# # Texture Attribute File # # NOTE NOTE NOTE - 3D Textures Not Currently Supported! - NOTE NOTE NOTE # NOTE NOTE NOTE - Cube Maps Not Currently Supported! - NOTE NOTE NOTE # # # Type # # Possible Values # 0 - 2D # 1 - 3D # 2 - Cube Map # # NOTE: For TYPE 2 (cube maps), image names must contain the axis indicator # immediately before the extension. For example # (envir-x.tif envir+x.tif envir-y.tif envir+y.tif # envir-z.tif envir+z.tif) is a valid cube map image set. # The texture attribute file may be specified for any one # of these files (just make sure this is the file referenced by # your shader/material), and the texture loader will insert # the correct axis and load each in the correct order automatically. # TYPE 0 # # Format # # Possible Values # 0 - (Swizzled ) A8 # 1 - (Swizzled ) R5,G6,B5 # 2 - (Swizzled ) A1,R5,G5,B5 # 3 - (Swizzled ) A4,R4,G4,B4 # 4 - (Swizzled ) X8,R8,G8,B8 # 5 - (Swizzled ) A8,R8,G8,B8 # 6 - (Compressed) DXT1 # 7 - (Compressed) DXT2 # 8 - (Compressed) DXT3 # 9 - (Compressed) DXT4 # 10 - (Compressed) DXT5 # 11 - (Linear ) A8 # 12 - (Linear ) R5,G6,B5 # 13 - (Linear ) A1,R5,G5,B5 # 14 - (Linear ) A4,R4,G4,B4 # 15 - (Linear ) X8,R8,G8,B8 # 16 - (Linear ) A8,R8,G8,B8 # FORMAT 16 # # Depth # # Possible Values # For TYPE 1 textures, this specifies the depth of the volume, and # must be a power of two. # For TYPE 0 and TYPE 2 textures, this attribute is ignored. # # NOTE: For depth > 1, the texture loader will try to load a sequence of # images starting with the image this attribute file was associated with. # Image names should contain a zero-padded image index ENCLOSED IN BRACKETS # just before the file extension, and no gaps should exist in the sequence. # For example if the image given to the texture loader is vol[020].tif, and # there exists a texture attribute file named vol[020].tif.tat which specifies # DEPTH 4 and TYPE 1, the loader will attempt to create a 3d texture from # (vol[020].tif, vol[021].tif, vol[022].tif, vol[023].tif) # DEPTH 1 # # MipLevels # # Possible Values # 0 - Create all mip levels down to 1x1 # >=1 - Create specified number of mip levels # MIPLEVELS 1 # # GenerateNormalMap # # Possible Values # 0 - Do not create normal map # 1 - Create normal map # # NOTE: Normal maps are normally used for per pixel lighting effects # (bump mapping, specular effects, etc...) Do not create normal maps # unless specifically instructed to do so. # GENERATENORMALMAP 0 # # FrameCount # # Possible Values # For type 0 and type 2, this specifies the number of animated frames. # For type 1 (3d textures), this attribute is currently ignored. # # NOTE: If FRAMECOUNT > 1, the texture loader will try to load a sequence of # images starting with the image this attribute file was associated with. # Image names should contain a zero-padded image index just before the # file extension (except for cube maps, where the index should preceed the # axis indicator - see below), and no gaps should exist in the sequence. # For example (pic001.tif, pic002.tif, pic003.tif) is a valid sequence. # (pic0005.tif, pic6.tif, pic7.tif) and (pic005.tif, pic007.tif, pic009.tif) # are not. # # For animated cube maps, there should exist a set of 6 images for each # frame of animation. For example, here is a 2 frame animated cube map # image set: # env00-x.tif # env00+x.tif # env00-y.tif # env00+y.tif # env00-z.tif # env00+z.tif # env01-x.tif # env01+x.tif # env01-y.tif # env01+y.tif # env01-z.tif # env01+z.tif # The attribute file must be specified for any of the 'env00' images, # with a TYPE of 2, and a FRAMECOUNT of 2. The image referenced by the # shader/material must be the one with the texture attribute file # assigned to it. # FRAMECOUNT 1 # # Fps # # Possible Values # >= 0.0 - Frames per second of animated texture. # # NOTE: FPS (Frames Per Second) is only used if FRAMECOUNT is > 1 # FPS 30.0