[Subtitles_GEO_01] SubtitleSound[2928]="CA1G1500" SubtitleText[2928]="Clone Advisor 1: I will be providing you with support and tactical information as necessary." SubtitleSound[2929]="CA1G1501" SubtitleText[2929]="Clone Advisor 1: Tactical information will be displayed on your heads up display as holographic projections." SubtitleSound[2930]="CA1G1504" SubtitleText[2930]="Clone Advisor 1: Search and Destroy is the standard procedure for moving quickly in a hostile area." SubtitleSound[2931]="CA1G1505" SubtitleText[2931]="Clone Advisor 1: 38, Disable those Anti Air defenses off line so we can assist Gunship Arbusto" SubtitleSound[2932]="CA1G1506" SubtitleText[2932]="Clone Advisor 1: Target uploaded to your objective tracker" SubtitleSound[2933]="CA1G1507" SubtitleText[2933]="Clone Advisor 1: Those canisters will provide good cover to snipe from." SubtitleSound[2934]="CA1G1508" SubtitleText[2934]="Clone Advisor 1: Assign a squad mate to a snipe maneuver." SubtitleSound[2935]="D62G1500" SubtitleText[2935]="Delta 62: Initiating snipe maneuver." SubtitleSound[2936]="D40G1500" SubtitleText[2936]="Delta 40: Initiating snipe maneuver." SubtitleSound[2937]="D07G1500" SubtitleText[2937]="Delta 07: Initiating snipe maneuver." SubtitleSound[2938]="CA1G1509" SubtitleText[2938]="Clone Advisor 1: Use the recall command to cancel all maneuvers." SubtitleSound[2939]="CA1G1510" SubtitleText[2939]="Clone Advisor 1: Once a squad mate is assigned to a maneuver he will stay there until given new orders." SubtitleSound[2940]="D62G1501" SubtitleText[2940]="Delta 62: Sniping until given further orders." SubtitleSound[2941]="D40G1501" SubtitleText[2941]="Delta 40: Sniping until given further orders." SubtitleSound[2942]="D07G1501" SubtitleText[2942]="Delta 07: Sniping until given further orders." SubtitleSound[2943]="D36G1500" SubtitleText[2943]="Delta 36: Delta Squad, this is 01/136." SubtitleSound[2944]="D36G1501" SubtitleText[2944]="Delta 36: I've lost 2 men and my pilot in the crash." SubtitleSound[2945]="CA1G1511" SubtitleText[2945]="Clone Advisor 1: Roger Three-Six, 38's team is on the way." SubtitleSound[2946]="D38G1502" SubtitleText[2946]="Delta 38: Slice those controls commando." SubtitleSound[2947]="D62G1502" SubtitleText[2947]="Delta 62: Roger that 38, moving to the console." SubtitleSound[2948]="D40G1502" SubtitleText[2948]="Delta 40: Roger that 38, moving to the console." SubtitleSound[2949]="D07G1502" SubtitleText[2949]="Delta 07: Roger that 38, moving to the console." SubtitleSound[2950]="D62G1503" SubtitleText[2950]="Delta 62: I'll have this thing sliced in no time, just keep them off my back." SubtitleSound[2951]="D40G1503" SubtitleText[2951]="Delta 40: I'll have this thing sliced in no time, just keep them off my back." SubtitleSound[2952]="D07G1503" SubtitleText[2952]="Delta 07: I'll have this thing sliced in no time, just keep them off my back." SubtitleSound[2953]="CA1G1515" SubtitleText[2953]="Clone Advisor 1: Roger that." SubtitleSound[2954]="D36G1503" SubtitleText[2954]="Delta 36: Stand clear of the fallen pillar, Three-Eight. I'm going to blast an opening." SubtitleSound[2955]="CA1G1517" SubtitleText[2955]="Clone Advisor 1: 38 proceed to Three-Six's gunship." SubtitleSound[2956]="D36G1504" SubtitleText[2956]="Delta 36: Welcome to Geonosis. Three-Eight." SubtitleSound[2957]="D36G1505" SubtitleText[2957]="Delta 36: Battle droids are holding a position beyond that fallen pillar." SubtitleSound[2958]="CA1G1518" SubtitleText[2958]="Clone Advisor 1: 38, secure your squad's position at the base of the pillar." SubtitleSound[2959]="D62G1504" SubtitleText[2959]="Delta 62: Position secured. " SubtitleSound[2960]="D40G1504" SubtitleText[2960]="Delta 40: Position secured. " SubtitleSound[2961]="D07G1505" SubtitleText[2961]="Delta 07: Position secured. " SubtitleSound[2962]="CA1G1519" SubtitleText[2962]="Clone Advisor 1: Now, take out that pillar with a demolition maneuver" SubtitleSound[2963]="D62G1505" SubtitleText[2963]="Delta 62: Setting demolition charge. " SubtitleSound[2964]="D40G1505" SubtitleText[2964]="Delta 40: Setting demolition charge. " SubtitleSound[2965]="D07G1506" SubtitleText[2965]="Delta 07: Setting demolition charge. " SubtitleSound[2966]="D62G1506" SubtitleText[2966]="Delta 62: Charge placed." SubtitleSound[2967]="D40G1506" SubtitleText[2967]="Delta 40: Charge placed." SubtitleSound[2968]="D07G1507" SubtitleText[2968]="Delta 07: Charge placed." SubtitleSound[2969]="D62G1507" SubtitleText[2969]="Delta 62: Activating detonator" SubtitleSound[2970]="D40G1507" SubtitleText[2970]="Delta 40: Activating detonator" SubtitleSound[2971]="D07G1508" SubtitleText[2971]="Delta 07: Activating detonator" SubtitleSound[2972]="D62G1508" SubtitleText[2972]="Delta 62: Get clear! This thing is live." SubtitleSound[2973]="D40G1508" SubtitleText[2973]="Delta 40: Get clear! This thing is live." SubtitleSound[2974]="D07G1509" SubtitleText[2974]="Delta 07: Get clear! This thing is live." SubtitleSound[2975]="CA1G1563" SubtitleText[2975]="Clone Advisor 1: Ready to detonate whenever you are, Three-Eight." SubtitleSound[2976]="CA1G1521" SubtitleText[2976]="Clone Advisor 1: The spire entrance is 80 meters from your location." SubtitleSound[2977]="CA1G1522" SubtitleText[2977]="Clone Advisor 1: Updating objective tracker now." SubtitleSound[2978]="CA1G1523" SubtitleText[2978]="Clone Advisor 1: Resume Search and Destroy posture, Three-Eight." SubtitleSound[2979]="D38G1504" SubtitleText[2979]="Delta 38: Roger, proceeding in Search and Destroy configuration." SubtitleSound[2980]="D36G1508" SubtitleText[2980]="Delta 36: Take cover!!" SubtitleSound[2981]="D36G1509" SubtitleText[2981]="Delta 36: Spider Droid approaching our location." SubtitleSound[2982]="D38G1505" SubtitleText[2982]="Delta 38: Advisor, we've got some heavy artillery over here." SubtitleSound[2983]="CA1G1524" SubtitleText[2983]="Clone Advisor 1: Gunship Harken, en-route." SubtitleSound[2984]="CA1G1525" SubtitleText[2984]="Clone Advisor 1: Target destroyed." SubtitleSound[2985]="CA1G1526" SubtitleText[2985]="Clone Advisor 1: Looks like you'll have to do some crouching here, Squad Leader." SubtitleSound[2986]="CA1G1527" SubtitleText[2986]="Clone Advisor 1: I will continue to monitor your progress from the gunship and provide you with information as necessary." SubtitleSound[2987]="CA1G1528" SubtitleText[2987]="Clone Advisor 1: Reinforcements are currently unavailable, so watch each others' backs in there. " SubtitleSound[2988]="CA1G1529" SubtitleText[2988]="Clone Advisor 1: All squad mates are currently assigned to other maneuvers." SubtitleSound[2989]="CA1G1530" SubtitleText[2989]="Clone Advisor 1: This bacta dispenser works the same as those on the drop ship." SubtitleSound[2990]="CA1G1531" SubtitleText[2990]="Clone Advisor 1: This is a Geonosian bacta dispenser, similar to the ones found on the dropship." SubtitleSound[2991]="CA1G1532" SubtitleText[2991]="Clone Advisor 1: A squad mate needs medical attention" SubtitleSound[2992]="CA1G1533" SubtitleText[2992]="Clone Advisor 1: 38 I am reading a drop in your vital signs; apply bacta soon." SubtitleSound[2993]="CA1G1534" SubtitleText[2993]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta squad, 38 is down administer field bacta." SubtitleSound[2994]="CA1G1535" SubtitleText[2994]="Clone Advisor 1: Hang in there 38 help is on the way." SubtitleSound[2995]="CA1G1536" SubtitleText[2995]="Clone Advisor 1: 38 your vital signs are dangerously low find bacta immediately." SubtitleSound[2996]="CA1G1537" SubtitleText[2996]="Clone Advisor 1: This door is locked. You will need to destroy the locking mechanism." SubtitleSound[2997]="CA1G1538" SubtitleText[2997]="Clone Advisor 1: My scans indicate multiple hostiles on the other side of this door." SubtitleSound[2998]="CA1G1539" SubtitleText[2998]="Clone Advisor 1: I advise entering and clearing the room quickly by executing door breach maneuver with your squad." SubtitleSound[2999]="CA1G1540" SubtitleText[2999]="Clone Advisor 1: Once the charge is set, get clear." SubtitleSound[3000]="CA1G1541" SubtitleText[3000]="Clone Advisor 1: Your primary target is the Geonisian leader Sun Fac " SubtitleSound[3001]="CA1G1542" SubtitleText[3001]="Clone Advisor 1: Intelligence leads us to believe that he is commanding the core ship evacuation from this spire." SubtitleSound[3002]="CA1G1543" SubtitleText[3002]="Clone Advisor 1: The Geonosians have not been fully alerted to your presence. Try and maintain the element of surprise. " SubtitleSound[3003]="CA1G1544" SubtitleText[3003]="Clone Advisor 1: Form up the squad and take point." SubtitleSound[3004]="CA1G1545" SubtitleText[3004]="Clone Advisor 1: We are still scanning for Sun Fac's exact location." SubtitleSound[3005]="CA1G1546" SubtitleText[3005]="Clone Advisor 1: You are nearing a secure door leading to the hangar" SubtitleSound[3006]="CA1G1547" SubtitleText[3006]="Clone Advisor 1: Activity in the hangar suggests that they are unaware of your presence." SubtitleSound[3007]="CA1G1548" SubtitleText[3007]="Clone Advisor 1: I advise slicing the controls to this door and entering quietly via a door slice maneuver." SubtitleSound[3008]="D38G1506" SubtitleText[3008]="Delta 38: Advisor, we've located a pair of geonosian fighters in the hangar." SubtitleSound[3009]="CA1G1549" SubtitleText[3009]="Clone Advisor 1: We don't want them to be used against us. Destroy them." SubtitleSound[3010]="D38G1507" SubtitleText[3010]="Delta 38: This corridor is blocked by a shield" SubtitleSound[3011]="CA1G1550" SubtitleText[3011]="Clone Advisor 1: There should be a control console near by." SubtitleSound[3012]="CA1G1551" SubtitleText[3012]="Clone Advisor 1: 38 move to the console and target the screen." SubtitleSound[3013]="CA1G1552" SubtitleText[3013]="Clone Advisor 1: If you are close enough your HUD will display a slice timer." SubtitleSound[3014]="CA1G1553" SubtitleText[3014]="Clone Advisor 1: I'm reading several lifeforms in your area. Proceed with caution." SubtitleSound[3015]="D38G1508" SubtitleText[3015]="Delta 38: It's getting a little dark here." SubtitleSound[3016]="CA1G1554" SubtitleText[3016]="Clone Advisor 1: Activate headlamps, Deltas." SubtitleSound[3017]="CA1G1555" SubtitleText[3017]="Clone Advisor 1: Be careful Deltas. Those head lamps make you easier to target." SubtitleSound[3018]="CA1G1556" SubtitleText[3018]="Clone Advisor 1: We've intercepted communications from Sun Fac planning room" SubtitleSound[3019]="CA1G1557" SubtitleText[3019]="Clone Advisor 1: He's located one level below your current position." SubtitleSound[3020]="CA1G1558" SubtitleText[3020]="Clone Advisor 1: The geonosians are aware of your presence and are on high alert." SubtitleSound[3021]="CA1G1559" SubtitleText[3021]="Clone Advisor 1: Expect heavy resistance." SubtitleSound[3022]="CA1G1560" SubtitleText[3022]="Clone Advisor 1: The opening at the end of this hall is directly above Sun Fac's planning room." SubtitleSound[3023]="CA1G1561" SubtitleText[3023]="Clone Advisor 1: You can rappel down from the ledge." SubtitleSound[3024]="D38G1509" SubtitleText[3024]="Delta 38: Superbattle Droids!!!" SubtitleSound[3025]="CA1G1562" SubtitleText[3025]="Clone Advisor 1: Concentrate your squad's fire on single targets to penetrate their armor." SubtitleSound[3026]="CA1G1700" SubtitleText[3026]="Clone Advisor 1: We've already lost one gunship there's no room for mistakes. " SubtitleSound[3027]="CA1G1701" SubtitleText[3027]="Clone Advisor 1: Ok we're above the LZ, hook in!" SubtitleSound[3028]="D38G1500" SubtitleText[3028]="Delta 38: 07 LOOK OUT!!!!!" SubtitleSound[3029]="CA1G1702" SubtitleText[3029]="Clone Advisor 1: You squad's status and location is displayed here." SubtitleSound[3030]="CA1G1703" SubtitleText[3030]="Clone Advisor 1: Grenade type and inventory is displayed here." SubtitleSound[3031]="CA1G1704" SubtitleText[3031]="Clone Advisor 1: Text communications will be displayed in this area." SubtitleSound[3032]="CA1G1705" SubtitleText[3032]="Clone Advisor 1: The objective tracker will point towards your next target." SubtitleSound[3033]="CA1G1707" SubtitleText[3033]="Clone Advisor 1: Droids approaching your position." SubtitleSound[3034]="CA1G1708" SubtitleText[3034]="Clone Advisor 1: Use these canisters to set up a defensive snipe position." SubtitleSound[3035]="CA1G1709" SubtitleText[3035]="Clone Advisor 1: Good, now use a demo charge to clear the path" SubtitleSound[3036]="CA1G1710" SubtitleText[3036]="Clone Advisor 1: 1136, what's your status?" SubtitleSound[3037]="CA1G1711" SubtitleText[3037]="Clone Advisor 1: Heads up squad! Warriors approaching your position." SubtitleSound[3038]="CA1G1712" SubtitleText[3038]="Clone Advisor 1: Command a snipe maneuver to cover the target area." SubtitleSound[3039]="CA1G1713" SubtitleText[3039]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold tight 36 help is on the way." SubtitleSound[3040]="CA1G1714" SubtitleText[3040]="Clone Advisor 1: 38 get over to that turret and see if you can disable it." SubtitleSound[3041]="D38G1510" SubtitleText[3041]="Delta 38: There's no visible power source." SubtitleSound[3042]="D38G1511" SubtitleText[3042]="Delta 38: We might be able to topple this pillar into the turret." SubtitleSound[3043]="CA1G1715" SubtitleText[3043]="Clone Advisor 1: Roger 38. I'll display the target location on you HUD." SubtitleSound[3044]="CA1G1716" SubtitleText[3044]="Clone Advisor 1: Very impressive 38." SubtitleSound[3045]="CA1G1717" SubtitleText[3045]="Clone Advisor 1: Get over to the crashed gunship." SubtitleSound[3046]="CA1G1718" SubtitleText[3046]="Clone Advisor 1: 38 Secure the area in front of the crashed gunship." SubtitleSound[3047]="CA1G1720" SubtitleText[3047]="Clone Advisor 1: Debris is preventing us from reaching 36's position." SubtitleSound[3048]="CA1G1721" SubtitleText[3048]="Clone Advisor 1: Proceed through the new opening to 36's position." SubtitleSound[3049]="CA1G1722" SubtitleText[3049]="Clone Advisor 1: 38 get clear and detonate the charge." SubtitleSound[3050]="CA1G1723" SubtitleText[3050]="Clone Advisor 1: 07 has been incapacitated. Administer field bacta immediately." SubtitleSound[3051]="CA1G1724" SubtitleText[3051]="Clone Advisor 1: 40 has been incapacitated. Administer field bacta immediately." SubtitleSound[3052]="CA1G1725" SubtitleText[3052]="Clone Advisor 1: 62 has been incapacitated. Administer field bacta immediately." SubtitleSound[3053]="CA1G1726" SubtitleText[3053]="Clone Advisor 1: Sun Fac is making a run for the door. Stop Him!!" SubtitleSound[3054]="D38G1512" SubtitleText[3054]="Delta 38: He's made it through." SubtitleSound[3055]="CA1G1727" SubtitleText[3055]="Clone Advisor 1: Step it up 38 I am reading a power transfer to Sun Fac's fighter." SubtitleSound[3056]="CA1G1728" SubtitleText[3056]="Clone Advisor 1: 38, the outer parimiter defense shield has been activated." SubtitleSound[3057]="D38G1513" SubtitleText[3057]="Delta 38: There he is, outside the shield." SubtitleSound[3058]="CA1G1729" SubtitleText[3058]="Clone Advisor 1: We can't let Sun Fac get away in his ship." SubtitleSound[3059]="CA1G1730" SubtitleText[3059]="Clone Advisor 1: This elevator leads to the lower levels" SubtitleSound[3060]="CA1G1731" SubtitleText[3060]="Clone Advisor 1: There's no time to celebrate, Deltas." SubtitleSound[3061]="CA1G1732" SubtitleText[3061]="Clone Advisor 1: As you already know 36's squad has been incapacitated." SubtitleSound[3062]="CA1G1733" SubtitleText[3062]="Clone Advisor 1: Their mission was to disable a droid factory in this sector." SubtitleSound[3063]="CA1G1734" SubtitleText[3063]="Clone Advisor 1: Your squad has been retasked for this purpose" SubtitleSound[3064]="CA1G1735" SubtitleText[3064]="Clone Advisor 1: Proceed to the elevator" SubtitleSound[3065]="CA1G1736" SubtitleText[3065]="Clone Advisor 1: 38 my scanners show an explosion." SubtitleSound[3066]="CA1G1737" SubtitleText[3066]="Clone Advisor 1: That's affirmative. Subject terminated." SubtitleSound[3067]="D40G1509" SubtitleText[3067]="Delta 40: Hostile contact!" SubtitleSound[3068]="D62G1509" SubtitleText[3068]="Delta 62: Boss! He just grabbed Sev!" SubtitleSound[3069]="D38G1514" SubtitleText[3069]="Delta 38: Getting acquainted with the locals, eh, Sev?" SubtitleSound[3070]="D07G1510" SubtitleText[3070]="Delta 07: Yeah. One down, two-hundred thousand to go." SubtitleSound[3071]="D62G1510" SubtitleText[3071]="Delta 62: Don't get cocky. I haven't had my shot yet." SubtitleSound[3072]="CA1G1564" SubtitleText[3072]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta, need a sitrep. How's your man down?" SubtitleSound[3073]="D38G1515" SubtitleText[3073]="Delta 38: He's fine. Delta squad is on the ground and moving" SubtitleSound[3074]="CA1G1565" SubtitleText[3074]="Clone Advisor 1: Anti-air defenses are preventing us from landing any closer with the gunship." SubtitleSound[3075]="CA1G1566" SubtitleText[3075]="Clone Advisor 1: …so you're tabbing in on foot." SubtitleSound[3076]="D38G1516" SubtitleText[3076]="Delta 38: There's plenty of ammo around here." SubtitleSound[3077]="T17G1001" SubtitleText[3077]="Trooper 17: Hey Three-Five, check it out: commandos." SubtitleSound[3078]="T35G1001" SubtitleText[3078]="Trooper 35: If they're anything as good as I hear, they can practically win the war themselves…" SubtitleSound[3079]="D07G1511" SubtitleText[3079]="Delta 07: Look at these poor sods. They don't have a clue." SubtitleSound[3080]="D38G1517" SubtitleText[3080]="Delta 38: Cut the chatter. We've got our objective, they've got theirs." SubtitleSound[3081]="TPRG1001" SubtitleText[3081]="Trooper: Medic! We need a medic over here!" SubtitleSound[3082]="TPRG1002" SubtitleText[3082]="Trooper: Hostiles have broken our lines." SubtitleSound[3083]="TPRG1003" SubtitleText[3083]="Trooper: They're in the trench! Pull back to Gamma sector! Pull back!" SubtitleSound[3084]="TPRG1004" SubtitleText[3084]="Trooper: Something big is going down. Look, they brought in the commandos." SubtitleSound[3085]="TPRG1005" SubtitleText[3085]="Trooper: We're glad to have the help. What's your call sign?" SubtitleSound[3086]="D38G1518" SubtitleText[3086]="Delta 38: Delta Squad. But we're not your reinforcements." SubtitleSound[3087]="D07G1512" SubtitleText[3087]="Delta 07: Targets spotted on the ridge." SubtitleSound[3088]="CA1G1567" SubtitleText[3088]="Clone Advisor 1: Do not engage the enemy unless absolutely necessary." SubtitleSound[3089]="D07G1513" SubtitleText[3089]="Delta 07: What about for target practice?" SubtitleSound[3090]="CA1G1568" SubtitleText[3090]="Clone Advisor 1: Timing is critical, Delta. Keep moving." SubtitleSound[3091]="CA1G1569" SubtitleText[3091]="Clone Advisor 1: We don't have much time. Shift it, Delta!" SubtitleSound[3092]="D38G1519" SubtitleText[3092]="Delta 38: Advisor, we've reached the downed gunship." SubtitleSound[3093]="D38G1520" SubtitleText[3093]="Delta 38: We've got a commando down, here! He needs medical attention, pronto." SubtitleSound[3094]="CA1G1570" SubtitleText[3094]="Clone Advisor 1: Three-Eight, advance and strike the enemy before they discover your position." SubtitleSound[3095]="CA1G1571" SubtitleText[3095]="Clone Advisor 1: You're the Lead. Order your squad to proceed in Search and Destroy formation." SubtitleSound[3096]="TPRG1006" SubtitleText[3096]="Trooper: Sir! You're heading into enemy territory. It’s thick with droids and bugs." SubtitleSound[3097]="TPRG1007" SubtitleText[3097]="Trooper: We're erecting barricades as a makeshift defense perimeter. " SubtitleSound[3098]="TPRG1008" SubtitleText[3098]="Trooper: Hard contact! Hostiles incoming!" SubtitleSound[3099]="TPRG1009" SubtitleText[3099]="Trooper: There's too many of them!" SubtitleSound[3100]="CA1G1572" SubtitleText[3100]="Clone Advisor 1: Reading a droid control signal 20 meters northwest from your current vector." SubtitleSound[3101]="CA1G1573" SubtitleText[3101]="Clone Advisor 1: This trench leads to the rear of the enemy lines." SubtitleSound[3102]="CA1G1574" SubtitleText[3102]="Clone Advisor 1: Lead. Got a droid control signal. You're right on top of it." SubtitleSound[3103]="CA1G1575" SubtitleText[3103]="Clone Advisor 1: Lead, I have uploaded a demolition placement location to your visor" SubtitleSound[3104]="D38G1521" SubtitleText[3104]="Delta 38: Scorch, I need a big hole, right here." SubtitleSound[3105]="D62G1511" SubtitleText[3105]="Delta 62: Good. I'm dying to blow something up." SubtitleSound[3106]="D62G1512" SubtitleText[3106]="Delta 62: Would you like a large or small crater sir?" SubtitleSound[3107]="D38G1522" SubtitleText[3107]="Delta 38: Just get us inside with out killing the squad, Scorch." SubtitleSound[3108]="D62G1513" SubtitleText[3108]="Delta 62: One fireball special, coming right up." SubtitleSound[3109]="D62G1514" SubtitleText[3109]="Delta 62: The charge is set and ready to detonate. It's all yours, Boss." SubtitleSound[3110]="D62G1515" SubtitleText[3110]="Delta 62: Anytime, Boss. Go ahead and punch it." SubtitleSound[3111]="D62G1516" SubtitleText[3111]="Delta 62: Boss, you're going to have to detonate the ordnance, or we're not going anywhere." SubtitleSound[3112]="D62G1517" SubtitleText[3112]="Delta 62: Whooo-hoo! Yeah, I love that smell!" SubtitleSound[3113]="D40G1510" SubtitleText[3113]="Delta 40: All I smell is burnt Geonosian." SubtitleSound[3114]="TPRG1010" SubtitleText[3114]="Trooper: Ahh! Take cover!" SubtitleSound[3115]="CA1G1576" SubtitleText[3115]="Clone Advisor 1: We are planning a two-pronged attack." SubtitleSound[3116]="CA1G1577" SubtitleText[3116]="Clone Advisor 1: Theta Squad will disable the droid factory. Your team will target the Geonosian leader Sun Fac." SubtitleSound[3117]="CA1G1578" SubtitleText[3117]="Clone Advisor 1: Theta Squad is well into enemy territory. They're working on blowing a door in between you and your objective." SubtitleSound[3118]="CA1G1579" SubtitleText[3118]="Clone Advisor 1: Geonosian warriors on an intercept course. Set up a sniper to pick them off." SubtitleSound[3119]="D38G1523" SubtitleText[3119]="Delta 38: How's it look, Scorch?" SubtitleSound[3120]="D62G1518" SubtitleText[3120]="Delta 62: Pretty substantial. We're not blasting through this one." SubtitleSound[3121]="D40G1511" SubtitleText[3121]="Delta 40: Sir, request permission to slice the door terminal." SubtitleSound[3122]="D38G1524" SubtitleText[3122]="Delta 38: Work your magic, Fixer. Get us inside." SubtitleSound[3123]="CA1G1580" SubtitleText[3123]="Clone Advisor 1: Lead, I need an improvised objective. Anti-air turrets threatening our air superiority." SubtitleSound[3124]="CA1G1581" SubtitleText[3124]="Clone Advisor 1: Get those off line now. Any means necessary." SubtitleSound[3125]="D40G1512" SubtitleText[3125]="Delta 40: Accessing Anti-Air controls." SubtitleSound[3126]="D40G1513" SubtitleText[3126]="Delta 40: Ooh, this is nice. I can do much better than just "offline."" SubtitleSound[3127]="D40G1514" SubtitleText[3127]="Delta 40: Separatist turrets now targeting... Separatist craft." SubtitleSound[3128]="D62G1519" SubtitleText[3128]="Delta 62: Fixer, you're sick. I respect that." SubtitleSound[3129]="CA1G1582" SubtitleText[3129]="Clone Advisor 1: Fantastic work. Someone's bucking for a promotion." SubtitleSound[3130]="CA1G1583" SubtitleText[3130]="Clone Advisor 1: Press on, commandos." SubtitleSound[3131]="D38G1525" SubtitleText[3131]="Delta 38: Security shield disabled. We're in." SubtitleSound[3132]="D40G1515" SubtitleText[3132]="Delta 40: This is more like it. We're commandos, not bloody infantry soldiers." SubtitleSound[3133]="D07G1514" SubtitleText[3133]="Delta 07: Who cares as long as the hostiles keep coming?" SubtitleSound[3134]="D38G1526" SubtitleText[3134]="Delta 38: Anyone else hear that?" SubtitleSound[3135]="CA1G1584" SubtitleText[3135]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta, we've got clone trooper signatures in your area." SubtitleSound[3136]="CA1G1585" SubtitleText[3136]="Clone Advisor 1: Check for prisoners." SubtitleSound[3137]="TPRG1011" SubtitleText[3137]="Trooper: Commandos! Boy, are we glad to see you guys." SubtitleSound[3138]="TPRG1012" SubtitleText[3138]="Trooper: How about getting us out of here?" SubtitleSound[3139]="D62G1520" SubtitleText[3139]="Delta 62: Well well well, this must be embarrassing." SubtitleSound[3140]="D40G1516" SubtitleText[3140]="Delta 40: Stow it, Six-Two." SubtitleSound[3141]="CA1G1586" SubtitleText[3141]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Squad. Switch to visor mode." SubtitleSound[3142]="CA1G1587" SubtitleText[3142]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Squad, it must be dark down there. Switch to full spectrum visibility. Toggle your visors, lads." SubtitleSound[3143]="D38G1527" SubtitleText[3143]="Delta 38: Advisor, we've got a target of opportunity here. We've found a strategy room. Shall we capture intel?" SubtitleSound[3144]="CA1G1588" SubtitleText[3144]="Clone Advisor 1: Negative, Delta. Stick with your primary objective. Find Sun Fac." SubtitleSound[3145]="D38G1528" SubtitleText[3145]="Delta 38: There's a Geonosian fighter out there. How much you wanna bet Sun Fac tries to use it to escape?" SubtitleSound[3146]="D38G1529" SubtitleText[3146]="Delta 38: We need to destroy it before he has the chance." SubtitleSound[3147]="D38G1530" SubtitleText[3147]="Delta 38: Target sighted. But there's a security shield…" SubtitleSound[3148]="CA1G1589" SubtitleText[3148]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, take control of those AA turrets and shoot that fighter out of the sky." SubtitleSound[3149]="CA1G1590" SubtitleText[3149]="Clone Advisor 1: Terminate with extreme prejudice." SubtitleSound[3150]="D38G1531" SubtitleText[3150]="Delta 38: Fixer, think you can slice these turrets?" SubtitleSound[3151]="D40G1517" SubtitleText[3151]="Delta 40: Affirmative." SubtitleSound[3152]="CA1G1591" SubtitleText[3152]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, it is absolutely vital that Sun Fac not escape." SubtitleSound[3153]="CA1G1592" SubtitleText[3153]="Clone Advisor 1: Sun Fac's fighter is warming up…. Delta, what are you doing?" SubtitleSound[3154]="D38G1532" SubtitleText[3154]="Delta 38: Hold on, Advisor. Almost there." SubtitleSound[3155]="D40G1518" SubtitleText[3155]="Delta 40: Did you see that? That craft didn’t look Geonosian." SubtitleSound[3156]="CA1G1593" SubtitleText[3156]="Clone Advisor 1: Confirmed, it's unidentified. I'll check the intelligence databanks. Move on Deltas." SubtitleSound[3157]="CA1G1738" SubtitleText[3157]="Clone Advisor 1: Three-Eight, Delta Lead, remember your immediate objective is to rendezvous with your squadmate. Keep your eyes open." SubtitleSound[3158]="CA1G1739" SubtitleText[3158]="Clone Advisor 1: Advise you blast that barrel, Delta Lead." SubtitleSound[3159]="CA1G1740" SubtitleText[3159]="Clone Advisor 1: The explosion will clear your path." SubtitleSound[3160]="CA1G1741" SubtitleText[3160]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, squadmate Six-Two is in your vicinity. You should be coming up on him shortly." SubtitleSound[3161]="D38G1533" SubtitleText[3161]="Delta 38: Copy that, Advisor. " SubtitleSound[3162]="D62G1521" SubtitleText[3162]="Delta 62: Wooo-hoo! Eat plasma, you stupid droids! Yeah! Have some of that!" SubtitleSound[3163]="D62G1522" SubtitleText[3163]="Delta 62: Oh, hey, Boss. Didn't see you there. " SubtitleSound[3164]="D38G1534" SubtitleText[3164]="Delta 38: Good to see you, Scorch. What's the situation? " SubtitleSound[3165]="D62G1523" SubtitleText[3165]="Delta 62: Delta Four-Oh has been slicing the Separatist networks. He's got some intel on Sun Fac. Let's go find him. " SubtitleSound[3166]="D62G1524" SubtitleText[3166]="Delta 62: I'm linking up to your HUD, Boss." SubtitleSound[3167]="CA1G1742" SubtitleText[3167]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, advise you task Six-Two with destroying that obstacle. He's got the ordnance." SubtitleSound[3168]="D38G1535" SubtitleText[3168]="Delta 38: Scorch, I need you to demo that bunker for me." SubtitleSound[3169]="D62G1525" SubtitleText[3169]="Delta 62: I copy. Music to my ears, Boss." SubtitleSound[3170]="D62G1526" SubtitleText[3170]="Delta 62: What the-- aw, that gunship took my kill! " SubtitleSound[3171]="D62G1527" SubtitleText[3171]="Delta 62: I do all the work, and some rocket jockey comes in and takes the glory." SubtitleSound[3172]="D38G1536" SubtitleText[3172]="Delta 38: I'd better let Six-Two handle this first job." SubtitleSound[3173]="CA1G1743" SubtitleText[3173]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, squadmate Four-Oh is now in your vicinity. You're getting close." SubtitleSound[3174]="D40G1519" SubtitleText[3174]="Delta 40: Three-Eight! Six-Two! " SubtitleSound[3175]="D38G1537" SubtitleText[3175]="Delta 38: Ready for action, Fixer?" SubtitleSound[3176]="D40G1520" SubtitleText[3176]="Delta 40: Yes, sir! I've sliced the network, and given Oh-Seven an advance position. He's advancing to Sun Fac's location. We'd better hurry." SubtitleSound[3177]="D62G1528" SubtitleText[3177]="Delta 62: Yeah, if we don't get there fast, might not be anything left!" SubtitleSound[3178]="D40G1521" SubtitleText[3178]="Delta 40: Uploading and linking with your HUD, sir." SubtitleSound[3179]="CA1G1744" SubtitleText[3179]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, advise you task Four-Oh with slicing that security shield. He is supremely qualified." SubtitleSound[3180]="D38G1538" SubtitleText[3180]="Delta 38: Fixer, I need you to slice that terminal for me." SubtitleSound[3181]="D40G1522" SubtitleText[3181]="Delta 40: Yes, sir. It'll only take a minute." SubtitleSound[3182]="D40G1523" SubtitleText[3182]="Delta 40: Clean slice! We're in!" SubtitleSound[3183]="D38G1539" SubtitleText[3183]="Delta 38: I can't make any sense of this gibberish. Better let Four-Oh handle the slicing for now." SubtitleSound[3184]="D38G1542" SubtitleText[3184]="Delta 38: Nah. Sev LIVES to snipe. Don't want to take that away from him." SubtitleSound[3185]="CA1G1745" SubtitleText[3185]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, squadmate Oh-Seven is now in your vicinity and remaining covert. Proceed with caution." SubtitleSound[3186]="D62G1529" SubtitleText[3186]="Delta 62: Good old Sev… See? Brutality CAN be beautiful!" SubtitleSound[3187]="D07G1515" SubtitleText[3187]="Delta 07: I wish I knew what he was talking about." SubtitleSound[3188]="D38G1540" SubtitleText[3188]="Delta 38: Where's Sun Fac?" SubtitleSound[3189]="D07G1516" SubtitleText[3189]="Delta 07: In the next room, Boss. And don't worry, I saved some targets for you guys." SubtitleSound[3190]="D07G1517" SubtitleText[3190]="Delta 07: Oh-Seven, locking into your HUD, sir." SubtitleSound[3191]="CA1G1746" SubtitleText[3191]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, assign Oh-Seven to sniper position. We need a target on Sun Fac." SubtitleSound[3192]="D38G1541" SubtitleText[3192]="Delta 38: Sev, you ready to put your crosshairs on some hostiles ?" SubtitleSound[3193]="D07G1518" SubtitleText[3193]="Delta 07: I'm always ready, sir. Always ready…" SubtitleSound[3194]="D07G1519" SubtitleText[3194]="Delta 07: Got a position here. Feel free to move ahead if you want." SubtitleSound[3195]="D62G1530" SubtitleText[3195]="Delta 62: Just don't get in his crosshairs." SubtitleSound[3196]="D40G1524" SubtitleText[3196]="Delta 40: Shut it, Six-Two. Deltas ready!" SubtitleSound[3197]="CA1G1747" SubtitleText[3197]="Clone Advisor 1: There's a medical station in your vicinity." SubtitleSound[3198]="CA1G1748" SubtitleText[3198]="Clone Advisor 1: Advise you interface, and get yourself some bacta." SubtitleSound[3199]="CA1G1749" SubtitleText[3199]="Clone Advisor 1: Heal yourself with bacta before you go any further." SubtitleSound[3200]="CA1G1750" SubtitleText[3200]="Clone Advisor 1: Bacta dispenser location uploaded to your objective tracker." SubtitleSound[3201]="CA1G1751" SubtitleText[3201]="Clone Advisor 1: There is a gun position near your location preventing our troops from advancing." SubtitleSound[3202]="CA1G1752" SubtitleText[3202]="Clone Advisor 1: Targeting the gunner's location." SubtitleSound[3203]="CA1G1753" SubtitleText[3203]="Clone Advisor 1: Throw a couple thermal grenades to take them out." SubtitleSound[3204]="CA1G1754" SubtitleText[3204]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, looks like you'll have to take them out with grenades" SubtitleSound[3205]="CA1G1755" SubtitleText[3205]="Clone Advisor 1: You need to stop that gunner." SubtitleSound[3206]="CA1G1756" SubtitleText[3206]="Clone Advisor 1: The objective indicator is pointing at your target." SubtitleSound[3207]="CA1G1757" SubtitleText[3207]="Clone Advisor 1: The only way to take that gun emplacement out is with grenades." SubtitleSound[3208]="CA1G1758" SubtitleText[3208]="Clone Advisor 1: Your grenade inventory is tracked here on your visor." SubtitleSound[3209]="CA1G1759" SubtitleText[3209]="Clone Advisor 1: Grenades have been added to your inventory." SubtitleSound[3210]="CA1G1760" SubtitleText[3210]="Clone Advisor 1: Recommend you take the thermal detonator grenades from the ammo pallet and destroy that gun position." SubtitleSound[3211]="CA1G1761" SubtitleText[3211]="Clone Advisor 1: Excellent. Now lob the grenades at that gun position." SubtitleSound[3212]="CA1G1762" SubtitleText[3212]="Clone Advisor 1: You are directly behind the turret emplacement." SubtitleSound[3213]="CA1G1763" SubtitleText[3213]="Clone Advisor 1: Those sonic turrets are tearing our troopers apart." SubtitleSound[3214]="CA1G1764" SubtitleText[3214]="Clone Advisor 1: Scans indicate Republic troops trapped behind this door." SubtitleSound[3215]="CA1G1765" SubtitleText[3215]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Four-Oh is on the other side of this door." SubtitleSound[3216]="CA1G1766" SubtitleText[3216]="Clone Advisor 1: Place a charge and blow it. I'll warn him to step back." SubtitleSound[3217]="CA1G1767" SubtitleText[3217]="Clone Advisor 1: Release all the soldiers before you leave this area." SubtitleSound[3218]="CA1G1768" SubtitleText[3218]="Clone Advisor 1: Sun Fac is making a run for it!" SubtitleSound[3219]="CA1G1769" SubtitleText[3219]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, you need to keep your squad focused and under your direction. Use your squad commands to get results." SubtitleSound[3220]="CA1G1770" SubtitleText[3220]="Clone Advisor 1: "Form Up" keeps the squad close and observant. Good for moving through dangerous territory." SubtitleSound[3221]="CA1G1771" SubtitleText[3221]="Clone Advisor 1: "Search and Destroy" will order your squad to advance and fire on all hostiles." SubtitleSound[3222]="CA1G1772" SubtitleText[3222]="Clone Advisor 1: If you want the squad to stop and defend a single spot, then tell them to "Secure Position."" SubtitleSound[3223]="CA1G1773" SubtitleText[3223]="Clone Advisor 1: And finally, if you need to cancel all your commands and get your squad back together, simply use "Recall."" SubtitleSound[3224]="CA1G1774" SubtitleText[3224]="Clone Advisor 1: Remember, they're smart lads, but YOU are their leader. They WILL need your commands to operate at peak performance." SubtitleSound[3225]="CA1G1775" SubtitleText[3225]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead down! " SubtitleSound[3226]="CA1G1776" SubtitleText[3226]="Clone Advisor 1: Critical injury to Delta Lead! Critical injury! " SubtitleSound[3227]="CA1G1777" SubtitleText[3227]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta down! " SubtitleSound[3228]="CA1G1778" SubtitleText[3228]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold on, Three-Eight. One of your squad is going to administer bacta." SubtitleSound[3229]="CA1G1779" SubtitleText[3229]="Clone Advisor 1: Hang in there, Lead, one of your squadmates is on the way with a medpack." SubtitleSound[3230]="CA1G1780" SubtitleText[3230]="Clone Advisor 1: Hang on, soldier! We'll have you up again in no time." SubtitleSound[3231]="CA1G1781" SubtitleText[3231]="Clone Advisor 1: A quick word on visor modes. Your helmets have been upgraded considerably, so listen up." SubtitleSound[3232]="CA1G1782" SubtitleText[3232]="Clone Advisor 1: Tactical visor uses a scanner to highlight objectives, ammunition, and team-mates." SubtitleSound[3233]="CA1G1783" SubtitleText[3233]="Clone Advisor 1: And low-light vision captures extra available light, so you can see in dark environments." SubtitleSound[3234]="CA1G1784" SubtitleText[3234]="Clone Advisor 1: Switch off that visor, Delta. It's plenty bright in here." SubtitleSound[3235]="CA1G1785" SubtitleText[3235]="Clone Advisor 1: This shield has already been sliced. Delta Four-Oh has been here already." SubtitleSound[3236]="CA1G1786" SubtitleText[3236]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead! Are you all right? " SubtitleSound[3237]="CA1G1787" SubtitleText[3237]="Clone Advisor 1: You just took an anti-infantry round. Your vitals don't look very good." SubtitleSound[3238]="CA1G1788" SubtitleText[3238]="Clone Advisor 1: Tend those injuries, now!" SubtitleSound[3239]="CA1G1789" SubtitleText[3239]="Clone Advisor 1: Proceed to the next bacta station and plug in. You'll see a tall device with a cross on it." SubtitleSound[3240]="CA1G1790" SubtitleText[3240]="Clone Advisor 1: You are not to proceed until you have one hundred percent health and shields. Got that, soldier?" SubtitleSound[3241]="CA1G1791" SubtitleText[3241]="Clone Advisor 1: Lead, your vitals are scanning one hundred percent. You are ready to proceed." SubtitleSound[3242]="CA1G1792" SubtitleText[3242]="Clone Advisor 1: You're behind enemy lines, now, Delta Lead. You're on your own." SubtitleSound[3243]="CA1G1793" SubtitleText[3243]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, those barrels nearby scan as being explosive." SubtitleSound[3244]="CA1G1794" SubtitleText[3244]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, aim your ordnance at those nearby barrels. Scans indicate that they could be very explosive." SubtitleSound[3245]="CA1G1795" SubtitleText[3245]="Clone Advisor 1: Remember, Delta Lead, your ultimate objective is Sun Fac, but your IMMEDIATE objective is to rendezvous with Delta Four Oh." SubtitleSound[3246]="CA1G1796" SubtitleText[3246]="Clone Advisor 1: Forget it, Lead! Your rifle's not accurate from this distance!" SubtitleSound[3247]="CA1G1797" SubtitleText[3247]="Clone Advisor 1: Use your marksman! Put Oh-Seven on that position and let him do his job!" SubtitleSound[3248]="CA1G1798" SubtitleText[3248]="Clone Advisor 1: Thanks, Delta. Our troopers have been locked in a stalemate for a good hour now." SubtitleSound[3249]="CMDG1001" SubtitleText[3249]="Clone Medic: Hold up, commando. You aren't going anywhere til you receive bacta treatment." SubtitleSound[3250]="CMDG1002" SubtitleText[3250]="Clone Medic: I don't care WHAT your rank is; you are not getting past this barricade until you've recovered." SubtitleSound[3251]="CMDG1003" SubtitleText[3251]="Clone Medic: Yeah, all right. You look okay, for now." SubtitleSound[3252]="CMDG1004" SubtitleText[3252]="Clone Medic: Okay, soldier. Vitals and shields scan acceptable." SubtitleSound[3253]="CMDG1005" SubtitleText[3253]="Clone Medic: Come on through. But don't come crawling back to me, when you get your legs blown off. That's enemy territory. " SubtitleSound[3254]="D40G1525" SubtitleText[3254]="Delta 40: That's affirmative. Subject terminated." SubtitleSound[3255]="D40G1526" SubtitleText[3255]="Delta 40: Freight elevator. I can slice this terminal, raise the elevator, and bridge this gap." SubtitleSound[3256]="D40G1527" SubtitleText[3256]="Delta 40: Oh-Seven, stop playing with him!" SubtitleSound[3257]="D40G1528" SubtitleText[3257]="Delta 40: Stop messing about and put him down!" SubtitleSound[3258]="D40G1529" SubtitleText[3258]="Delta 40: Sev! Enough!" SubtitleSound[3259]="D40G1530" SubtitleText[3259]="Delta 40: He's taking off! Now you've lost--- oh. " SubtitleSound[3260]="D40G1531" SubtitleText[3260]="Delta 40: Eh… Good job, Seven. "