[Subtitles_GEO_01Briefing] SubtitleSound[2928]="CA1G1600" SubtitleText[2928]="Clone Advisor 1: Welcome to Geonosis, Commandos! It's nice to see they've finally unhooked you from the simulators." SubtitleSound[2929]="CA1G1601" SubtitleText[2929]="Clone Advisor 1: I've been assigned as your advisor, and will be your eye-in-the-sky until further notice… or we all get killed." SubtitleSound[2930]="CA1G1602" SubtitleText[2930]="Clone Advisor 1: As you know, my job is to coordinate your mission orders with Republic Command. Your job is to follow them." SubtitleSound[2931]="CA1G1603" SubtitleText[2931]="Clone Advisor 1: I'll be following you down in the second Gunship, to make SURE everything goes as planned. Don't worry, just do what I tell you, and you'll be fine." SubtitleSound[2932]="D07G1600" SubtitleText[2932]="Delta 07: Ahh!" SubtitleSound[2933]="D62G1600" SubtitleText[2933]="Delta 62: Urh." SubtitleSound[2934]="CA1G1604" SubtitleText[2934]="Clone Advisor 1: Want to see something!? Pilot! Swing around!" SubtitleSound[2935]="CA1G1605" SubtitleText[2935]="Clone Advisor 1: Amazing, isn't it!?" SubtitleSound[2936]="CA1G1606" SubtitleText[2936]="Clone Advisor 1: We've got about a dozen divisions down there, in a stalemate with the Spearatist armies. That's where YOU come in, Deltas!" SubtitleSound[2937]="CA1G1607" SubtitleText[2937]="Clone Advisor 1: Pilot, resume course Alpha 3-2" SubtitleSound[2938]="CA1G1608" SubtitleText[2938]="Clone Advisor 1: A few hours ago, the Seperatists had a minor… confrontation with some Jedi at your drop zone." SubtitleSound[2939]="D40G1600" SubtitleText[2939]="Delta 40: Jedi?" SubtitleSound[2940]="CA1G1609" SubtitleText[2940]="Clone Advisor 1: It's a long story…don't worry about it." SubtitleSound[2941]="CA1G1610" SubtitleText[2941]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold on…I've just received word that a Target of Opportunity is in the area. It's Sun Fac. Looks like you've got your first mission, commandos." SubtitleSound[2942]="D07G1601" SubtitleText[2942]="Delta 07: Doesn't look like they're happy to see us." SubtitleSound[2943]="CA1G1611" SubtitleText[2943]="Clone Advisor 1: There! Pilot, cover over there!" SubtitleSound[2944]="CA1G1612" SubtitleText[2944]="Clone Advisor 1: Find and terminate Sun Fac. I'll monitor your progress, and give you further instructions when you're done." SubtitleSound[2945]="CA1G1613" SubtitleText[2945]="Clone Advisor 1: We're dropping you into a hot zone, so look alive, Deltas." SubtitleSound[2946]="D62G1601" SubtitleText[2946]="Delta 62: Good luck, commandos!" SubtitleSound[2947]="CA1G1614" SubtitleText[2947]="Clone Advisor 1: One commando rides with every gunship. In an open battlefield situation, we cannot afford the loss of an entire squad if a gunship takes a hit. " SubtitleSound[2948]="CA1G1615" SubtitleText[2948]="Clone Advisor 1: We divided our commandos across gunships. In an open battlefield situation, we cannot afford the loss of an entire squad if a single gunship takes a hit. " SubtitleSound[2949]="CA1G1616" SubtitleText[2949]="Clone Advisor 1: Once you are on the ground, you will rendezvous with Delta Squad. Delta Six-Two is nearby. Your first objective is to find him and link up." SubtitleSound[2950]="CA1G1617" SubtitleText[2950]="Clone Advisor 1: The squad objective remains: Find Sun Fac and eliminate him." SubtitleSound[2951]="CA1G1618" SubtitleText[2951]="Clone Advisor 1: I will be issuing further orders as you go. Good luck, commando." SubtitleSound[2952]="CA1G1619" SubtitleText[2952]="Clone Advisor 1: Do us proud."