; RF2 config file ; ; This is simply a txt file with the following format: ; = ; ; where is the name of the setting, ; which can be any combination of printable characters excluding the '=' sign, ; and is either a floating point number, an integer, or a string. ; example: ; ; Monitor Resolution Width = 640 ; Aspect Ratio = 4.4 ; Device Name = "Nvidia" ; ; you can also prefix a line with ; for a comment: ; ; ; set the resolution ; Monitor Resolution Width = 640 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; BEGIN CONFIGURATION FILE ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;-------------------; ; Graphics Settings ; ;-------------------; Fullscreen = 0 Resolution Width = 640 Resolution Height = 480 Bit Depth = 32 Show Framerate = 1 VSync = 1 Gamma = 1.5 ;-------------------; ; Performance Settings ; ;-------------------; Shadow = 1 ; for a speed boost, turn off shadows (set to 0) ;----------------; ; Level settings ; ;----------------- ; These two entries override the default level select functionality from the level select screen and instead ; goes to the level of your choice. This could be useful if you want to enter a custom level but still be able ; to change menu options or to select profiles Should Override Level = 0 ;set this to 1 to override the level selection screen and instead use the level you choose Override Level = "l00s2.rfl" ; set this to the level you wish to override ; These two entries allow you to skip all of the menus and go straight into the game. SkipMenu = 0 ; set this to 1 to go straight into the game SkipMenu Level = "mp_ptl01.rfl" ; this controls the level you enter when you skip the menu Cheats enabled = 0 ; Don't check this in with cheats enabled! (bug #11567) ;----------------------; ; Multiplayer settings ; ;----------------------; Multiplayer Enabled = 0 Is Server = 1; Server Address Quad 1 = 65 Server Address Quad 2 = 214 Server Address Quad 3 = 113 Server Address Quad 4 = 61 Server Address Port = 7755 Pushlatency = 500 ; ms Connection Attempts = 20 Connection Attempt Delay = 500 ;ms Welcome packet timeout = 1000; ms ;-----------------; ; DEBUG SETTINGS ; ;-----------------; Show Texture Name = 0 Enter text X = 10 Enter text Y = 4 Text Output X = 20 Text Output Y = 360 Text Output Width = 500 Hud message border width = 16 ; in pixels Text Message Hud font = "interface.vf" ; options are hud.vf, interface.vf, title2.vf, bigtitle.vf Text Output Color R = 0 Text Output Color G = 0 Text Output Color B = 128 Text Output Color A = 64 Movement Ramp Time = 0.25 Pushlatency = 250 ; ms ;Hack Movie = "ea.pss" title y pos = 16 pulse min = 128 press start pulse time = 1.5 press start x pos = 300 XBox Sound Enabled = 1