_YES on my natural instinct to fish, but those pros seem to know where their ; /IN08_08_YES games are. They never fail to win tournaments. I have no idea why they ; /IN08_09_YES can catch fish so easily... Anyway, I hope you become a notable angler in ; /IN08_10_YES the future. Good luck. ; ;----------IN09 ;WEATHER AND TIME ; /IN09_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN09_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN09_02_YES Early morning is the best time of day to fish. Don't lose your timing while ; /IN09_03_YES the water temperature remains cool from lack of sunlight. As for the ; /IN09_04_YES weather, don't miss a fair or cloudy day. Rain seems to make bass ; /IN09_05_YES nervous... Well, these are the reigning theory, but reality is not necessarily ; /IN09_06_YES this simple. By the way, what is your strategy for the next tournament? I ; /IN09_07_YES just hope it will be good weather. ; ;----------IN21 ;I SAW IT! ; /IN21_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN21_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN21_02_YES Have I got some news for you! This is very hot stuff! Now remember, this is ; /IN21_03_YES just between you and me... ; /IN21_04_YES I went fishing the other day for the first time in quite awhile and I hooked ; /IN21_05_YES a monster! But somehow, it got away... ; /IN21_06_YES You've got to believe me! It's a true story!! I know I can't prove it, but... ; /IN21_07_YES Just trust me, okay? ; ;----------IN22 ;LURES ; /IN22_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN22_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN22_02_YES There are many types of lures, but do you know what makes each one special? ; /IN22_03_YES A Popper is a lure to make an attack on the surface. The flat part at the ; /IN22_04_YES head works to toss up spray or to make popping sound in order to attract bass. ; /IN22_05_YES The notable thing about a Shallow Crank is its lip. The size of the lip defines ; /IN22_06_YES how deep it goes under water. The standard depth for them is 2 to 4 ; /IN22_07_YES meters. The "Vibration" is used to make an appeal to a wider range. It's ; /IN22_08_YES categorized as "Lipless Crank." The good thing about the lure is that it ; /IN22_09_YES takes actions only by retrieving, which means it's suitable for ; /IN22_10_YES beginners. ; /IN22_11_YES This is just a small taste into the various types and functions of lures. ; /IN22_12_YES Your best bet is to try everything out for yourself. ; ;----------IN23 ;I DEFINITELY SAW IT! ; /IN23_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN23_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN23_02_YES I still can't forget about the bass... You know, the monster bass I told you ; /IN23_03_YES about before? It doesn't look like an ordinary bass. It's way too big, even ; /IN23_04_YES for a large mouth. Plus, I'm not the only one who saw it. Rumors are rife ; /IN23_05_YES that many people has encountered it. Have you seen it yet? You will in time ; /IN23_06_YES if you are lucky. Remember, the monster exists... ; ;----------IN11 ;CAPS ; /IN11_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN11_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN11_02_YES Have you bought a cap? I guess you can buy the ones from S-FACTORY in ; /IN11_03_YES the fishing shop. There are two types, and both of them look very ; /IN11_04_YES cool. Buy one if you can afford it. You never know, it may work as a good ; /IN11_05_YES luck charm. ; ;----------IN24 ; Shopping ; /IN24_00_WAIT Okay... %d points. ; /IN24_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN24_02_YES It looks you are doing well. You must have obtained lots of new tackle. ; /IN24_03_YES Nice tackle can be really helpful but you shouldn't always buy new tackle ; /IN24_04_YES just because you can. ; /IN24_05_YES You'd better not waste your points. Only buy what you really need. ; ;----------IN10 ;BOATS ; /IN10_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN10_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN10_02_YES Do you realize the importance of a good boat when you are fishing in a ; /IN10_03_YES tournament where your time is limited? Imagine being able to move around the ; /IN10_04_YES lake fast. Imagine being able to move accelerate/decelerate without any ; /IN10_05_YES noise... Are you understanding me? The only problem is, the price. ; /IN10_06_YES Whether you buy one or not is totally up to you, but I think it's worthwhile. ; ;----------IN25 ;SEE? I TOLD YOU!! ; /IN25_00_WAIT Okay... %d points... ; /IN25_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN25_02_YES Don't you think it's amazing? Everybody seems to be scrambling to catch it. I ; /IN25_03_YES guess you've seen it by now... Huh? I'm talking about the bass. THE MONSTER ; /IN25_04_YES BASS! I told you it exists! Remember. It is I who saw it first. Well... I ; /IN25_05_YES still don't know where it lives, though. I'm sorry I can't help you ; /IN25_06_YES this time. I'm just wishing you good luck! ; ;----------IN26 ;FINAL TOURNAMENT ; /IN26_00_WAIT Okay... %d points.. ; /IN26_01_CONFIRM Will you pay %d points for this tip? ; /IN26_02_YES Were the tips helpful? I assume they were. And now for your final tip... ; /IN26_03_YES For as long as I can remember, there are eight fishing spots. However, rumor ; /IN26_04_YES says that there are actually ten spots. Nobody knows where these other spots ; /IN26_05_YES are though... However, they say that one of them is related to the final ; /IN26_06_YES tournament somehow. I'm guessing that you can go to the spot, once you score ; /IN26_07_YES a good result in the final tournament. Unfortunately, I don't know someone who ; /IN26_08_YES has done this... Anyway, good luck! ; /END