############################################# # System ############################################# m_Level[0] "Empty" # Which Level to Load m_Language[0] "US" # Which Language to Load m_StatsEnabled 0 # Whether or not to show on-screen stats m_FullStats 0 # When Stats Enabled is TRUE, display All stats (True), or just Framerate (False) m_NetworkStats 0 # When in a multiplayer game, display network stats m_DifficultyLevel 0 # Game difficulty m_GodModeEnabled 0 # Whether or not to make the player Invincible m_MallocBreakpoint 0 # ShnozzED: MFC Memory allocation ID to pass to UTIL_SetMemoryLeakBreakPoint(); Use 0 for none m_ScreenshotsEnabled 0 # Whether or not to allow screenshots m_ReloadConstants 1 # Whether or not we can reload constants in the game m_FreeWalk 0 # Whether or allow walking up cliffs m_Gravity -1500.0000 # Force of Gravity per second m_InvertYAxis 1 # Invert the camera joystick's Y axis? m_InstaKillRadius 1000.0000 # The current radius of the InstaKill effect m_FastLoad 1 # Load the game using pre-processed binary level files? m_SaveLoadCheckpoints 1 # Whether or not to use full Saving/Loading of Mid-Mission Checkpoints m_ForceCheckpointReload 0 # Whether or not to Auto-Reload Mid-Mission Checkpoints for testing m_DisplayMenuOnLoad 1 # Whether to display the menus on Level Load ############################################# # Cameras ############################################# m_FreeCamera 0 # Whether or allow Free Camera mode m_FreeCameraPause 1 # Pause the game while in Free Camera mode? m_FreeCam_LockViewToPlayer 0 # In Free Camera mode, whether or not to lock Visibility to the Player orientation m_FreeCam_OnByDefault 0 # Whether or not the Free Camera should be turned On by default when a level loads m_FloatCam_DeathZoom 0.5000 # Multiplier for FloatCam_Zoom when Shnozz is dying m_FloatCam_DeathHeight 2.0000 # Multiplier for FloatCam_Height when Shnozz is dying m_FloatCam_DeathOffset -42.0000 # Offset away from Shnozz when dying to center him on screen ############################################# # Floating Camera ############################################# m_FloatCam_FOV[0] 110.0000 90.0000 90.0000 0.0000 # The degrees measuring the default Field of View m_FloatCam_TargetOffsetY[0] 60.0000 60.0000 60.0000 0.0000 # How much above Shnozz's head the camera should look at m_FloatCam_Offset[0] 0.0000 47.0000 0.0000 0.0000 47.0000 0.0000 0.0000 51.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 # The position when the floating camera is in standard run-around mode m_FloatCam_Zoom1[0] 95.0000 95.0000 84.0000 0.0000 # How far away from Shnozz the camera should be when Shnozz is facing in the direction of the camera (away from the player) m_FloatCam_Zoom2[0] 200.0000 200.0000 200.0000 0.0000 # How far away from Shnozz the camera should be when Shnozz is facing directly at the camera m_FloatCam_ShoulderZoom[0] 24.0000 24.0000 24.0000 0.0000 # Zoom when the player is sniping with regular ammo m_FloatCam_ShoulderOffset[0] 12.0000 48.0000 0.0000 12.0000 48.0000 0.0000 12.0000 48.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 # Camera position when the player is sniping with regular ammo m_FiringCam_Zoom[0] 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 0.0000 # Zoom when the player is firing m_FiringCam_Offset[0] 8.5000 51.0000 0.0000 8.5000 51.0000 0.0000 8.5000 51.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 # The position of the camera when the player is Firing m_FiringCam_DragDis[0] 5.0000 5.0000 5.0000 0.0000 # The maximum distance that the camera can drag behind the player when shooting m_FiringCam_DragSpeed[0] 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 0.0000 # The speed at which the camera will catch up to the character, in standard run-around mode m_FloatCam_SuckZoom[0] 110.0000 110.0000 110.0000 0.0000 # How far away from Shnozz the camera should be when he is Sucking m_FloatCam_MeleeZoom[0] 101.0000 101.0000 101.0000 0.0000 # How far away from Shnozz the camera should be when he is Meleeing m_FloatCam_Height1[0] 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 # How high above Shnozz the camera should be when Shnozz is facing in the direction of the camera (away from the player) m_FloatCam_Height2[0] 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 0.0000 # How high above Shnozz the camera should be when Shnozz is facing directly at the camera m_FloatCam_ReticulePos[0] 0.5000 0.4000 0.0000 0.5000 0.4000 0.0000 0.5000 0.4000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 # The position of the target reticule when the camera is in standard run-around mode m_FloatCam_ReticuleAngle[0] 5.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.0000 # A fudge angle for aiming the camera up & down to tune autotargeting m_FloatCam_DragDis[0] 15.0000 15.0000 15.0000 0.0000 # The maximum distance that the camera can drag behind the player, in standard run-around mode m_FloatCam_DragSpeed[0] 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 0.0000 # The speed at which the camera will catch up to the character, in standard run-around mode ############################################# # Shoulder Camera ############################################# m_ShoulderCam_TargetOffsetY 50.0000 # How much above Shnozz's head the camera should look at m_ShoulderCam_Zoom 10.0000 # How far away from Shnozz the camera should be m_ShoulderCam_Height 0.0000 # How high above Shnozz the camera should be ############################################# # Sniper Camera ############################################# m_SniperCam_MaxSpeed 120.0000 # How fast the Sniper camera turns when zoomed completely out m_SniperCam_MinSpeed 30.0000 # How fast the Sniper camera turns when zoomed completely in m_SniperCam_MinSpeed 30.0000 # How fast the Sniper camera turns when zoomed completely in m_SniperCam_ChargeTime 2.0000 # How long it takes to charge a Sniper shot up to max power m_SniperCam_MinDamage 20.0000 # Minimum damage of a squibble in Sniper mode m_SniperCam_MaxDamage 100.0000 # Maximum damage of a squibble in Sniper mode m_SniperCam_AmmoDefault 0.5500 # Amount of Zoom when partially zoomed in. m_SniperCam_AmmoSnipe 0.9000 # Amount of Zoom when fully zoomed in. ############################################# # Rendering ############################################# m_DisplayHUD 1 # Whether or not to display the HUD m_DisplayHealth 0 # Whether or not to display the health of nearby objects m_DisplayRAMUsage 0 # Whether or not to display the RAM Usage screen m_DisplayPolycount 0 # Whether or not to display the polygon count of nearby objects m_DisplayOBL 0 # Whether or not to display the OBL of nearby objects m_DisplayPosition 0 # Whether or not to display the position of nearby objects m_DisplayAwareness 0 # Whether or not to display the awareness of nearby ai objects m_DisplayPlayerPosition 0 # Whether or not to display the position of nearby objects m_DisplayWPClumps 0 # Whether or not to display the coloured waypoints m_DisplaySafeWPs 0 # Whether or not to display the safe and unsafe waypoints m_DisplaySquads 0 # Whether or not to display the squad membership m_DisplayCliffs 0 # Whether or not to display cliff edges m_DisplayCombatZones 0 # Whether or not to display Combat Zones m_DisplayMusicZones 0 # Whether or not to display Music zones m_DisplayReverbZones 0 # Whether or not to display Reverb Zones m_DisplayEventTriggers 0 # Whether or not to display Event Triggers m_DisplaySoundTriggers 0 # Whether or not to display Sound Triggers m_DisplayMeleeWeapons 0 # Whether or not to display Melee Weapon bounding spheres m_DisplaySNLMessages 1 # Whether or not to display ShnozzL messages to the ouput window m_DisplaySoundWatchList 0 # Whether or not to display a debug sound watch list while playing the game m_DisplaySafeFrame 0 # Whether or not to display the Title Safe Frame box m_DisplayLowDetail 0 # Whether or not to run the game in Low Detail (faster) mode m_ShadowDirection 0.0000 -1.0000 -0.7500 # Default direction of the player's Shadow m_MaxZ 4000.0000 # Maximum distance that an object will be drawn m_MaxZ_MP 5000.0000 # Maximum distance that an object will be drawn - Multiplayer ############################################# # Heightmap ############################################# m_Heightmap_LOD1_Z 500.0000 # Minimum distance when the 2nd highest LOD pops in m_Heightmap_LOD2_Z 1000.0000 # Minimum distance when the middle LOD pops in m_Heightmap_LOD3_Z 4100.0000 # Minimum distance when the lowest LOD pops in m_Heightmap_LOD1_Z_MP 400.0000 # Multiplayer: Minimum distance when the 2nd highest LOD pops in m_Heightmap_LOD2_Z_MP 3000.0000 # Multiplayer: Minimum distance when the middle LOD pops in m_Heightmap_LOD3_Z_MP 4100.0000 # Multiplayer: Minimum distance when the lowest LOD pops in m_Heightmap_MaxBiasDis 5000.0000 # Distance to subtract from extremely bumpy tiles when calculating their LOD m_Heightmap_MaxZ 5000.0000 # Maximum distance to draw the heightmap m_Heightmap_MaxBiasDis_MP 3000.0000 # Multiplayer: Distance to subtract from extremely bumpy tiles when calculating their LOD m_Heightmap_MaxZ_MP 8500.0000 # Multiplayer: Maximum distance to draw the heightmap m_Heightmap_MaxZ_MP_Flyby 12000.0000 # Multiplayer: Maximum distance to draw the heightmap - in flyby ############################################# # Player ############################################# m_MultiplayerName[0] "Default" # Name of this player in Multiplayer mode. m_ShnozzHealPerSecond 40.0000 # How much health Shnozz heals per second. Overall Health is stored in his OBL file. m_ShnozzRecoveryDelay 3.0000 # How long Shnozz must wait after being wounded before autohealing starts m_ShnozzRecoveryRatio 25.0000 # The percentage of damage taken off the Recovery Level when the player is wounded m_ShnozzRecoveryMinimum 25.0000 # The minimum percentage level of health that can always be Recovered m_ShnozzRecoveryRatioMP 50.0000 # Multiplayer: The percentage of damage taken off the Recovery Level when the player is wounded m_ShnozzRecoveryMinimumMP 25.0000 # Multiplayer: The minimum percentage level of health that can always be Recovered m_ShnozzGibHealAmount 20.0000 # How much health is regained by sucking up Gib bits m_ShnozzGibHealAmount_MP 20.0000 # How much health is regained by sucking up Gib bits in Multiplayer m_ShnozzStrafeSideSpeed 1.0000 # Modifier for m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that dictates how fast Shnozz can strafe left/right m_ShnozzWalkSpeed 146.0000 # How fast Shnozz moves at top speed m_MultiplayerWalkSpeed 110.0000 # How fast players move at top speed in Multiplayer mode m_ShnozzAnimSpeed_Run 1.0000 # The speed of Shnozz's animation when running m_ShnozzNoseHeight 35.0000 # Y offset of Shnozz's nose from his feet; how high the Squibbles come out when he shoots m_ShnozzSniperOffsetX 0.0000 # X offset of the camera in Sniper mode from Shnozz's origin m_ShnozzSniperOffsetY 10.0000 # Y offset of the camera in Sniper mode from Shnozz's origin m_ShnozzSniperOffsetZ 0.0000 # Z offset of the camera in Sniper mode from Shnozz's origin m_ShnozzFireDelay 0.0100 # # of seconds' delay between shots in Shnozz rapidfire m_ShnozzFireDelayMP 0.1000 # Multiplayer: # of seconds' delay between shots in Shnozz rapidfire m_ShnozzSquibbleDamage 12.0000 # The amount of damage that a hit by a Squibble shot by Shnozz inflicts m_ShnozzRollDamage 200.0000 # How much damage Rolling into a Kewlett inflicts m_ShnozzRollDamage_MP 60.0000 # (Multi Player) How much damage Rolling into an enemy inflicts m_ShnozzRollDamageSelf 100.0000 # How much damage Shnozz takes when rolling into a Kewlett m_ShnozzRollPowerupTime 5.0000 # How long Shnozz has to roll before it will cause max damage m_ShnozzRollPowerupTime_MP 3.0000 # (Multi Player) How long Shnozz has to roll before it will cause max damage m_RollingDamageMultiplier 1.0000 # A multiplier for how much more damage Shnozz will take when wounded while Rolling m_RollingDamageMultiplier_MP 1.0000 # (Multi Player) A multiplier for how much more damage Shnozz will take when wounded while Rolling m_ShnozzMeleeDamage 65.0000 # Amount of damage Shnozz inflicts in melee m_ShnozzMeleeDamageMP 90.0000 # Amount of damage Shnozz inflicts in melee - Multiplayer m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_Sneak 0.3000 # Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while sneaking m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_SneakFast 0.7500 # Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while sneaking quickly m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_Stroll 0.1200 # Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while strolling m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_Walk 0.2500 # Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while walking m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_Run 1.0000 # Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while running m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_Roll 2.7500 # Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while rolling m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_RollMP 2.3000 # Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while rolling in Multiplayer m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_RollMin 1.5000 # Minimum Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while rolling m_ShnozzWalkSpeed_RollMinMP 1.8500 # Minimum Ratio of m_Player->m_ShnozzWalkSpeed that Shnozz moves while rolling - Multiplayer m_ShnozzDamageInTurret 0.5000 # Ratio of damage that player receives when he's hit while in the turret m_ShnozzDamageInTurretMP 0.7000 # Ratio of damage that player receives when he's hit while in the turret - Multiplayer m_ShnozzDefaultFriction 8000.0000 # Shnozz's maximum health m_ShnozzRollRotation_Degrees -1200.0000 # The number of degrees Shnozz rotates by per second when rolling m_Shnozz_BulletHitsBeforeReaction 10 # Number of times (after the first time) Shnozz can get hit by bullets before playing a reaction anim/sound m_Shnozz_TimeofInactivityToResetFirstTimeHitFlag 10.0000 # Amount of time passed without being hit to reset the First Time Hit Flag m_Shnozz_BaseTargetingRange 1500.0000 # Max distance at which player can target an enemy m_Shnozz_ZoomedTargetingRange 3000.0000 # Max distance at which player can target an enemy: zoomed in (ie normal squib or explosive zoom) m_Shnozz_SnipingTargetingRange 5000.0000 # Max distance at which player can target an enemy: snipe ammo ############################################# # Player Bones ############################################# m_Strafe_LegsBoneID 1.0000 # In strafe mode, the Bone ID of the legs that will be rotated into the direction of strafe movement m_Strafe_PelvisBoneID 2.0000 # In strafe mode, the Bone ID of the bone above the legs that will be rotated in the opposite direction, so that the torso points m_Strafe_NeckBoneID 19.0000 # In strafe mode, the Bone ID of the player's neck m_Strafe_Angle45 -30.0000 # In strafe mode, the rotation of the legs when moving diagonally left or right m_Strafe_Angle90 -70.0000 # In strafe mode, the rotation of the legs when moving left or right m_Strafe_AngleLegsForward 0.0000 # In strafe mode, how much the Legs bone should lean forwards m_Strafe_AnglePelvisForward -20.0000 # In strafe mode, how much the Pelvis bone should lean forwards ############################################# # Player Inventory ############################################# m_Shnozz_MaxWater 30.0000 # The maximum amount of Water that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxFire 5.0000 # The maximum amount of Fire that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxBaseSquib 200.0000 # The maximum number of Base Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxExplosive 10.0000 # The maximum number of Explosive Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxGuided 5.0000 # The maximum number of Guided Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxOil 5.0000 # The maximum number of Oil Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxSnipe 20.0000 # The maximum number of Sniper Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxChaingun 500.0000 # The maximum number of Chaingun Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxPaintgun 500.0000 # The maximum number of Paintgun Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxShotgun 40.0000 # The maximum number of Shotgun Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxGas 5.0000 # The maximum number of Gas Squibbles that the player can carry m_Shnozz_MaxHumiliator 10.0000 # The maximum number of Gas Squibbles that the player can carry ############################################# # Input ############################################# m_RumbleEnabled 1 # Enable Force Feedback? m_JoystickDeadzone 0.1000 # The size of the deadzone on the joysticks (0-1000) m_SniperModeDeadzone 0.1500 # The size of the deadzone in Sniper mode m_StrafeModeDeadzoneX 0.2000 # The size of the deadzone on the X axis when strafing (0-1000) m_RollingDeadzone 0.1500 # The size of the deadzone when rolling m_FloatCam_AutoAim_MaxDis 5000.0000 # The maximum distance that the auto aim will look for a target m_FloatCam_AutoAim_Degrees 40.0000 # How many degrees left & right the auto aim will look when in Run-Around mode m_ShnozzTransition_Sneak 0.0000 # How far the joystick must be pushed to make Shnozz start sneaking m_ShnozzTransition_Stroll 0.3000 # How far the joystick must be pushed to make Shnozz start strolling m_ShnozzTransition_Walk 0.5000 # How far the joystick must be pushed to make Shnozz start walking m_ShnozzTransition_Run 0.8000 # How far the joystick must be pushed to make Shnozz start running m_ShnozzTurnSpeed_Degrees 550.0000 # Number of degrees/second that Shnozz can turn when the joystick moves m_ShnozzStrafeTurnSpeed 150.0000 # Number of degrees/second that Shnozz can turn when strafing m_ShnozzRollTurnSpeed_Fast 190.0000 # Number of degrees/second that Shnozz can turn when the joystick moves m_ShnozzRollTurnSpeed_Slow 720.0000 # Number of degrees/second that Shnozz can turn when rolling slowly m_FloatCam_LookUpDownSpeed 1.5000 # How fast the camera can look up and down ############################################# # Weapons ############################################# m_Grenade_Speed 1300.0000 # The horizontal X/Z velocity that grenades are thrown m_Grenade_GravityAmount 0.7000 # Ratio of gravity that affects grenades m_Grenade_NoTargetDistance 1400.0000 # If no target in sight, how far away to throw the grenade m_Grenade_Damage 100.0000 # Damage done by regular grenade m_Grenade_MineDamage 400.0000 # Damage done by Mine grenade m_Grenade_BlastRadius 150.0000 # Blast radius of regular grenade m_Rocket_Explosive_Speed 900.0000 # The speed at which an explosive squibble rocket will travel m_Rocket_Explosive_MaxRange 700.0000 # The maximum distance an explosive squibble rocket will travel before gravity takes effect m_SquibbleNormal_AmmoPer 20.0000 # The amount of ammo gained by sucking up a single Normal squibble m_SquibbleShotgun_AmmoPer 5.0000 # The amount of ammo gained by sucking up a single Shotgun squibble m_SquibbleChaingun_AmmoPer 25.0000 # The amount of ammo gained by sucking up a single Chaingun squibble m_SquibblePaintgun_AmmoPer 25.0000 # The amount of ammo gained by sucking up a single Paintgun squibble m_SquibbleExplosive_AmmoPer 1.0000 # The amount of ammo gained by sucking up a single Explosive squibble m_SquibbleSnipe_AmmoPer 1.0000 # The amount of ammo gained by sucking up a single Sniper squibble m_SquibbleOil_AmmoPer 1.0000 # The amount of ammo gained by sucking up a single Oil squibble m_SquibbleHumiliator_AmmoPer 1.0000 # The amount of ammo gained by sucking up a single Humiliation squibble m_SquibbleExplosive_Damage 100.0000 # The amount of damage that an explosive squibble inflicts m_SquibbleExplosive_DamageMP 100.0000 # Multiplayer: The amount of damage that an explosive squibble inflicts m_SquibbleExplosive_Radius 150.0000 # The blast radius of an explosive squibble m_SquibbleExplosive_RadiusMP 275.0000 # Multiplayer:The blast radius of an explosive squibble m_SquibbleNuke_Damage 7000.0000 # The amount of damage that a Nuke squibble inflicts m_SquibbleExplosive_MineDamage 200.0000 # The amount of damage that an explosive squibble inflicts when used as a land mine m_SquibbleLurker_Damage 100.0000 # The amount of damage that a lurker squibble inflicts m_SquibbleLurker_DamageMP 150.0000 # Multiplayer: The amount of damage that a lurker squibble inflicts m_SquibbleGuided_Damage 100.0000 # The amount of damage that a guided squibble inflicts m_SquibbleGuided_DamageMP 190.0000 # Multiplayer: The amount of damage that a guided squibble inflicts m_SquibbleGuided_DamageMP 190.0000 # Multiplayer: The amount of damage that a guided squibble inflicts m_SniperDelay_Explosive 1.0000 # Number of seconds it takes to reload when firing an Explosive squibble m_SniperDelay_Normal 1.5000 # Number of seconds it takes to reload when firing a Sniper squibble m_Shotgun_ReloadTime 0.7500 # Number of seconds it takes to reload when firing a Shotgun squibble m_Shotgun_ReloadTimeMP 1.0000 # Multiplayer: Number of seconds it takes to reload when firing a Shotgun squibble m_Chaingun_HeatUpTime 4.0000 # # of seconds of firing before the weapon overheats m_Chaingun_CoolDownTime 3.0000 # # of seconds to cool down, if the player stopped shooting just before overheating m_Chaingun_OverHeatTime 5.0000 # # of seconds the weapon remains overheated m_Humiliator_KewlettTime 25.0000 # # of seconds the weapon the player remains a Kewlett ############################################# # Bullets ############################################# m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_MACEBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_Length 350.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_Width 20.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_ImpactInnerGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_ImpactOuterGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_ImpactInnerGlowSize 20.0000 # The size for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_ImpactOuterGlowSize 100.0000 # The size for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_ImpactInnerGlowAge 0.5000 # The max age for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble].m_ImpactOuterGlowAge 2.0000 # The max age for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_MACEBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_Length 65.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_Width 30.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_ImpactInnerGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_ImpactOuterGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_ImpactInnerGlowSize 20.0000 # The size for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_ImpactOuterGlowSize 100.0000 # The size for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_ImpactInnerGlowAge 0.5000 # The max age for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_ChargeShot].m_ImpactOuterGlowAge 2.0000 # The max age for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_BLASTERBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_Length 250.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_Width 3.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_ImpactInnerGlow[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_IMPACTGLOW02" # The texture for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_ImpactOuterGlow[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_IMPACTGLOW02" # The texture for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_ImpactInnerGlowSize 15.0000 # The size for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_ImpactOuterGlowSize 30.0000 # The size for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_ImpactInnerGlowAge 0.5000 # The max age for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_JackInTheBox].m_ImpactOuterGlowAge 2.0000 # The max age for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_ARMOURBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_Length 250.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_Width 5.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_ImpactInnerGlow[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_IMPACTGLOW01" # The texture for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_ImpactOuterGlow[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_IMPACTGLOW01" # The texture for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_ImpactInnerGlowSize 20.0000 # The size for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_ImpactOuterGlowSize 50.0000 # The size for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_ImpactInnerGlowAge 0.5000 # The max age for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Rifle].m_ImpactOuterGlowAge 2.0000 # The max age for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_TURRETBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_Length 300.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_Width 3.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_ImpactInnerGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_ImpactOuterGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_ImpactInnerGlowSize 20.0000 # The size for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_ImpactOuterGlowSize 100.0000 # The size for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_ImpactInnerGlowAge 0.5000 # The max age for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Turret1].m_ImpactOuterGlowAge 2.0000 # The max age for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_FORTBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_Length 500.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_Width 25.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_ImpactInnerGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_ImpactOuterGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_ImpactInnerGlowSize 20.0000 # The size for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_ImpactOuterGlowSize 100.0000 # The size for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_ImpactInnerGlowAge 2.0000 # The max age for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_FortTurret1].m_ImpactOuterGlowAge 0.5000 # The max age for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_TURRETBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_Length 150.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_Width 22.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_ImpactInnerGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_ImpactOuterGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_ImpactInnerGlowSize 20.0000 # The size for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_ImpactOuterGlowSize 100.0000 # The size for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_ImpactInnerGlowAge 0.5000 # The max age for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_MaceTurret].m_ImpactOuterGlowAge 2.0000 # The max age for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_QUADBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_Length 40.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_Width 3.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_ImpactInnerGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_ImpactOuterGlow[0] "None" # The texture for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_ImpactInnerGlowSize 20.0000 # The size for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_ImpactOuterGlowSize 100.0000 # The size for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_ImpactInnerGlowAge 2.0000 # The max age for the Inner glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_QuadTurret].m_ImpactOuterGlowAge 0.5000 # The max age for the Outer glow of the impact decal m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_Ricochet].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_MACEBULLET" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_Ricochet].m_Length 65.0000 # The length of this Bullet's tracer m_Setup[BULLETTYPE_Squibble_Ricochet].m_Width 3.0000 # The width of this Bullet's tracer ############################################# # Reticules ############################################# m_Setup[TARGET_Base].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Explosive].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETEXPLODE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Guided].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Lurker].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Oil].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETOIL" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Snipe].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETSNIPE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Shotgun].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Chaingun].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Paintgun].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Inflater].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Fire].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Water].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETBASE" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Humiliator].m_Texture[0] "EFXDATA_DDS_RETHUMILIATOR" # The reticule texture to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Base].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Explosive].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Guided].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Lurker].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Oil].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Snipe].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Shotgun].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Chaingun].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Paintgun].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Inflater].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Fire].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Water].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon m_Setup[TARGET_Humiliator].m_Size 64.0000 # The reticule screen dimensions to use for this weapon ############################################# # Reticule Colors ############################################# m_Color_Default.r 229.5000 229.5000 229.5000 127.5000 # Color of the reticule when NOT looking at an enemy. m_Color_LockedOn.r 252.4500 0.0000 0.0000 89.2500 # Color of the reticule when looking at an enemy. ############################################# # Shotgun ############################################# m_Shotgun_BlastConeRange 300.0000 # The maximum range of the primary blast cone (where the most damage will be inflicted) m_Shotgun_MaxRange 600.0000 # The maximum range that any damage at all will be inflicted (should be larger than BlastConeRange) m_Shotgun_MaxDamage 200.0000 # Damage inflicted at 0 range with the shotgun m_Shotgun_MinDamage 20.0000 # Damage inflicted at the edge of the primary blast cone (at BlastConeRange range) m_Shotgun_BlastConeRangeMP 350.0000 # Multiplayer: The maximum range of the primary blast cone (where the most damage will be inflicted) m_Shotgun_MaxRangeMP 1200.0000 # Multiplayer: The maximum range that any damage at all will be inflicted (should be larger than BlastConeRange) m_Shotgun_MaxDamageMP 190.0000 # Multiplayer: Damage inflicted at 0 range with the shotgun m_Shotgun_MinDamageMP 50.0000 # Multiplayer: Damage inflicted at the edge of the primary blast cone (at BlastConeRange range) m_Shotgun_KnockdownDamage 20.0000 # Amount of damage required to knockdown an AI ############################################# # Chaingun ############################################# m_Chaingun_MaxRange 1500.0000 # The maximum range that any damage at all will be inflicted m_Chaingun_MaxDamage 20.0000 # Damage inflicted at 0 range with the chaingun m_Chaingun_MinDamage 2.0000 # Damage inflicted the maximum range of the gun m_Chaingun_ReloadTime 0.1000 # The number of seconds between shots m_Chaingun_OverHeatAlert1 0.7000 # Percentage of overheat that the first alert is triggered m_Chaingun_OverHeatAlert2 0.8000 # Percentage of overheat that the second alert is triggered m_Chaingun_OverHeatAlert3 0.9000 # Percentage of overheat that the third alert is triggered ############################################# # Paintgun ############################################# m_Paintgun_MaxRange 1500.0000 # The maximum range that any damage at all will be inflicted m_Paintgun_ReloadTime 0.1000 # The number of seconds between shots m_Paintgun_MaxDamage 2.0000 # Damage inflicted at 0 range with the paintgun m_Paintgun_MinDamage 1.0000 # Damage inflicted the maximum range of the gun ############################################# # AI ############################################# m_PlayerIsInvisibleToAI 0 # When TRUE, the AI will remain in their Idle states, even if attacked. Used for cutscenes and screen grabs. m_AI_FallDamage_PerHeight 1.0000 # Damage taken per 1 height increment, when falling m_AI_FallDamage_StartHeight 35.0000 # Damage won't be inflicted unless AI has fallen from higher than this height. m_AI_FallDamage_PerSpeed 0.1000 # Damage taken per 1 speed increment, when falling against an object m_AI_Falling_XRotSpeedMin 6.0000 # Rotational X speed Min of AI while falling/tossed. m_AI_Falling_XRotSpeedMax 10.0000 # Rotational X speed Max of AI while falling/tossed. m_AI_Falling_ZRotSpeedMin -2.0000 # Rotational Z speed Min of AI while falling/tossed. m_AI_Falling_ZRotSpeedMax 2.0000 # Rotational Z speed Max of AI while falling/tossed. m_AI_Falling_OnGroundRolloverSpeed 3.0000 # Controls how quickly a knocked down AI rollsover to its Normal. Smaller is faster. m_AI_Falling_OnGroundRolloverDampening 20.0000 # Keeps the quick knockdown rollover from oscillating by having a higher dampening, m_AI_BulletHitsBeforeReaction 10 # Number of times (after the first time) an AI can get hit by bullets before playing a reaction anim m_EnableCZExtraDistance 500.0000 # Minimum distance before activating the combat zone, ON TOP of the zone radius. m_EnableAIDistance 5000.0000 # Minimum distance before activating the AI that are not in a combat zone. m_AI_AloneDistance 1000.0000 # Distance Used by AI to consider oneself alone. m_AI_ObjCollisionChecksPerSec 5 # Number of times per second the AI will test world objects for line of sight. m_AI_WorldMeshChecksPerSec 2 # Number of times per second the AI will test the world mesh for line of sight. m_CombatZoneUpdatesPerSecond 2.0000 # # of times per second the Combat Zone Update function is called. m_AIUpdatesPerSecond_Vis 10.0000 # Number of times per second the Tick() function is called in SNL scripts when the object is Visible m_AIUpdatesPerSecond_Invis 5.0000 # Number of times per second the Tick() function is called in SNL scripts when the object is Invisible m_AI_GlobalMoraleScaler 1.0000 # Scales all morale in the game up or down. Global tuning m_AI_DisplayInfo 0 # Show vital info on targeted AI m_AI_NumRangeAttackersPerTeam 999.0000 # Number of AIs from the same team that are allowed to shoot the same enemy. m_AI_NumMeleeAttackersPerTeam 1.0000 # Number of AIs from the same team that are allowed to punch the same enemy. m_AI_MeleeColDamageKewlett 0.2500 # Scaler used to adjust amount of melee collateral damage applied to team-mates. m_AI_MeleeColDamageMonster 0.0100 # Scaler used to adjust amount of melee collateral damage applied to team-mates. m_AI_AimErrorTargetDodgeScaler 146.0000 # Dodge Speed which will result in a doubling of the aim error ############################################# # AI Weapons ############################################# m_rocketRotationInitialMin 135.0000 # Rocket Initial Min rotational launch angle. m_rocketRotationInitialMax 45.0000 # Rocket Initial Max rotational launch angle. m_rocketOffsetRotationSpeedMin 0.0000 # Rocket Min Swoop Speed. How fast rocket makes small circles while homing. m_rocketOffsetRotationSpeedMax 540.0000 # Rocket Max Swoop Speed. How fast rocket makes small circles while homing. m_rocketSwoopScalerMin 0.7500 # Rocket Min Swoop Amplitude. Size of circles it makes while homing. m_rocketSwoopScalerMax 1.2500 # Rocket Max Swoop Amplitude. Size of circles it makes while homing. m_rocketAimConeDegrees 90.0000 # When target is no longer in Rocket Aim cone, it will cease to home. m_rocketAcceleration 1200.0000 # How fast can this rocket accelerate. Controls how fast it will turn. m_rocketBurnTime 10.0000 # Once rocket time runs out it is detonated. m_psychGasRadius 100.0000 # Radius of gas cloud. m_psychGasCloudDurationMin 10.0000 # Duration Min of cloud in seconds. m_psychGasCloudDurationMax 15.0000 # Duration Max of cloud in seconds. m_psychGasEffectDurationMin 5.0000 # Duration Min of effect on player in seconds. m_psychGasEffectDurationMax 8.0000 # Duration Max of effect on player in seconds. m_PsychGasWarpScalerXMin 0.6000 # Min Amount the X axis control is warped. m_PsychGasWarpScalerXMax 0.9000 # Max Amount the X axis control is warped. m_PsychGasWarpScalerYMin 0.3000 # Min Amount the Y axis control is warped. m_PsychGasWarpScalerYMax 0.5000 # Max Amount the Y axis control is warped. m_PsychGasWarpRate 300.0000 # Rotation rate for making the player feel woozy. m_timeUntilPsychGasWarpChangeMin 1.0000 # Min time in seconds until the effect resets it's parameters. m_timeUntilPsychGasWarpChangeMax 1.8000 # Max time in seconds until the effect resets it's parameters. m_PlungerSelfDetonateDamage 200.0000 # Damage of plunger bear's explosion when he suicides m_PlungerSelfDetonateDamage 200.0000 # Radius of plunger bear's explosion when he suicides m_PlungerPlayerDetonateDamage 100.0000 # Damage of plunger bear's explosion when he's killed by a player m_PlungerPlayerDetonateRadius 75.0000 # Radius of plunger bear's explosion when he's killed by a player ############################################# # Audio ############################################# m_AudioEnabled 1 # Whether or not to enable audio - master switch for all audio m_SoundFXEnabled 1 # Whether or not sound is enabled m_MusicEnabled 1 # Whether or not music is enabled m_VoiceEnabled 1 # Whether or not voices are enabled m_SoundScapesEnabled 1 # Whether or not soundscapes are enabled m_EnableHeadPhones 0 # Whether or not to enable headphone listening (sound is more suited towards headphones with this flag on ) m_AuditionAudio 0 # Whether or not XACT is being used to audition the game m_XACTConnectionTimeLimit 0.0000 # The maximum amount of time in seconds allowed for XACT to connect to the game after loading m_CombatMusicTimeFalloff 14.0000 # Falloff time for combat music to play when no combat is occuring ( in seconds ) m_SoundFXVolume 1.0000 # Master volume for game soundfx ( range from 0-1, 1 is full volume ) m_MusicVolume 1.0000 # Master volume for game music ( range from 0-1, 1 is full volume ) m_VoiceVolume 1.0000 # Master volume for game voice ( range from 0-1, 1 is full volume ) m_3DSettingsUpdatePerSecond 20.0000 # Number of times to update 3D Positional settings per second ( usually between 15 and 20 times is adequate ) m_EnableAudioWorkThread 0 # Whether or not to enable an audio work thread ( mainly used for debugging purposes ) m_AudioWorkThreadTime 20.0000 # Amount of time to wake up the work thread in milliseconds m_DisplaySoundWatchList 0 # Whether or not to display the debug sound watch list m_VoiceDuckSFX 1 # Whether or not for the voice to duck the sound effects m_VoiceDuckSFX_VolumeRatio 0.4000 # Ratio of voice volume to duck the sound effect volume m_VoiceDuckSFX_DuckInTime 0.1000 # Amount of time to duck sound effects when a voice is played m_VoiceDuckSFX_DuckOutTime 0.1000 # Amount of time to undo ducking of sound effects when voice is finished m_VoiceDuckMusic 1 # Whether or not for the voice to duck the music m_VoiceDuckMusic_VolumeRatio 0.4000 # Ratio of voice volume to duck the music volume m_VoiceDuckMusic_DuckInTime 0.1000 # Amount of time to duck music when a voice is played m_VoiceDuckMusic_DuckOutTime 0.1000 # Amount of time to undo ducking of music when voice is finished m_EnableObstruction 0 # Whether or not to enable obstruction calculations to happen in the world m_DisplayObstructionWalls 0 # Whether or not to display obstruction walls m_DisplayAudioStats 0 # Whether or not to display audio statistics ############################################# # dB Levels ############################################# m_DB_MaceStand 0.0000 # Mace Standing noise intensity m_DB_MaceSneak 2.0000 # Mace Sneaking noise intensity m_DB_MaceSneakFast 3.0000 # Mace Fast Sneaking noise intensity m_DB_MaceSlow 7.0000 # Mace Slow noise intensity m_DB_MaceWalk 18.0000 # Mace Walk noise intensity m_DB_MaceRun 25.0000 # Mace Run noise intensity m_DB_MaceRoll 35.0000 # Mace Rolling noise intensity m_DB_FakeTrigger 50.0000 # Fake Trigger noise intensity m_DB_BulletImpact 45.0000 # Ground/Objects Bullet Impact noise intensity m_DB_GrenadeDetonation 105.0000 # Grenade Detonation noise intensity m_DB_MaceSnipeBaseSquib 20.0000 # Mace Snipes Base Squibble noise intensity m_DB_MaceShootBaseSquib 40.0000 # Mace Shoots Base Squibble noise intensity m_DB_MaceShootChargedShot 80.0000 # Mace Shoots Charged Shot noise intensity m_DB_ShotgunBlast 90.0000 # Shotgun Blast noise intensity m_DB_SnipeBulletImpact 27.0000 # Ground Snipe Bullet Impact noise intensity m_DB_ExplosiveSquibbleDetonation 105.0000 # Explosive Squibble Detonation noise intensity m_DB_GasSquibbleDetonation 75.0000 # Gas Squibble Detonation noise intensity m_DB_NukeSquibbleDetonation 130.0000 # Nuke Squibble Detonation noise intensity m_DB_OilSquibbleDetonation 75.0000 # Oil Squibble Detonation noise intensity m_DB_TeammateShout 82.0000 # Teammate Shout noise intensity ############################################# # Powerups ############################################# m_Duration_DoubleDamage 60.0000 # Duration of the Double Damage Powerup m_Duration_DoubleMelee 60.0000 # Duration of the Double Melee Powerup m_Duration_Shield 60.0000 # Duration of the Shield Powerup m_Duration_QuickHeal 60.0000 # Duration of the QuickHeal Powerup m_Duration_Fear 60.0000 # Duration of the QuickHeal Powerup m_Duration_Regen_Health 60.0000 # Duration of the RegenHealth Powerup m_Duration_Regen_Ammo 60.0000 # Duration of the RegenAmmo Powerup m_Duration_Weapon_Chaingun 60.0000 # Duration of the Chaingun Powerup m_Duration_Weapon_Blaster 60.0000 # Duration of the Blaster Powerup m_Duration_Weapon_Shotgun 60.0000 # Duration of the Shotgun Powerup m_Duration_Weapon_Explosive 60.0000 # Duration of the Explosive Powerup @USER_DATA m_UserData->m_ShnozzRollCenter 20.0 ############################################################################################ # Attach Fire emitters to Mace's Bones: # # Emitter_Filename Scale BoneID ############################################################################################ #MACEFIRE NeoFXLib\\MaceFire01.neo 2 3 #Torso #MACEFIRE NeoFXLib\\MaceFire02.neo 2 15 #Right index finger #MACEFIRE NeoFXLib\\MaceFire03.neo 2 8 #Left Blade #MACEFIRE NeoFXLib\\MaceFire03.neo 2 37 #Left knee #MACEFIRE NeoFXLib\\MaceFire03.neo 2 41 #Right knee ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ # Attach Water emitters to Mace's Bones: # # Emitter_Filename Scale BoneID ############################################################################################ #MACEWATER NeoFXLib\\MaceBubble01.neo 2 1 #Pelvis ############################################################################################ m_UserData->m_MaceFireSetup.m_GlowTime 0.3 # How fast (in seconds) the glow on the ground beneath Flaming Mace changes size m_UserData->m_MaceFireSetup.m_GlowMinSize 180.0 # The minimum size of the glow on the ground beneath Flaming Mace m_UserData->m_MaceFireSetup.m_GlowMaxSize 275.0 # The maximum size of the glow on the ground beneath Flaming Mace m_UserData->m_MaceWaterSetup.m_GlowBone 42 m_UserData->m_MaceWaterSetup.m_GlowWidth 80.0 m_UserData->m_MaceWaterSetup.m_GlowHeight 80.0 m_UserData->m_MaceWaterSetup.m_GlowIntensity 0.6 ############################################################################################ # Attach Fire emitters to the Kewlett's Bones: # # Emitter_Filename Scale BoneID ############################################################################################ KEWLETTFIRE NeoFXLib\\KewlettBurnBall02.neo 2 3 #upper spine KEWLETTFIRE NeoFXLib\\FireBall09.neo 2 17 #right heel KEWLETTFIRE NeoFXLib\\FireBall09.neo 2 21 #left heel ############################################################################################ # Bottom left m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_Pos[0] -28 -35 50 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_Dir[0] 0 5 -30 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_SlideSpeed[0] 80 # Bottom right m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_Pos[1] 28 -35 50 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_Dir[1] 0 5 30 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_SlideSpeed[1] 80 # Top left m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_Pos[2] -28 30 50 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_Dir[2] 0 5 -140 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_SlideSpeed[2] 80 # Top right m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_Pos[3] 28 30 50 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_Dir[3] 0 -5 140 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_SlideSpeed[3] 80 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_SpinTime 0.45 m_UserData->m_ScreenHitSetup.m_SpinSpeed -1000.0 # Speed UVScale MinAngle MaxAngle FogLayer1 -0.2 4 0 0 FogLayer2 -0.4 4 180 180 FogLayer3 -0.3 4 -45 -45 FogLayer4 -0.1 4 45 45 # Speed UVScale MinAngle MaxAngle RainLayer1 -3 6 -10 -14 RainLayer2 -1 5 -5 -9 RainLayer3 -4 6 -7 -11 RainLayer4 -2 7 -3 -7 @END_USER_DATA